Metro Reports have moved to Portland Maps Reports. Next Portland covers the highlights of the Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed each week. This post covers February 21st, 2022 to February 27th, 2022.
A Pre-Application Conference was scheduled to discuss the Trinity Academy at 7654 N Delaware Ave:
A Pre-Application Conference to discuss a new school grades 6-12 as well as an expansion of the school site boundary to include the existing rectory building. The project also involves an addition of approximately 6,600 square feet to the school, renovation of the existing school building, and demolition of the existing church building. Reconfiguration of the existing parking will result in 34 parking spaces on-site. Plans are to open the new school, the Trinity Academy, in fall 2024.
Sandy Pine at 900 SE Sandy Blvd was submitted for a Type III Design Review by Lever Architecture:
DZ HEARING – The applicant requests Design Review approval for a new 12-story, 125¿ tall mass-timber high rise with 2.5 levels of subgrade parking. The building will provide 276 residential units, 6 of which are live/work, 14,501 SF commercial space, and 201 parking stalls for the residential tenants. Amenity spaces both on the ground and 11th floor are provided. The building materials include brick, metal panel, and aluminum window and storefront systems. The project also includes a non-standard improvement to the SE 9th frontage. The proposed alterations would reduce the travel lane on SE 9th to 14¿ wide and limit to bike access only. The sidewalk would be extended to create an enlarged furnishing zone with outdoor seating, landscaping planters, special paving and overhead lights. The following Modification is also requested:¿Maximum Building Setback ¿ To not meet the 10¿ building setback along a portion of SE Sandy (Section 33.140.215.C). an additional modification added for Ground Floor Active Use (Section 33.510.225) ¿ To not meet the 12¿ distance from the finished floor to the bottom of structure above for 12% of the required 50% ground floor frontage along SE Oak. This new development requires a Type III Design Review per Sections 33.420.041.A and 33.825.025.A, Table 825-1.
A project at 2791 NW Thurman St was submitted for building permit review by Skylab Architecture:
PDOX – new 3 story apartment building with (6) units with associated siteworks. 5- 3 story townhouse units and 1 studio unit on first floor. w/22-114112-MT
A project at 2255 NW Kearney St was submitted for building permit review:
PDOX PS – new 3-story plus basement, 15-unit apartment building.