The OHSU Hospital Expansion Project involves construction of a 14-story tower on the site of the former Dental School.
At an initial meeting the Design Commission indicated that plans for the OHSU Hospital Expansion Project require more work to meet city guidelines,* writes the Daily Journal of Commerce.
The Oregonian reported that Prosper Portland is asking for proposals to redevelop two properties in Old Town. The NW 4th & Burnside is known for being the former home of Right 2 Dream Too. Block 25 at the north end of Chinatown is currently used as surface parking for NW Natural.
The Portland Diamond Project is approaching a deadline to “start paying real money to reserve a marine cargo terminal for its billion-dollar baseball park — or give up on building at the site,” reports the Oregonian.
*This article will be unlocked for the rest of this week. After this week it will only be viewable by DJC subscribers.
The Design Commission has approved a 4-story Lexus dealership on NE Sandy Blvd. The project is being designed by The Gravity Company of Dallas, TX and Mackenzie of Portland for Holman Automotive.
The $268 million PDX Parking Additions and Consolidated Rental Car Facility will include 2,225 long-term parking stalls and 2,071 stalls for rental cars.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers April 22nd to April 28th, 2019.
Early Assistance has been requested by WDC Properties for a project at 1604 SE Cesar E Chavez Blvd:
Remove duplex and construct new 50 unit apartment complex with IH for bonus.
Early Assistance has been requested by Carleton Hart Architects for a project at 1535 NE 17th Ave:
Proposed mixed use project adjacent to existing (to remain) church. Proposed development includes 6-story, 96 unit affordable housing, over 24,000sq ft office, church and classroom spaces. Street vacation requested.
Early Assistance has been requested by Allusa Architecture for a project at 422 NE Beech St:
New 8 unit hotel, hotel amenities include an exercise room/workspace on the ground floor. A separate ground floor office space is also provided.
Early Assistance has been requested by Quilici Architecture and Design for a project East of 6140 SW Boundary St:
Develop the property in phases as affordable rental housing and expansion facilities for Cedar Sinai Park, the non-profit senior living and care organization that owns the property.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Abbasi Design Works for a renovation of the Old Fire Station Property at 510 NW 3rd Ave:
Restoration and small addition (of 1600 sq ft) to existing URM building, Engine House #2. Stormwater management to be managed using flow-through planters and water quality treatment.
A project at 2510 NE Sandy Blvd has been submitted for a Type II Adjustment Review:
5-story (with mezzanine) mixed-use building. Adjustment to Building Facades Facing Sandy Blvd standard (33.575.110).
Buildings permit are under review for the PDX Parking Additions and Consolidated Rental Car Facility:
New 4 story airport operations office with rental car retail on the ground floor of the building, offices on floors 2-4, with associated site improvements related to the adjoining new 6 story PACR parking garage.
New 6 story parking garage with associated site improvements, exit helix ramp revisions, elevated roadway and bridge connections to existing P1/P2 and QTA buildings serviing Rental Car and Long Term parking.
A building permit was issued to Koble Creative Architecture for a project at 4647 SE 40th Ave:
New 15 unit apartment building comprised of a two-story wing and a three-story wing with a connecting bridge; onsite stormwater
A building permit was issued to Mentrum Architecture for a project at 1834 NW 25th Ave:
Construct new 5 story 25 unit apartment building with no parking – see folder comments
A building permit was issued to Fosler Portland Architecture for a project at 8130 SE Woodward St:
Construct new 3 story 19 unit apartment building; no parking; site work included; interior trash enclosure (sep mt)