Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers May 13th to May 19th, 2019.
Early Assistance has been requested by Works Progress Architecture for a project at 737 SE Sandy Blvd:
Current structure is to be deconstructed. New construction will be a ground up office building which is expected to be 6 levels when finished. Project will absorb approximately 15′-20′ of the west and south portions of the current ROW. Street Vacation is requested. Stormwater could be mitigated through the use of a BES retention pond / bioswale / flow through garden at the southern point of the property, financed by the BES CWSP.
Early Assistance has been requested by Sum Design Studio for a project at 210 SE Madison St:
Project is a renovation of two buildings: one at 210 SE Madison Street and one at 226 SE Madison Street (the two smaller existing additions on the south side of 210 will receive no work). The two main buildings will function as a single building (circulation and infrastructure) and will be configured for future lease out. Improvements include new vertical circulation (stairs and elevator), architectural finishes, fire and life safety systems (sprinklers, alarms, etc.) new egress routes and seismic upgrades. A new 5,000 SF penthouse will be constructed on the roof of the 210 building. Exterior improvements include repairs as needed, new windows and doors and paint. A improved parking lot at the SE corner of the site with new ramp, paving and landscaping.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Hacker Architects to discuss a project at 2865 SE Division St:
Future design review application for a 10-unit, approximately 37,000SF multi-family project with a ground floor restaurant tenant space and 20 parking spaces. Parking is accessed from SE 28th. Outdoor space is provided in individual terraces and a common rooftop deck.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Mortenson to discuss a project at 234 NW 14th Ave:
Demolition of existing single story 1/2 block (100’x100′ site); Construction of new 12 story hotel.
The Modera Woodstock at 4804 SE Woodstock Blvd has been submitted for a Type II Adjustment Review by Mill Creek Residential Trust:
Construction of a full-block mixed-use building with approx 195 residential units and 6,750 sq ft of ground floor commercial space (along Woodstock). Adjustment requested to High Ceilings (per 33.130.210.C.8).
A building permit was issued to Fosler Portland Architecture for the Bezel apartments at 1477 NE Alberta St:
New four story 18,866sf mixed use building 18 dwelling units above shell space, bike parking, lobby, and interior trash/recycling room, for residential and commerical green roof with rooftop deck ***separate mechanical permit required*** ***2/11/2019 cmeyer mandatory preconstruction meeting required prior to commencing work call 503-823-7273 to schedule***
A building permit was issued to Tahran Architecture and Planning for a project at 5605 SE Milwaukie Ave:
New 4 story, 30 unit with attached trash enclosure, includes associated sitework ***separate fire protection***
A building permit was issued to Barghausen Consulting Engineers for the Sellwood CVS at 8145 SE 17th Ave:
New single story retail building, parking lot, detached trash enclosure less than 120 sq ft floor area, stormwater facility, site improvements and utilities.
Is the image on the Bezel on different colored hex tiles?
We were driving through the inner eastside where there have been alot of the 6 story full lot buildings built lately.
It is so dark and dreary with every single building sitting right at the sidewalk. There isn’t even room for a tree or 2. Just a sidewalk nothing else. When all the buildings are like this it is really not a very friendly place.
We really need to put a value on open space. There needs to be setbacks and alleys in the neighborhoods. A cold, 75 foot wall right at the edge of sidewalk needs to be outlawed by code.
Pedestrian-friendly cities are not designed to be viewed while driving. If you’d walk on those sidewalks (most of which do have street trees), and pass the businesses and lobbies there, you’d perhaps appreciate the pedestrian space more. Setbacks do not make buildings pedestrian-friendly. Instead of seeing people in stores or shops, you would see a row of shrubbery, which ultimately is boring. Yes, there should be open space, but in parks and plazas, not along every block. Zoning codes in many cities require buildings to be built up to the sidewalk to create the “urban room” that the street becomes, and specify that there must be active space adjacent to the sidewalk. I will admit that some new buildings fall short on sidewalk activation, but Portland is working on that.
I’m not sure which section of the inner eastside you were driving through, but that area is primarily zoned as general industrial. There isn’t a focus on green spaces or trees regardless of the size of the building.
I agree that more trees would be nice though. Perhaps the City should take out a bunch of the street parking and convert it into green spaces. It would be a quick and easy fix that would not require modifications to existing buildings.
Can you name the location you were driving? It helps with context.
right where they tore down the funeral home. It ends up being dark. The sunlight doesn’t get down into there easily.