A building permit was issued for the renovation of the former Morehouse Glass building at 350 SE Mill St. New suites will be created in the building for small manufacturing and office users.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers December 10th to December 16th, 2018.
Early Assistance has been requested by Scott Edwards Architecture for a project at 1015 SE Woodward St:
Complete renovation of existing building, including on and off site work
The 5020 Condos at 5020 N Interstate Ave have been submitted for a Type II Design Review by Carleton Hart Architecture:
100-day review timeline New 6-story, 71,128 sf mixed-use development (wood framing over a concrete podium) with 64 apartments; 40 affordable apartments for residents at a variety of income levels and 24 apartments at market rate. Residential units consist of a mix of 1, 2, and 3 bedroom apartments. the first floor includes a 1,606 sf commercial space (future TI), bicycle storage, bicycle amenities and utility spaces. Site improvements include surface and covered parking (16 spaces), a multi-purpose exterior space and sidewalk improvements. Modifications to facade articulation (33.130.000), Bicycle parking standards (33.266.220.C), Ground floor windows (33.130.230 & 33.415.340), Ground floor active use (33.415.200)
A project at 5432 NE 18th Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
Construct new 3 story (7) unit apartment building with assiciated site work and parking on the ground floor
Nomad at 1431 N Church St has been submitted for building permit review by Works Progress Architecture:
New construction of 7-story Mixed-Use Building; 2-stories C.I.P. Post-tensioned Concrete Slabs and Columns, 5-stories wood-frame. 6 levels of Residential Units with Amenity over 1 Level of Residential Amenity and Retail. Work to the Retail will be included as part of this Permit. The Overall Buillding Height is less than 75ft.
A project at 5833 N Maryland Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
New 3 story, 12 unit apartment building with attached 40 S.F. Trash enclosure, includes associated sitework, roof trusses and floor joists***dfs stair rail system*****mechanical to be obtained separately***
A building permit was issued for Glass Lab at 350 SE Mill St:
Change of occupancy from M to B. Core & shell remodel of 1st & 2nd floors of (E) building – remove all interior partitions, fixtures, & stairs; add walls to create new tenant spaces on 2nd floor; replace storefront & overhead doors; (4) new mezzanines, new stairs, bathrooms, & offices; restripe & landscape parking lot *** no tenants this permit *** w/18-187700-mt ***
A structural permit was issued to Lever Architecture for the North Building at the Adidas Campus Expansion:
STR 01 – North building only – Structural frame for new building including 5 levels of below grade precast construction (parking garage) and 5 stories of above grade precast concrete with CLT, glulams, andconcrete slab hybrid construction, work includes mat slab founation and site cast concrete cores with stairs. Work also inlcudes MEP work for below grade parking
A foundation permit was issued to SRG Patnership for the Fourth and Montgomery Building:
Foundation and structure up to bottom of Level 2, for new 3/4 block, 7 story, mixed use building that will house groups from PSU, OHSU, PCC and the City of Portland