The Block 216 tower has been submitted for Design Review. The 35 story tower will be located on the block currently known for its collection of food carts.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers July 23rd to July 29th, 2018.
Design Advice has been requested by Otak Architects for the Hyatt Place at 350 NW 12th Ave:
23-story building including 11 stories for a new Hyatt Place brand hotel with ground floor public uses and 12 stories for a new residential apartment community (approximately 120 residential units total).
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by GBD Architects to discuss alterations to the Con-way Ad-Tech I building at 2151 NW Savier St:
Proposal is to reposition the existing single tenant office into a multi-tenant office building. This will include plaza redevelopment options, interior demolition and potential exterior skin modifications.
The Block 216 tower at 936 SW Washington St has been submitted for Type III Design Review by GBD Architects:
Full-block building is a 35-story tower with a mix of office, hotel and residential uses. The proposed height is 460 feet. Parking will be configured below-grade in 4 levels. Access for the parking is proposed from SW Washington. The access to the loading dock is proposed from SW Alder St. The floor area is approximately 807,000 square feet above grade and 161,000 square feet below grade. The project will be entitled in accordance with the CC 2035 amendments. Stormwater will be disposed in accordance with City of Portland Stormwater Manual.
A project South of 6836 NE Grand Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Allusa Architecture:
Construct new 3 story 6 unit apartment building with associated site work; new detached trash enclosure under 120sq ft
A building permit was issued to LRS Architects for a project at 5845 NE Hoyt St:
Exterior renovation of existing 4 story multi family; demo and replace existing exterior cladding and windows; miscellaneous exterior improvements
Building permits were issued to Guerrilla Development for Jolene’s First Cousin at 2828 SE Gladstone St:
New two-story building with (2) retail spaces on ground floor and (2) 1-bedroom apartments on second floor. (with 17-237384 CO)
New two-story building (building 2) with (1) retail space on half of the ground floor, concregate living the other half of ground floor and second floor. (with 17-2387371 CO)
Is there any way to see the design review material? I know that you can go to the meeting, but does the city also post any images (plans, renderings, etc) anywhere online?
Generally, the week or so before a hearing you can review the applicant’s plans and staff memo. If you go to the design commission page on the BDS website and click on the Design Commission agenda https://www.portlandoregon.gov/bds/42442 you can find the project you’re interested in and a link to the project digital folder in efiles.
Perfect, thank you!
Mark my word that skyscraper won’t be built or if it does it’ll be much shorter..
For whatever reason during this building boom any tall building over 21 stories in this town doesn’t get built. It either gets cancelled or becomes dramatically shorter..
See 11West, Oregon Square, 4W, Press Blocks, just to name the few tall buildings proposed latley and what happened to them..
This won’t be anywhere near the way it’s being proposed
This is stumptown
Are you just pasting the same comment everytime a tower is mentioned?
So childish and pouty. It is like a dare to the developers.
I’m really excited about Jolene’s First Cousin. I for one welcome it to the neighborhood.
Bummer. I had envisioned Jolene’s First Cousin taking the space where Bar and the End of the Universe is/was. Thought that was a good use of space. This is replacing a nice house.
Ah, now I see why I thought that. Same developers are rejiggering the Pub At The End of the Universe as well.