An affordable housing development in the Alphabet Historic District has gone in front of the Historic Landmarks Commission for three Design Advice Request (DAR) hearings, in advance of its land use review application. The project is being designed by Carleton Hart Architecture for nonprofit developer and housing provider Northwest Housing Alternatives. The project will be comprised of two buildings. The north building at NW 18th & Irving is intended to be workforce housing. The south building at NW 18th & Hoyt will incorporate and add to the existing Buck Prager building, and is intended to serve low-income, vulnerable seniors. As part of the development the Buck Prager building will receive a seismic upgrade.
Monthly Archives: July 2018
Metro Reports: Adidas Campus Expansion, Tree Farm, 555 SE MLK, and more

Image of one of the three new buildings by Lever Architecture’s proposed at the Adidas Campus, as seen from the corner of N Sumner and Delaware.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers June 18th to June 24th, 2018.
Design Advice has been requested by Holst Architecture for a project at 2310 N Hunt St:
DESIGN HEARING – Design Advice Request for 42 dwelling units in four building with surface parking and associated site landscape elements. Stormwater will be managed on site.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 2628 SE Belmont St:
Demolish existing building and construct a new 4-story, 44-unit, apartment building with retail on the first floor.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by BBL Architects to a discuss a project at 725 NE 100th Ave:
Pre-application conference for a proposed elementary school in David Douglas school district.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Works Progress Architecture to a discuss a project at 1431 N Church St:
Proposed new mixed use apartment complex approx 90,000 GSF with six levels of apartments above one level of retail and building amenity space.
The Adidas Campus Expansion was submitted for Type II Design Review by Lever Architecture:
Proposal is for three new buildings, site work, right of way work, renovation to existing plaza, new landscaping and relocation of the Adidas Village arrival drive to create a cohesive intersection at N. Greeley Ave.
A project at 203 NE Grand Ave was submitted for Type III Design Review by Ankrom Moisan Architects:
New construction of an eight story mixed use building with one level of underground parking. Approximately 170 apartments on levels 2-8, 5,500 SF of retail on ground floor. Amenities include a lounge, fitness, leasing, bike storage, pet area and wash.
A project at 6123 N Lombard St was submitted for building permit review by FFA Architecture & Interiors:
New 4 story mixed use apartment building with 46 living units and retail space and garage parking
A building permit was issued for a project at 1415 SE Pardee St (formerly 4540 SE Milwaukie Ave):
Construction of new 4 story apartment building (44 units); garage on first floor;
Building permits were issued for a project at 3445 SE Gladstone St:
Bldg A – 1 of 3 new buildings w/ (E) building to remain, all on same lot – 2 story- with basement – 7 unit apartment building w/ onsite parking, includes associated sitework *** w/ detached trash enclosure 17-248414-CO & 17-248408-MT***
Bldg B – 2 of 3 new buildings w/ (E) building to remain, all on same lot – 2 story with basement , 8 unit apartment building *** w/ 17-248411-MT ***
A building permit was issued to Hacker Architects for a project at 555 SE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd:
New construction of six(story (above ground) building consisting of 90,400 SF with one level of underground parking consisting of 15,490 SF; five levels of office over ground floor retail , CLT floor system.
A building permit was issued for Tree Farm at 826 SE 3rd Ave:
New 6-story commercial building; 1st floor future retail tenant, lobby and trash room; floors 2-6 F2 occupancy; and associated site work, no occupancy this permit *** mechanical permit 17-196436 MT***
Weekly Roundup: 6036 SE Foster, 3rd & Salmon, Canopy by Hilton, and more

The redevelopment of the YMCA on Foster is being designed by Leeb Architects.
We’re back after taking a summer vacation. This roundup covers development news from the last two weeks.
The Oregonian reported that millions in infrastructure costs sank the Zidell Yards development in South Waterfront.
With the main post office in the Pearl now closed, BikePortland reported that the risk to cyclists from right-hook collisions has dropped. The site is set to redeveloped as part of the Broadway Corridor Plan.
The Oregonian took a first look at the newly completed Canopy by Hilton hotel in Pearl District.
Demolition has begun on the former Lotus Cardroom and Cafe, according to the Oregonian. The building is being torn down to make way for the 20-story 3rd and Salmon hotel tower.
The NW Examiner looked into what might happen with ESCO site on NW Vaughn.
City Observatory praised the Portland City Council for reversing its early denial of the Fremont Place Apartments, but noted that the City Council did not approve a zone change for a site at 126 NE Alberta St that would have allowed the construction of 50 below-market, affordable apartments adjacent to the Alberta Abbey.
The Daily Journal of Commerce reported on the redevelopment of the YMCA at 6036 SE Foster Rd, which will combine a full-service daycare facility with 48 new apartments*.
Portland Architecture wrote about Heartline, the Pearl district development that presents an alternative to the podium typology.
The latest potential buyer for Centennial Mills has plans for plans for condos, a park and affordable housing, according to the Portland Tribune.
*This article will be unlocked for the rest of this week. After this week it will only be viewable by DJC subscribers.