Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers May 24th, 2021 to May 30th, 2021.
The redevelopment of the PCC Metro Center at 5600 NE 42nd Ave has been submitted for a Type II Adjustment Review:
Redevelopment of the PCC Metropolitan Workforce Training Center (PCC Metro Center) site. The two existing PCC buildings on site will be replaced by a new, multi-story building on the southwest corner of the site that will consolidate all of the college-related uses into a single facility. Adjustments requested to the following standards: 1. Reduce the amount of the NE 42nd Avenue frontage that will comply with the 10-foot maximum street lot line setback. 2. Reduce the minimum required landscaped setback adjacent to a residential zone from 10 feet to 8 feet along the north property line. 3. Reduce the main building entrance frequency required in the ¿m¿ overlay portion of the site. 4. Reduce the minimum parking space dimensions from 8.5 feet to 8 feet wide and from 18 feet to 17.5 feet long for some of the on-site parking spaces. 5. Increase the period of time permitted to defer compliance with the non-conforming upgrade requirements.
A project at 8115 SE Yamhill St has been submitted for building permit review:
Single PDF – new 9-unit 3-story apartment building and associated site work.
Alberta Alive – Grand Ave at 506 NE Alberta St has been submitted for building permit review:
ALBERTA ALIVE – GRAND AVE – New five-story, 21 unit apartment building with ground floor common areas, indoor bike storage room, and central laundry; includes site work *** w/ 21-045684-MT ***
A building permit was issued for Volta at 1709 SE 3rd Ave:
Core and shell improvements for 2-story building; demo portions of exterior wall to create new main entrance and parking entrance; seismic upgrades; envelope upgrades; w/20-124557-MT
A building permit was issued to Works Progress Architecture for the Westwind Apartments at 355 NW 6th Ave:
Westwind Apartments – Construction of a new 7-story building with 28 residential units, 72 single room occupancies, offices, community spaces, and retail (with 20-169370-MT).
A building permit was issued for a project at 2925 SE Division St:
New 19-unit 3-story mixed use building w/19-268336-MT