Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers October 21st to October 27th, 2019.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 7530 N Interstate Ave:
New Construction, Community Design Standards. 140 R-1 and R-2 Multi-family use. 3-story above grade with third floor mezzanine and basement. 18 dwelling units and 13 sleeping units. No off-street vehicular parking. Project to utilize private drywell.
A project at 5632 N Montana Ave has been submitted for a Type II Design Review by Works Progress Architecture:
The proposed development is for 5-story building occupying a quarter city block at N Montana Ave and N Jessup St. The site is currently occupied by (2) lots, with (2) residential structures. The proposed building use includes at-grade lobby, bike storage, and 11 residential units, two of which are at-grade. The main entrance will be located at N Montana Ave., with private residential entrances off the perimeter garden (gate accessed on N Montana). The main entrance is covered with canopy protection. Drywells and a minimum 5′-0″ landscaping buffer are located along the South and East parameters of the site along with patios for at-grade units.
1634 SW Alder St has been submitted for a Type III Design Review by SERA Architects:
7 story apartment building with 215 units.
The Morningstar at Laurelhurst has been submitted for a Type III Design Review by Ankrom Moisan Architects:
New 5-story group living development which includes 114 units with a mix of 2-bed, 1-bed and studio units. Floors 3-5 will be assisted living and floor 2 will house memory care residents. The ground floor will capture the active use amenity spaces and there will also be rooftop amenities and below-grade parking for residents and staff. Three modifications are being requested: maximum building length (33.130.222.B), Sandy Boulevard Plan District height limits in transition zones (33.575.100.C), and setback landscaping (33.130.215.B.2).
A project at 2124 NW Flanders St has been submitted for a Type III Historic Resource Review by Emerick Architects:
Proposal is for four stories of market-rate apartments over a walk-out basement level with 19 residential units and typical utilities. Floors 1-4 are proposed to have outdoor balcony space. The roof is anticipated to incorporate an ecoroof and solar panels. The project has no parking. The site is non-contributing in Alphabet Historic District.
The Multnomah County Courthouse Reuse project has been submitted for a Type III Historic Resource Review by GBD Architects:
Renovation and seismic upgrade of the historic Multnomah County Courthouse. Modification to the ground floor windows. Adjustment to vehicular access.
The Unicorn Bed Apartments at 2171 NW Glisan St have been submitted for a Type III Historic Resource Review by DAO Architecture:
Two proposed 3-story affordble multi-family buildings (each with a basement), focused on providing compact apartment residences for single mothers with children. Project includes (13) 2-BR units, including (1) ADA-accessible unit and a 600 sf day care on basement level. Non contributing resource.
An excavation and shoring permit for the Grand Avenue Mixed Use at 465 NE Davis St has been submitted by Ankrom Moisan Architects:
EXC 01 – Excavation and shoring permit
A building permit was issued for Kōz on Sandy at 2180 NE 47th Ave:
New 6 story type III code guide mixed use building with 112 living units above tenant space, bike parking, parking, mechanical rooms, and trash room on first level, includes associated site work *** mechanical permit to be separate ***
A building permit was issued for Kōz on Killingsworth at 151 N Killingsworth St:
New 4 story mixed use apartment building, 88 units with ground floor commercial and associated sitework ***mechanical permit to be separate***
A building permit was issued to SERA Architects for the 1715 SW Salmon Mixed Use:
Review w/ 19-106756-MT New 172,020 sq. ft., 8-story mixed use apartment building. 182 units are proposed with future retail space on the ground floor
A building permit was issued to Ink:Built Architecture for the Garfield Veterans Apartments at 6700 NE Garfield Ave:
New 3-story with basement, 28-unit ***state approved modular apartment building with leasing office, laundry room, and mech/elec room*** detached 119 sq ft trash enclosure and associated site work.
Still really frustrated with proposals of buildings with 19 or fewer units to avoid triggering inclusionary zoning. I feel like there must be a way to force the issue, especially on dense corridors.