Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers July 20th, 2020 to July 26th, 2020.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 3335 SE 124th Ave:
Development of 30-unit apartment building with parking. Storm water to drywell or planter/trench.
Early Assistance has been requested by McGuirl Designs And Architecture for a project at 6928 N Maryland Ave:
The project involves 3 separate tax lots that are adjacent to one another. The project will have one building across all three properties with four stories above grade and a partial basement. Building use is R2 Multi-family with 105 dwelling units and will include inclusionary housing. No off street vehicular parking, interior bicycle storage, interior trash room. Site to utilize on-site drywell.
The Oregon Park apartments at 823 NE 29th Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Wright Architecture:
PDOX PS – new 3-story 19 unit apartment building with associated site work
The Rosewood Family Health Center at SE 88th & Powell has been submitted for building permit review:
ROSEWOOD FAMILY HEALTH CENTER – New three story medical clinic with first floor consisting of medical clinic and pharmacy, 2nd floor consisting of a dental clinic and third floor administrative space.
A building permit was issued to Allusa Architecture for a project at 1545 NE 41st Ave (previously 1535 NE 41st):
New 3 story, 19 unit apartment building and associated siteworks. Trash inside the building. Includes 5 units on ground floor and 7 units on 2nd and 3rd floor.
A building permit was issued Brett Schulz Architect for a project at 6290 N Montana Ave (perviously 6234 N Montana Ave):
New 3 story 11 unit apartment building with associated site work, no on-site parking, mechanical permit separate
Oregon Park is totally disrespectful of its neighbors. Another generic modern self righteous project disguised as a solution to the housing crisis which it is not. Not affordable and profits made at the expense of the neighborhood. How is this not gentrification of those who have lived in the neighborhood for years with this kind of building they dont approve of in their neighborhood now shoved down their throat?
RH, I don’t live near the Oregon Park site and haven’t studied it, so I’m hoping you can clarify some things for me. Looking at the rendering, I’m not sure what makes it “self righteous.” What expected rents disqualify it from being affordable? I have understood that “gentrification” means rich people buying houses from poorer people and driving up housing costs in the neighborhood thus making it less affordable. Are you meaning the term in this way or some other? What is a good way to provide affordable housing in neighborhoods like this one? Cheers!
Developers paying above and beyond what the average family could pay for the same property to be able to get to live in something besides a slammed in skinny house or a stack of nondescript, disposable multistory metal trailer shoebox units on top of each other.
The developer increases his profits six times over what he paid to steal it away from the neighborhood and the families that want to continue to live in it the way it has worked for nearly 100 years. All in the name of providing housing. Barracks are housing.
I dont see how this is not gentrification. Destroying established neighborhoods taking away the availability of an economic choice for families overshadowed by greedy developers taking the available properties by overbidding what they are worth to the family buyer, cutting down long established trees, adding to the impervious areas adding more runoff pollution. It goes on and on.
There are many areas in our city that could be developed for this type of housing without destroying the existing well preserved residential neighborhoods that are ( were) Portland.
We keep expanding the Max lines why cant we expand density without destroying the so much loved neighborhoods and places of history in our city to end up with more generic overscaled crap like this.
Look at the house on the rendering which the new building engulfs in its scale destroying light and green space. A pretty good example.
And as the need for social distancing
will become more prominent in our society ( this wont be the only time ) this pretty much goes against the real issues that will need to be addressed in increasing density. Where will the open space be if the whole block ends up crammed full of buildings like this?