Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers October 7th to October 13th 2019.
Early Assistance has been requested by Ankrom Moisan Architects for a project at 3719 SE Cesar E Chavez Blvd:
(4) Story multi-family affordable housing with 84 efficiency living units with shared community kitchens and amenity spaces.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 6815 N Richmond Ave:
Mixed Use Development. Add two structurally independent buildings to form level outdoor courtyard (for entrance accessibility) on sloped site. No change to existing office/warehouse structure. Project incorporates 2 commercial units. 3 residential units and 1 garage.
Early Assistance has been requested by Barghausen Consulting Engineers for a project at 1525 SE Grand Ave:
The proposal is for a building alteration and expansion of the existing Burger King fast food restaurant and drive-through to accommodate a 12,710 sf CVS/pharmacy with drive-through service with adjacent surface parking for 31 vehicles.
Early Assistance has been requested by Studio 3 Architecture for a project at 8004 SW Capitol Hill Rd:
Remove existing single family home and construct one new, 4-story, apartment building (with 60 units). Site work includes parking and amenities.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled to discuss a project at 1025 SE Pine St:
Removal of existing building area on the northern half of the property (including a loading area and a garage) and to construct a 6-story addition to the property. The property is within the boundaries of the Troy Laundry Building, a historic landmark listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
The renovation of the Artists Repertory Theater at 1515 SW Morrison St has been submitted for a Type II Design Review by Lever Architecture:
Renovation of the existing 18,000sf Artist Repertory Theater (ART) building, which sits above two levels of below-grade parking on a 100’x200′ lot. The existing exterior walls and portions of the existing roof structure will remmain. The center bay of the roof will be restructured to accommodate a larger theater and second floor. The existing covered drive along SW Morrison St will be in-filled with new entry and lobby space. After the renovation, the total area will be approximately 28,000 sq ft plus below-grade parking.
The Portland Proper Hotel at 1202 NW Irving St has been submitted for a Type III Design Review by ZGF Architects:
Nine-story approximate 170,000 gsf full-service hotel including a ground floor lobby and one floor of below-grade parking. The project will utilize a tray-tyle eco-roof system at all available roof levels to the maximum extent reasonable. Adjustment for loading space.
A building permit was issued to Ankrom Moisan Architects for the ART Tower at 1510 SW Alder St:
New 21 story mixed-use residential and commercial development to include 314 apartments, ground floor amenities, top level amenity rooms and terrace and one ground level commercial space, and 3 levels of below grade parking
A building permit was issued to BAMA Architecture and Design for a project at 15225 SE Powell Blvd:
New two story 25 bed, 9987sf wood framed adult care home. 50 sq ft trash enclosure, landscaping
Interesting between the Art Tower at 21 stories, The Ritz Carlton under construction at 35 stories, and the Eleven West Tower at 24 stories just obtaining its construction permit, this little area is seeing quite the action.
That area in a few years will be a little different looking..
What is the status of the taller Press Blocks Tower?
I think that’s pretty much close to cancelled unfortunately
Really?! Do you know why?
The permit for the tower is still under review and was extended on September 16th. According to the DJC the project is still looking to secure financing:
“The construction schedule for the 23-story residential tower and the three-story office building will be determined once financing is secured.”