A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by ZGF Architects and Gerding Edlen Development to discuss a 30 story mixed use building at SW 11th & Washington. The project would include 4 floors of office and 240 residential units. At the ground level retail spaces facing SW 11th Ave, Washington St and 12th Aves are shown. The building would include 4 floors of underground parking, accessed from SW 12th Ave.
Category Archives: Eleven West
Metro Reports: 1116 SW Washington, 505 NW 14th, NW 21st & Irving, and more

505 NW 14th Ave, as presented at its Pre-Application Conference
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.
Early Assistance has been requested by Edge Development for a project at 1329 N Skidmore St:
Development of 2 new market rate apartment buildings with 10-15 units per building. Demo existing building. Propose to meet community design standards.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by ZGF Architects to discuss a project at 1116 SW Washington St:
Pre-application conference to discuss Type III DZ review for new mixed use tower
505 NW 14th Ave has been submitted for Design Review by SERA Architects:
Type III Design Review for a new 280 unit, 16-story building with market rate residential units and ground floor retail. The new building will be “L-shaped” around the Touche Restaurant Building. Underground parking, 222 spaces, will serve the project. This proposal will replace the recently discussed demolition of the Touche Bldg and construction of a 12-story residential building (EA 16-138068) and will replace the recently approved Design Review of the “Meriwether 501” building (LU 15-187119 DZM, AD).
Mackenzie have submitted a project at 700 SE Belmont St for building permit review:
New 6 story self-storage building. First floor interior parking
A building permit was issued to Emerick Architects for the NW 21st & Irving Apartments:
new 4-story mixed use development with commercial ground floor over one level of underground parking. Existing structure will be demolished. (see permit 16-119347 CO)
A building permit was issued for The Fair Haired Dumbbell:
Twin six story heavy timber buildings with pedestrian bridges at each floor . Restaurant (non-insul.) shell space / bike storage first floor. Levels 2-6 office. Das required. Separate permit through fire marshal’s office.