Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers July 5th, 2021 to July 11th, 2021.
Design Advice has been requested by Lever Architecture for a project at 1706 NW 24th Ave:
Construction of a new, 4-story, 40,000 sf mass timber office building and 1,250 sf single story office building for a single tenant. The 34,036 sf site has frontages on NW Thurman St, NW Savier St and NW 24th Ave. The main office building will occupy the corner of Savier St and 24th Avenue and the single story office building will front Thurman St. The two buildings will be linked by a pedestrian path and a green space will occupy the center of the site. The remaining site area will be 34 surface parking spaces and one loading space. Stormwater will be handled on site with dry wells.
A project with two buildings at 4047 N Williams Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
PS PDOX – new 4 story apartment with 17 residential units with ground floor units, electrical room, sprinkler room and bike/trash room. PDOX PS w/ 21-060947/60-CO and 21-060949/63-MT
PS PDOX – new 4 story apartment with 13 residential units over ground floor lobby, electrical room, riser roo, and retail space. w/ 21- 060947/60-CO and 21-060949/63-MT
Building permits were issued to Carleton Hart Architecture for The Susan Emmons at 610-680 NW 18th Ave:
SUSAN EMMONS SOUTH – renovation, adaptive re-use, and BPON seismic upgrade of the existing 3-story, un-reinforced masonry Buck-Prager building, and new construction of a 4-story, wood-framed addition to the south (South Addition). To be an affordable, multi-family development consisting of 48 units total. Buck-Prager Building and South Addition are structurally separated by a 6″ seismic gap. Review with ***20-202095-MT
SUSAN EMMONS – NORTH BLDG – 6-story new construction apartment building. Project to be an affordable, multi-family development consisting of 98 units total.***Review w. 20-211626-MT and 20-211640-CO (Demo of existing structure)