Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers December 30th, 2019 to January 5th, 2020.
Early Assistance has been requested by City Craft Development for a project at N Going and Montana:
New 3-story, 15-unit, residential apartment building
Early Assistance has been requested by PLACE for a project at 7 NE Oregon St:
Construction of a new structure, with a healthy mixed-income, mixed-use, transit-oriented community featuring art and culture and affordable living.
A project at 7530 N Interstate Ave has been submitted for building permit review by McGuirl Designs & Architecture:
New construction of 3 story with basement, mixed use B and R-2. And associated site works. 3 floor units will have mezzanine. 17 dwelling units, 14 sleeping units (first floor and basement) , ground floor commercial spaces. Trash tuck under structure on east side.
A project at 5920 and 5960 E Burnside St has been submitted for building permit review by Studio 3 Architecture:
New 4-story 42-unit apartment building with associated site work; no onsite parking; detached trash enclosure < 120 sf; mechanical permit separate w/19-269743-CO
New 4-story 29-unit apartment building with associated site work; no onsite parking; detached trash enclosure < 120 sf; mechanical permit separate w/19-269744-CO
A project at 5855 SE 72nd Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
New 15-unit, 3-story apartemnt building. Interior trash enclosure; associated site work
Building permits were issued to Steelhead Architecture for the Marquam Hill Apartments at 3158, 3178 and 3192 SW 12th Ave:
New 3 story 8 units multifamily building on consolidated tax lots. Includes parking. With 19-135415 MT
New 5 story, 24 unit multifamily building. Includes trash enclosure and parking. Ground floor includes parking, stair and lobby. With 19-135394 MT
New 5 story, 40 units multifamily building on consolidated tax lots and associated siteworks for all three buildings. Includes trash enclosure and parking. Ground floor includes parking, stair and lobby. With 19-135378 MT