Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers November 11th to November 17th, 2019.
Early Assistance has been requested by Hacker for a project at 1709 SE 3rd Ave:
New creative office development to be developed in 2 phases, as two distinct buildings. “Phase 3” is the renovation of an existing bow-string truss warehouse with basement level parking. “Phase 4” is a 6+ story mass timber office building over two levels of underground parking. This EA is to discuss the land division.
Early Assistance has been requested by Doug Circosta Architect for a project at 1675 NE 41st Ave:
Build a new community building of 16 independent residences that provide mutual support, shared services, personal autonomy, security and ease of maintenance. There will be shared spaces for gathering, fitness, therapy, creation of art, enjoyment of art, meal prep and family-style dining.There will also be an on-site space for creative work: art therapy studio, music therapy studio, and display/gallery spaces.
Early Assistance has been requested by Quilici Architecture & Design for a renovation to the New Market Theater at 120 SW Ankeny St:
This project involves the renovation of retail spaces in ‘greenhouse’ structure of the New Market Theater. Options A, B and C are under consideration. Option A is least intensive and Option C the most. The project may include the reduction or elimination of existing parking, an increase of the retail area, and modifications to the exterior.
Early Assistance has been requested by Studio 3 Architecture for a project at 5905 N Interstate Ave:
New 3-story, mixed use structure. 19 apartments units are proposed. the ground floor will contain 959 sf of commercial lease space along Interstate Ave. The project total square footage is 12,216. a drywell on the north end of the site will serve to dispose of stormwater.
Early Assistance has been requested by Lenity Architecture for a project at 3015 SE Berkeley Pl:
Construction of an approximately 150-suite retirement residence and other senior-related uses.
Early Assistance has been requested by Zody Architecture for a project at 10340 SE Division St:
The concept of this project is to construct a new assisted living and memory care community to serve the local residents of the community. the project is currently envisioned to house between 90-120 residents. An existing medical office building will be replaced as part of the project and two residential homes will be demolished. The current concept design houses memory care on the first floor and assisted living on two upper floors. A basement level will provide support services.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by SERA Architects to discuss a project for the Northwest Children’s Theater at 2135 NW 29th Ave:
Performance and education facility for Northwest Children’s Theater. One level of partially-below-grade parking; two levels of performance, edcuation, and administrative space above. Combination of stormwater planters and eco-roof being considered; assume no infiltration allowed due to fill.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by SERA Architects to discuss a project at Con-way Block 292 East at the southwest corner of NW Savier & 20th:
6 story market rate senior apartment building with 186 residential units and basement parking. Stormwater disposal will occur through drywells in the pedestrian way.
Buildings permits are under review for buildings on the University of Portland Franz Campus (also known as the River Campus) at 5828 N Van Houten Pl:
Track & Field complex including a 523 seat covered Grandstand (Part C on Plans): Construction of a new Collegiate Track & Field Facility including 6 lighting poles. See Comments
New single story, slab on grade, 46,682 sf physical plant with related mechanical, plumbing, electrical, and site work. Type II B Non-combustible construction, fully fire sprinklered. Separate PT and ET required. See Comments
New 12,880 sf Boathouse and Environmental Lab building w/ 2,389 sf mezzanine. Work includes utility infrastructure, stormwater facilities, grading, paving, sitework & site lighting, and Greenway trail. See Comments
A building permit was issued for a project at 4415 SE 61st Ave:
New 3 story, 9 unit apartment building with associated site work, and attached trash enclosure with recycle area; short term bike racks; no onsite parking
Isn’t the Northwest Children’s Theater proposal at the same location as the Modera Nicolai proposal?
Modera Nicolai is across 30th at 2899 NW Nicolai St.
Yes. The Pre-App notice was just published: