Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers August 19th to August 26th 2019.
Design Advice has been requested by GBD Architects for the Riverplace Redevelopment:
Master plan Development of approx. 8 acres
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 6606 N Greenwich Ave:
New 3-story, 12-unit, 1.79:1 FAR apartment building.
Early Assistance has been requested by Scott Edwards Architecture for a project at 66 SE Madison St:
New 2-story, 16,000 gross square foot catering kitchen facility, an enclosed parking garage for about 13 cars on the ground floor and an enclosed trash/recycle room. There will be about 10 small kitchens with 1/3 on the first floor and 2/3 on the second floor. One restroom facility on the second floor will serve the entire building. Access to the second floor is via 2 stairs and an elevator. The catering kitchens will be open to a central common area on both floors with tables and chairs. People can walk-up to purchase take-out food and beverages from the kitchens and sit in the common area if they choose. The main function of the kitchens is to prepare food for off-site catering and restaurants or other industrial food production
Early Assistance has been requested by Ankrom Moisan Architects for the Land Rover Blocks Redevelopment at 701 NE 7th Ave:
Two high rise towers. Apartments, hotel/condo.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 3726 N Michigan Ave:
Develop a site (which has three existing structures: a house, ADU, and a storage shed) with a triplex. The house will be demolished and replaced with a triplex. The ADU will become part of one of the triplex units. The new triplex has three floors and stairs leading up to a roof deck. Each triplex unit has its own ground level entry with a porch. Unit A has its own outdoor space at grade. Units B & C have roof decks.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled to discuss a project at 7939 SE Luther Rd:
Self-storage facility
A project at 7925 SE Mitchell St has been submitted for building permit review by Allusa Architecture:
New 3 story, 6 unit apartment building, with trash enclosure less than 120 sq. Ft. Site work to include new walkway
A project at 8036 NE Flanders St has been submitted for building permit review by Allusa Architecture:
New 3 story, 6 unit apartment building, with trash enclosure less than 120 sq. Ft. Site work to include new walkway ***mechanical, plumbing and electrical separate***
A building permit was issued for a project at 2020 N Albina Ave:
Construction of a new 4-story self-storage building, parking lot, surface improvements, stormwater treatment facilities & landscaping. See 18-175420-CO for trash enclosure. Demo permit to be obtained separately
Fingers crossed for the Kengo Kuma!
Oh don’t hold your breath. That will never ever get started
Sanu, the DAR for Riverplace has just been submitted and it looks very much like the rendering above. Kuma is still listed at the lead architect. I am holding my breathe.
Hey David Dropbox is saying that folder doesn’t exist
Perhaps it’s not accessible to you. Regardless of what Dropbox tells you, I’ve saw the River Place DAR using Dropbox just a few days ago and, in fact, signed up for the app just so I could take a look at it. If this site doesn’t post it soon, my guess is that someone will post it on the the SkyscaperPage (https://forum.skyscraperpage.com/forumdisplay.php?forumid=189), which I don’t know how to do. Sorry to not have been more help.
It’s all good thanks bud
Still or again looking forward to seeing – watching – something useful be built at 701 NE 7th. Sounds like the current proposal is limited to just the half block. Anything would be an improvement to what’s there now.