The masterplan for the Pepsi Blocks redevelopment on NE Sandy has been submitted for a Type III Review
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers October 1st to October 7th, 2018.
Early Assistance has been requested by Urban Development Group for a project South of 2580 SE Ankeny St:
New Multifamily building on the R1 section of the site, in accordance with new RM2 code. This portion of the site is presently zoned R1, soon to be RM2. 12 units are proposed. No parking. Storm water is proposed to be with stormwater planters.
The Pepsi Blocks at 2505 NE Pacific St have been submitted for a Type III Planned Development Bonus Review by Mithun:
The Pepsi Blocks Planned Development project includes the phased demolition of existing Pepsi warehouse buildings, renovation of a mid-century Pepsi warehouse bow-truss structure, the development of five new mixed use market rate and affordable residential and office buildings, th introduction of a shared woonerf street along the formerly vacated Right-of-Way, a new Plaza along Sandy Boulevard and a new Park located in the center of development, and associated underground parking. The phasing schedule envisions entitlements and construction of the first phase immediately following Planned Development approval and will continue with four additional phases. The project will use the Planned Development Bonus for additional height and bonus FAR.
The Halsey 106 development has been submitted for building permit review by Holst Architecture:
6-story, mixed-use development fronting NE Halsey St and the existing Gateway Discovery Park consisting of 40 units of affordable housing and 35 units of market rate housing.
A structural permit for one of the new buildings proposed as part of the Adidas Campus Expansion has been submitted for review by Lever Architecture:
STR 01 – Structural frame for new building including 5 levels of below greade precast construction (parking garage) and 5 stories of above grade precast concrete/mass timber hybrid construction, work includes mat slab founation and site cast concrete cores with stairs. Work also inlcudes MEP work for below grade parking
A building permit has been issued for a project at 14450 NE Glisan St:
New 3 story 3 unit condo building, associated site work included
Whom ever choose this property have them arrested because they are people which are causing my Postal Service to start to fail.