Metro Reports have moved to Portland Maps Reports. Next Portland covers the highlights of the Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed each week. This post covers January 24th, 2022 to January 30th, 2022.
Early Assistance has been requested by Mahlum Architects for a project at 2828 NE Alberta St:
Proposal for a 3-4 story, 25,000 to 35,000sf building. The building will be primarily business occupancy. Project is in early design phase, requesting early assistance to review requirements for parking and loading on the site. Stormwater is anticipated to be managed onsite.
YBP Ankeny at 1122 SE Ankeny St has been submitted for a Type III Design Review:
DZ HEARING – The applicant requests Design Review for a new 4-5 story building on the L-shaped property at 1122 SE Ankeny in the Central Eastside subdistrict of Central City. The building will be comprised of 41 pre-fabricated units, include bike and laundry rooms and a lobby. The proposed exterior cladding is fiber cement panel and plank siding. The following Adjustments are requested:1.Loading (33.266.310) ¿ To not provide one required Type B loading space on-site.2.Ground Floor Windows (33.510.220) ¿ To provide public art in-lieu of some of the ground floor windows required along the SE Ankeny and 12th. The following Modifications are requested:1. Bike Parking (33.266.210) ¿ To provide additional vertical bike parking spaces in-lieu of horizontal spaces and bike parking large space. 2. Ground Floor Windows (33.140.230) ¿ To provide public art in-lieu of some of the 50% of the length for ground floor windows on both street facades. Proposing the following:SE 12th – 39% of length be windows and remaining length met with public artSE Ankeny – 49% of length be windows and remaining length met with public art
Miracle Heights east of 12395 SW Clara Ln has been submitted for a Type III Conditional Use Review:
Conditional Use review for development of a 2-story, 52-bed Group Living use (Residential Care Facility known as Miracle Heights) in the R10 zoning district. The proposal also includes 17 parking spaces.
A project at 1390 SE 12th Ave has been submitted for building permit review by McGuirl Designs & Architecture:
PDOX PS – new 5-story, 108-unit apartment building with interior trash room, elevator. Associated site work included.
A project at 2310 N Vancouver Ave has been submitted for building permit review by McGuirl Designs & Architecture:
PDOX PS: new 5 story above grade, 44 dwelling unit apartment building with inclusionary housing and associated siteworks. **Mechancal permit required to meet ventilatoin requirements of OSSC 1203.1**
A project at 7298 N Mohawk Ave has been submitted for building permit review by McGuirl Designs & Architecture:
PDOX PS – new 3-story, 40-unit apartment building with associated site work.
A project at 7881 N Fessenden St has been submitted for building permit review:
PDOX PS: new 4-story 56-units apartment building with detached trash enclosure (less than 120 sf) and siteworks. **Septic decommissioning required. Call for inspection 842**
A project at 5252 SE 18th Ave has been submitted for building permit review by McGuirl Designs & Architecture:
PDOX PS: new 4-story above grade 38-unit apartment building with inclusionary housing and siteworks.
A building permit was issued to Bora Architects for the new PCC Metro Center at 4299 NE Killingsworth St:
New two-story, approximately 49,000 sf office building and training center with a mass timber structural system. Includes classrooms, conference and meeting rooms, career center, open office spaces, common areas, a community room, and a leased partner space (w/21-056109-MT). Trash/recycling area included (21-056112-CO).
Building permits were issued for a project at 1925 NW 24th Pl and 1940 NW 25th Ave:
PDOX PS – construct new 4 story 19 unit apartment building with associated site work address – 24 nw place
PDOX PS – new 4-story 19 unit apartment building w/associated site work
A building permit was issued for a project at 5881 N Montana Ave (previously 5833 N Montana Ave):
Single pdf – new 3 story apartment building with 18 units.
Building permits were issued for a project at 3755 and 3763 N Williams Ave:
PDOX PS – new 4-story apartment building (west bldg) with 17 residential units with associated site work w/21-008589-CO & 21-008595/98-MT
PDOX PS – new 4-story mixed use building (east bldg) with 13 residential units. Ground floor shell retail – no occupancy this permit. With associated site work w/ 21-007867-CO