The changes made to Lincoln High School were received warmly by the Design Commission*, writes the Daily Journal of Commerce.
Up for Growth claims that Portland’s Inclusionary Housing policy is slowing the development of apartments projects, writes the Portland Tribune. The Portland House Bureau however disagrees.
OPB Think Out Loud spoke to a range of people about HB 2001, the bill that would end local bans on duplexes, triplexes and fourplex in low density zones.
Multnomah County bought a building at 333 SW Park for use as a mental health and addiction resource center. The county however lacks the “funds to operate it or a detailed plan for what to do with it“, according to the Willamette Week.
The Business Tribune wrote about 72 Foster, a recently completed 101-unit affordable housing development that also includes ground floor retail.
*This article will be unlocked for the rest of this week. After this week it will only be viewable by DJC subscribers.
In theory, building many houses on one lot could be a great way to fit more people in. In reality, a $500,000 house in a neighborhood like Irvington, Alameda, or Laurelhurst isn’t selling to a first time homebuyer wanting a cheaper house in a good neighborhood, they are being bought by developers who will either tear them down and build a million dollar house, or they build a duplex with ADUs that sell for $900,000 each. There’s a lot in Alameda that had a very nice house on it. The house sold for $750,000. It was demolished and the lot was split. Each house they built on the smaller lots sold for over 1.5million…….
That’s not really giving us affordable housing and is in fact making affordable housing more expensive since the first time home buyer that wants that house to live in would get into a bidding war with the developer,
Not sold on the latest Lincoln high school proposal. It needs something more, and the sides are way too monotonous.
My god who gives a u know what? It’s a freaking school. It looks fine. There’s enough glass, it’s functional, it’s safe and serves it purpose. Again it’s a school, from 8-4pm it’ll serve its purpose and do its job.
This is City is so anal with every little detail on a building it’s no wonder things take forever to get things done. Look I appreciate the process of the design commission it helps but come on now stop being so damn picky. Look at all the beautiful modern cities of the world how fast things move. Dubai for example u think they nitpick over a freaking school? Lol smh
not really sure who you are, but you aint me.
Hello fake “smh” Billyjo. The details make a building worth the effort. Portland is not Dubai but if you want the feeling of exhaustive, lackluster skyscrapers on a budget you could check out south waterfront — that is, if you even live in Portland, or Oregon for that matter. Historically, schools have projected the accumulated knowledge by physically presenting it in their architecture in a permanent way through sculpture, natural materiality, and while building in a well-established architectural style, like Beaux-Arts, Spanish Revival, and Neo-Classical styles in general. This may seem “old-fashioned” but it’s the way it’s always been until modernsim dismantled every kind of tradition we had in this country. This city needs to be anal about how it decides building designs for certain areas. Doing so not only provides structures with a simple and comprehensive design standard but also respects the people that created this city for what it has given to us. Preservation, at least honoring the construction methods (without undermining modern necessities), is not what this building proposal does. It’s bland and looks like a corporate office without a history, culture, or soul.
I don’t like saying this but if you dislike that sort of contextual consciousness and would rather see unrestrained skyscrapers/developments, move to Dubai. They certainly don’t give any care about the people living there or pimping out the services of that city. As long as we have these kinds of developments, you’ll be seeing negativity to it.