The proposed replacement of Lincoln High School has returned in front of the Design Commission, for its fourth and final Design Advice Request (DAR) prior its full Design Review submission. The new campus is being designed by Bora architects and Mayer Reed landscape architects.

The Lincoln High School campus is located in Goose Hollow, on an 11 acre super block bound by SW 18th Ave, SW Salmon St, SW 14th Ave and adjoining properties on SW Jefferson St and Madison St.
Under the proposed rebuild the new school will be located at the western portion of the site, fronting SW 18th Ave. The existing 1952 school building at the east of the site will remain in use during construction. Once the new school building is complete the existing building will be demolished, allowing for the construction of a track and field.
A north-south pedestrian/bike connection through the site on alignment with SW 17th Avenue would be created, between the new building and the athletic field. The new connection would be open to the public, outside of school hours.

A 6-story classroom tower will be located at the corner of SW 18th & Salmon, across the street from a recently approved apartment building. The main entrance will be from an entry court located at SW 17th and Salmon. Drop off and pick up activities will continue to happen on SW Salmon St.
Larger volume spaces, including the school’s theater and athletics facilities, will be located in a lower rise structure, which extends along SW 18th Ave to the south west corner of the site.

The primary material for the building would be a terracotta colored ribbed concrete panel, with sand colored concrete panel accents in a rough texture. Other materials proposed include box ribbed metal panel, dark grey fiberglass windows and dark grey aluminum curtain wall glazing.

The most recent Design Advice Request meeting was held on May 16th. The members of the Design Commission praised the progress made since they last saw the project in February. Issued discussed, and summarized in a memo by Bureau of Development Services staff, included: the design of the east and west facades; the building form at the corner of SW 18th and Salmon; the ground floor programming; and a zoning code modification, which would allow non-required on-site landscaping to be partially counted towards meeting the city’s ecoroof standard.
The new Lincoln High School is set to go in front of the Design Commission on August 1st for an initial Type III Design Review hearing.
Plan | Site Plan | Site Plans | Levels 1 and 2 Plans | Levels 3 and 4 Plans | Levels 5, 6 and Roof Elevation | North Elevation | West Elevation | South Elevation | East Sections Sections Sections
Nice boring materials choice there. Not nice enough to be either classic or modern. Just kinda cheap in the middle.
Too bad they are not adding another floor or two of office space. Would be the ideal spot for the district offices. They then can sell off their current location and move the remaining uses to a cheaper warehouse outside of downtown.