Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers January 7th to January 13th, 2019.
SERA Architects have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference and requested Design Advice for a project at 2135 NW 29th Ave:
6-story market-rate apartment building (approx 200 units) with below-grade parking.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 5904 SE 89th Ave:
Construct (2) nine unit apartment buildings and (2) twelve unit apartment buildings. Complete two lot confirmations to produce four individual legal lots that will each site an apartment building.
Early Assistance has been requested by C2K Architecture for a project at SW Marquam St and Sam Jackson Rd:
Multi-Family and Senior Housing
Early Assistance has been requested for the Lloyd Center Bowlero:
Remodel/conversion of former retail space to a Bowlero bowling facility with arcade, bar and food service components. Includes facade modification and exterior signage.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Studio 3 Architecture to discuss a project at the Southwest corner of NW 23rd and Roosevelt St:
A Pre-Application Conference to discuss construction of a 6,700 square foot, two story office building and a 3,500 square foot warehouse. Fifteen surface parking spaces are proposed with access from NW Roosevelt Street. The approval criteria for this review are found in Chapter 33.815.125 of the Portland Zoning Code.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Studio 3 Architecture to discuss a project at 5275 N Bowdoin St:
Proposed zone change from R2.5to CM2. Remove existing home and construct a single building (20 units) for affordable housing
500 NW 23rd Avenue has been submitted for building permit review by Allied Works Architecture:
New construction of 4 story mixed use building, retail on the first floor with associated site work (tenant improvement separate)
A project at 506 NE 53rd Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Studio 3 Architecture:
Construct new 4 story (18) unit apartment building with associated site work and detached trash enclosure under 120sq ft
A building permit was issued to Merryman Barnes Architects for the King Parks apartments at 6465 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd:
New 4 story affordable housing apartment building with flats, 2-story townhomes and covered parking