Design Commission Approves Building at NW 19th & Pettygrove (images)

The Design Commission has approved a mixed use building at NW 19th & Pettygrove. The 7 story building, designed by YBA Architects, will include 107 residential units over approximately 1,150 sq ft of retail space. The building will reach a height of 78’-8”. Thirty four mechanical parking spaces and one ADA parking space will be provided in an at-grade parking garage. 120 long-term bicycle parking spaces will be provided.

1339 NW 19th Ave

The project will be located on a 10,000 sq ft site at 1339 NW 19th Ave. The site, seen above in July 2016, formerly had three buildings on it, including an 1884 retail / residential building with a western falsefront style facade and an 1884 Queen Anne style residential building. The buildings were surveyed as part of the City of Portland’s 1984 Historic Resources Inventory, but were not landmarked. The structures were demolished in late 2016.

To the immediate south of the site is The Muse apartment building, which was completed in 2016. Other nearby developments include the under construction NW 17th & Pettygrove Apartments and the recently completed Slabtown Flats at NW 19th & Quimby.

1339 NW 19th Ave

1339 NW 19th Ave

The building is arranged in an L shaped plan, with the building mass oriented to the two streets it faces.

Exterior materials include ribbed and flat metal paneling, black vinyl windows, glass guardrails, steel plate canopies and planters, formed concrete piers, black aluminum storefronts and wood doors and seating accents.

1339 NW 19th Ave

1339 NW 19th Ave

1339 NW 19th Ave

1339 NW 19th Ave

1339 NW 19th Ave

1339 NW 19th Ave

The NW 19th & Pettygrove Apartments were approved at their third hearing, held on April 5th, 2018. The project was approved by a 3-1 vote, with Commissioners Commissioners Vallaster, Livingston and Rodriguez voting to approve the project and Savinar voting against approval. In the conclusion to the Final Findings and Decision by the Design Commission the level of articulation of the facades was found to be one of the reasons that the project warranted approval:

The proposed ground floor retail and the setbacks and seating at the corner lobby along NW 19th will provide activation and enhancement of the pedestrian realm, the articulation of the facades will help break up the massing, and the attention to detail will help ensure longevity over time.

Building permits will need to be submitted and approved before construction on the project can begin.


10 thoughts on “Design Commission Approves Building at NW 19th & Pettygrove (images)

  1. How sad to lose those classic turn of the century buildings for this mammoth blank-walled shitstorm. It’s absolutely vulgar.

    • because the 2 can’t both be done. It’s not like the only place to build more housing is on land that is occupied by old or historic buildings.

      Also, as long as it is increasing housing, we should accept mediocre design. got it.

  2. Now it’s almost completed I have to look at it every day. Horrible eyesore. I hope whoever designed this hates themselves as much as I hate this building. I didn’t even know that there were historic buildings from 1884 in its place. Makes it even worse.

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