Roosevelt High School Modernization
Every week, the Bureau of Development services publishes lists of early assistance applications, land use reviews and building permits. We publish the highlights.
Emerick Architects has scheduled a Pre-Application Conference and requested Design Advice for a new building to replace the Gypsy Restaurant at 635 NW 21st Ave:
Removal of existing one-story restaurant/bar. Construction of mixed-use building with underground parking.
Design Advice has been requested for 10506 E Burnside:
5 story 50 + unit apartment complex EA15-118947 PC
ZGF Architects has scheduled a Pre-Application Conference and requested Design Advice for the Canopy by Hilton at 431 NW 9th Ave in the Pearl:
Project is for a 10 story approx. 150 room full service hotel plus one level of banquet and support services below grade
Early assistance has been requested for a project at 4455 SE 52nd Ave by Rainier Pacific Development:
Construct a new 4-story 63 unit courtyard style apartment building with ground floor retail/commercial stormwater to be disposed on site with drywells.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 1024 NW 19TH Ave:
Narrow 6-story building. 21 units averaging 600 sq ft. No on-site parking or basement area is provided inthe proposed design. Flat low slope roof with contemporary glass faceace [sic].
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 3131 SW 11TH Ave:
18 townhome-style (3-story) apartments with 2-car garages.
ZRZ Realty has requested Early Assistance for food carts on the Zidell Yards:
EA for DZ (food carts in right-of-way or private property depending on stage in street vacation)
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled to discuss a new building in South Waterfront on land owned by The Landing at Macadam LLC:
6-story mixed use building consisting of approx 3500 sf of retail, 200 market rate apartments and 187 off-street parking stalls in one level of structured underground parking
Waterleaf Architecture has scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss further work in the ongoing Lloyd Center Remodel:
Renovation of existing 3 story 150,000 sq ft store for multi tenant use
SERA Architects have applied for a Design Review for the NW Portland Hostel expansion:
Project for a 16,786 SF five story hostel development. Ground floor public spaces include lobby, reception area and small office, cafe and assoc. kitchen. A dining area to be used by guests and an associated kitchen to be used by guests are also included.
Works Partnership has applied for a building permit for the Concordia Student Housing at 1616 NE Killingsworth St:
New 4 story mixed use building with ground floor retail and apartments on floors 2-4.
Bassetti Architects has applied for a series of building permits for the Roosevelt High School Modernization:
Grading, Foundation and Utilities for new additions to existing building, selective demolition work to auditorium, commons and classrooms
Demolition of existing gymnasium building, building is attached to main school structure
Demolition of northern end of existing Library/Classroom building (removal of Band/Choir rooms), section to be demolished is attached to main building