Design Advice has been offered for the Landing at Macadam, a four block development proposal in South Waterfront. The project, being designed by HLR Architects for Alamo Manhattan, would include 1,079 residential units, 926 vehicular parking spaces and 27,259 sq ft of retail.
The development would be subject to the city’s inclusionary housing rules, which require the provision of affordable housing or the payment of a fee-in-lieu.

The Landing at Macadam would be located on vacant land owned by the Prometheus Real Estate Group of San Mateo, CA. The site is bound SW Bond Ave, Lane St, the Willamette river and future SW Lowell St. As part of the development SW River Parkway and SW Abernethy would be extended through the site.
A previous proposal for the site on Blocks 42 and 45 and Blocks 41 and 44 was approved by the Design Commission in 2017, but was never submitted for building permit review.
The development would complete the missing link in the Willamette Greenway trail between the Block 37 and the Old Spaghetti Factory. A condition of the previous land division for the site requires that prior to the occupancy of the first of the two riverfront buildings the developer must install, at a minimum, one of the required twin greenway trails. Alternatively, the developer is allowed to show evidence that they have entered into a mutually acceptable development agreement with Portland Parks & Recreation to build the trails and greenway improvements.

Two high rise structures would be located on the river facing blocks 41 and 44. At the northeast corner of the site block 41 would rise to a height of 248′, with a 22-story tower emerging from a 4-story podium. The building would include 287 residential units, 4,558 sq ft of retail and 308 vehicular parking spaces.
At the southeast corner of the site a building of 238′ in height is proposed, with a 21-story tower rising from a 3-story podium. Block 44 would include 307 residential units, 2,368 sq ft of retail and 307 vehicular parking spaces.

Two midrise buildings would be located on the inland blocks 42 and 45. At the southwest corner of the site the 6-story E-shaped block 45 would include 291 residential units, 8,013 sq ft of retail space and 291 vehicular parking spaces.
At the northwest corner of the site 6-story C-shaped block 42 would include 194 residential units, 12,320 sq ft of retail space and 46 vehicular parking spaces.

The Landing at Macadam went in front of the Design Commission on February 7th, 2019. As noted in a summary memo the Commission was “supportive of towers and high density on the site but there was concern with the proposal to place towers on the two waterfront blocks… with lower buildings proposed on the inland blocks.” The Commission noted that “even better than just moving the towers from the greenway adjacent blocks to the inland blocks would be locating towers at the river and even taller towers behind them on the inland blocks.”
Other major issues discussed included the design of the podiums, which the Commission encouraged to be carved and not fill the entire block, in order to create outdoor spaces at the street level. The Commission also discouraged exposed vehicular parking, with a direction to wrap any above grade parking with active uses such as residential units.
In order to gain approval the project would be required to go through the Type III Design Review process, with public hearings in front of the Design Commission. The project has the option to return for further Design Advice Request meetings before submitting for Design Review.
Plan | Overall Site Block 41 | Plan | Levels 1 & 2-3 Block 41 | Plan | Levels 4-5 & 6 Block 41 | Plan | Levels 7-11 & 12-22 Block 42 | Plan | Levels 1 & 2 Block 42 | Plan | Levels 3-6 Block 44 | Plan | Level 1 Block 44 | Plan | Levels 2-3 Block 44 | Plan | Levels 4-6 Block 44 | Plan | Levels 7-11 Block 44 | Plan | Levels 12-21 Block 45 | Plan | Basement Block 45 | Plan | Level 1 Block 45 | Plan | Levels 2 to 6
These are the last four blocks of South Waterfront (the level ones, anyway). So which one’s gonna have the long-awaited grocery store? 😉
Wow nice finally some tall towers proposed there. Although 22 and 21 stories isn’t anything impressive but nevertheless it’s encouraging for an area pushed as a tower district.
Are these the tallest towers proposed for SoWa in years??
This development company makes projects that look like they’ve owned the design for 20 years before they decided to build.. I’ll put money on this project being no different
Like what?
read again slowly, you might understand
lmao what a prick ^^^
eye for an eye
I continue to scratch my head as to why we aren’t building greater density in this area. With it’s access to public transportation and the city center, building mid-rise buildings is such a waste of dirt. With some of the best views of Mt. hood and the Willamette river it’s highest and best use is high rise. Plain and simple. This is how you build a tax base to pay for all the low income housing Portland seems to want to build. You don’t build subsidized housing on the most expensive ground in Portland. Econ 101
It’s Portland. Their scared of tall.
I am glad that there will be high rise towers but also agree with ` Jims comments above( March 19th)
Roger Gertenrich
In regards to the proposed construction south of the Osprey. An idea that might have some merit:
Has it been proposed or could it be proposed that the construction on this site have the 2 high rise buildings be on the west side of the property and the 2 low rise buildings be on the east side of the property?
This would leave open space sight corridors of the Willamette for residents at the Mirabella, Meriwether, John Ross, Ardea, and the Atwater. Many of the residents in these buildings are in the “older” demographics and open space views are cherished.
This would also be a good p.r. neighborly gesture by the developer and the architect.
I really ask the Design Review Committee to evaluate the access to the River by this development. My daughter lives in Gray’s Landing the Section 8 housing units. Riding in the elevator the other day, residents were saying how unwelcome they feel in this neighborhood. First of all they said that they cannot afford to participate in the amenities of the area because it is too expensive. They say that there are no places for them to eat. Many of these residents are veterans. They seem to feel disenfranchised in an area that they feel is too wealthy for them. I believe that high rises down to the river will make them feel more so. I propose that the high rises be moved to the East blocks and that the river space only host shorter properties to leave a more open feel.
I also am very much against the extra 25 feet of green space the developer is asking for to build upon. We only have an opportunity to do this the right way once. If that land is compromised the City will never have it back to do a do-over. I do not see why they would even expect extra footage to be a concession.
I meant the West blocks.
Two years ago, there was approved plans without the high rise buildings. I looked like a very continuous and complete neighborhood layout. The new towers proposed will not only block the views to so many current residents it will also put the Osprey Apartments in a “hole” surrounded by towers. If there needs to be new towers built, I agree with others they should be moved to the west side of the street. This will put the new towers in line with the existing towers: Ardea, John Ross and Mirabella. We already have the two towers right on the river, which seems like enough. All of the existing towers were built at approximately the same time, mid 2000’s. This means when homeowners purchased their units, they know exactly what they were buying into. I’s sure there would be people who would have not purchased their homes had they known the views were be stolen by an out-of-town developer.
I don’t think more towers directly on the Willamette will look good. It is up to the City of Portland to help make sure this neighborhood is more than just a money grab from the Dallas-based designers and developer.
One more thing, the towers on the river side of the street will block views from condo homeowners. These towers are going to be for rentals and not homeowners. As homeowners, we pay our property taxes. We are committed to this community and this area. We take pride in the South Waterfront and the views of the river is one of the many reasons we have chosen to purchase our homes and live here. There is a difference between buying a home and renting a place.