Starting October 2021, Metro Reports have moved to Portland Maps Reports. Next Portland covers the highlights of the Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed each week. This post covers November 1st, 2021 to November 7th, 2021.
Early Assistance has been requested by Base Design and Architecture for a project at 957 NE 122nd Ave:
Applicant is proposing a lot division of the existing parcel and generation of two new parcels. A 13,895 SF parcel for a new 11,738 SF (18) unit development and a 66,369 SF parcel that contains the existing 40,464 SF apartment complex and parking lots. The western parcel will be accessed from NE Holladay and have (9) new parking stalls and provide a 20′ access easement to the eastern parcel for it to access its remaining parking stalls.
Early Assistance has been requested by Works Progress Architecture for a project at 2631 NW Upshur St:
New Development Of 109 Residential Units. 57 Residential Parking Spaces, Ingress From & Egress To Nw Vaughn, Ingress Only From Nw Upshur. On Site Loading. Storm-Water To Be Managed On-Site.
Early Assistance has been requested by McGuirl Designs & Architecture for a project at 1340 SE 12th Ave:
New 5 Story, 113 Unit Multi-Family Building. 2 Loading Zones Provided. 170 Bike Parking Spaces Required, 85 Provided In Unit And 93 On Ground Floor. Common Outdoor Area Requirement Met With Outdoor Courtyard On Ground Level And Roof Deck. Stormwater Managed With On-Site Drywell.
Traditions At Hazelwood at 10451 E Burnside St has been submitted for building permit review by Inland Group:
Traditions At Hazelwood – New 211 Unit Six Story (5 Over 1) Affordable Housing Apartment Building With One Level Of Underground Parking For Approximately 69 Vehicles In The Gateway District. **Review W. 21-102767-Mt. Demo’S Of Existing Structures Under Separate Permits
A project at 1375 N Killingsworth St has been submitted for building permit review by Fosler Portland Architecture:
Pdox Ps – 5-Story, 69-Unit Apartment Building With Indoor Bike Room, Trash Area, Vehicle Loading/Unloading, 6 Live-Work Spaces, Rooftop Deck, And Associated Site Work. W/ 21-096336-Co For Outdoor Bike Corral.
A building permit was issued for a project at 5042 NE Fremont St:
Pdox Ps – New 3 Story 10 Unit Apartment Building With Ground Floor Retail And Associated Site Work W/20-161390-Mt
That spot on upshur is currently some single story apartments. This will displace some low income renters for sure. I wonder if there is any affordable units planned for the new building?