Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers March 1st, 2021 to March 7th, 2021.
Early Assistance has been requested by Jones Architecture for a project East of 208 NE Hancock St:
New 3-story, 18-unit multi-family, micro-unit residential building. Stormwater management TBD
Early Assistance has been requested by TriMet to discuss the HollywoodHUB at 4110 NE Halsey St (current Hollywood Transit Center):
Vacation of NE 42nd Avenue between NE Halsey Street and I-84 Pedestrian Bridge to allow for (i) the construction of new pedestrian/bike access to the Hollywood MAX Station and Laurelhurst neighborhood, (ii) new TriMet and public infrastructure, and (iii) to make the Hollywood Transit Center viable for a new 213-unit affordable housing building. Stormwater treatment will be in dry wells on site with additional bio swales as needed. Detailed project information is included in the attached presentation.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled to discuss a project at 10413 E Burnside St:
We are proposing to build a 225 unit six story (5 wood over 1 concrete) apartment building with one level of underground parking. Units will be restricted to households earning no more than 60% AMI. We are evaluating site conditions for infiltration, if not feasible we will discharge to the public storm system.
A project at 234 NE 61st Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
PDOX PS – Construct new 3 story 15 unit apartment building with associated site work
Freewell at 2030 NW Raleigh St has been submitted for building permit review by SERA Architects:
FREEWELL – BLOCK 291E – New 7-story apartment building with 192 apartment units, residential amenity spaces, and commercial space attached to new 2-story pavilion building by 2nd level pedestrian bridge; includes one level shared below grade parking and associated site work *** w/20-203695-MT ***
Building permits were issued to Studio 3 Architecture for a project with buildings at 5960 and 5980 E Burnside St:
New 4-story 42-unit apartment building with associated site work; no onsite parking; detached trash enclosure < 120 sf; mechanical permit separate for w/19-269743/44-CO
New 4-story 29-unit apartment building with associated site work; no onsite parking; detached trash enclosure < 120 sf; mechanical permit separate for /19-269743/44-CO
A building permit was issued to Stewart Gordon Straus Architect for a project at 278 SW Arthur St:
New 2 story office building, parking lot, site improvements, landscaping, retaining walls.(mechanical separate)
Re: Freewell at 2030 NW Raleigh Street. I am sorry but almost all of the buildings in the Con-Way development are more or less the same design (with little differentiation), same height, and little open space or landscape. I was just walking through the Pearl and was thinking of the brilliant urban design that went into the earlier phases of that development. A mix of designs and height tied together by parks and open space. Developers and architects now know what he Design Commission likes and designs accordingly. Also driven my maximum return. Nothing is bad in the Con-Way development but suffers from banality through repetition.
Please await the completion of the future park just south of Freewell and completion of the block west of the future park, a development that has been appealed repeatedly because it is mandated to have a public square that segués to the park. In addition, Freewell has a nicely designed, generous public way on its western side from Quimby to Raleigh. A continuation of that public way up to Pettygrove will bound the west side of the park. Finally, a new Quimby “festival street” will connect NW 20th and 21st. There is some frustration in the community that the new Quimby St and the public way from Pettygrove to Raleigh were not under one firm’s design. But please be patient. It will be quite a pedestrian-oriented quadrant when it is all done.
I agree David. The new slab town district is extremely boring and not creativity whatsoever. Just the same boring looking bland 6-7 stories block after block. But hey that’s Portland for you
I’ve actually been impressed by the network of outdoor spaces in the multi-block Slabtown project, as well as the design of the storefronts, the generous use of a variety of brick, and the variation in the street wall. I live near the Hollywood District and Lloyd, and I sure wish were were getting buildings of the quality that Northwest is getting. My hunch is that the new Slabtown district will become one of Portland’s most desirable urban districts. When I’m there, it feels like a nice place to be and hang out. I think that the pedestrian passages with the loading-dock-type raised areas create a nice public realm experience.