The Design Commission has approved a new hotel at SW 10th & Alder. The 12 story hotel, designed by DLR Group for Graves Hospitality, will be operated as a Moxy Hotel, a new brand by Marriott International. The building will rise to a maximum height of 140′-4″, and will include 197 guest rooms. No vehicular parking is proposed.
Monthly Archives: May 2018
Weekly Roundup: Platform, 72Foster, The Geode, and more

Allied Works’ Platform would include 140,000 SF of commercial office space with retail space on the ground floor.
The Daily Journal of Commerce published construction photos of the 72Foster, the four story affordable housing development currently rising in SE Portland.
The Portland Business Journal wrote about The Geode, the new creative office project on SE Division by Portland sculptor Martin Eichinger.
OPB wrote about how Portland State University’s campus is evolving to attract new generation of students, with projects that include Four+Montgomery, the Neuberger Hall Renovation, the Karl Miller Center, and the Viking Pavilion.
Portland Architecture interviewed Allied Works’ Brent Linden about Platform, the office building proposed for a half block site at 1130 SE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd.
As part of the final deliberations on the Central City 2035 plan the City Council voted to set heights in portions of Chinatown at 200′, reports OPB.
Metro Reports: NE 106th & Halsey, 140 SW Columbia, Moxy Hotel, and more

NE 106th & Halsey will include a mix of affordable and market rate housing, adjacent to the new Gateway Discovery Park. Image taken from the presentation to the Design Commission in February 2018.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers May 7th to May 13th, 2018.
Early Assistance has been requested by Portland Development Group for a project at 2824 NW Upshur St:
Demolish existing house and build a new 5-unit multi-dwelling building.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 1809 NW Davis St:
Redevelopment of the 20,000 sf surface lot across the street and east of the main Trinity Cathedral campus, with the potential of including the 10,000 sf parcel in the SE corner of the same block. The primary purpose is to expand parking capacity for the Trinity Cathedral on Sundays through a shared parking arrangment with a new commerical and/or mixed use development on the site. Both sites have requested a zone change to CM3 through the Map Refinement Project.
Early Assistance has been requested by Ink Built Architecture for a project at 6716 NE Garfield Ave:
Future code: New apartment building. 3 stories with partial basement, 28 units all affordable housing, modular construction. Meeting community design standards. No design district. D-overlay
The redevelopment of Kellogg Middle School at 6909 SE Powell Blvd has been submitted for a Type III Conditional Use Review:
Redevelop the entire Kellogg Middle School site. Demo existing structures and remove the debris. Development of vacant field since the property will then be graded and reseeded in anticipation of the redevelopment of the site in spring 2019. The cleaned site will house a new 105,000 sf school structure, off street parking area and bus loop, recreation field, and a limited service access road. The off-street parking area will contain 34 parking spaces, 2 of which will be handicapped and 2 carpool parking spaces. A free-standing obelisk sign will be located at the corner of SE Powell Blvd and 69th Ave.
A project at NE 106th & Halsey has been submitted for Type III Design Review by Holst Architecture:
Mixed use development fronting SE Halsey and Gateway Discovery Park and includes 40 units of affordable housing and 35 units of market rate housinig. Retail spaces and residential amenity spaces on the ground floor, office space and residential units on the second floor and dwelling units on floors 3-6.
A project at 105 N Killingsworth St has been submitted for Type III Design Review by Kōz Development:
New mixed-use 4-story building with 87 dwelling units, 2400 sq ft of commercial space, associated bike parking and back of house service areas.
A project at 6144 SE Foster Rd has been submitted for building permit review by Merryman Barnes Architects:
Change of occupancy from M and B to R-2 and A-2, S-1 for new tenant to include sleeping beds, commons, kitchen bathrooms, showers, storage; seismic upgrades and exterior site improvements
140 SW Columbia has been submitted for building permit review by GBD Architects:
New 20 story, mixed use residential tower. Tower will span over existing parking entrance. Project will include 348 residential dwelling units, 244 parking spaces and approx 15,000 sf shell commercial space
A project with two buildings at 4242 SE Milwaukie Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
Construct new 3 story (12) unit apartment building with below grade parking and trash area; associated site work
Construct new 1 story building for new community center and fitness center
A project at NE Alberta and 26th has been submitted for building permit review by Steelhead Architecture:
New 3 story, 11 unit apartment building with retail on main floor, includes associated sitework *** w/ 18-168776-MT ***
A project at 2005 N Rosa Parks Way has been submitted for building permit review by William Wilson Architects:
Construct new 4 story (66) unit apartment building with lower level courtyard, bike storage, and utility; associated site work
A project at 1215 N Alberta St has been submitted for building permit review:
Construct new (3) story 14 unit apartment building with bike storage and trash area on level 1; associated site work
The Moxy Hotel at 539 SW 10th Ave been submitted for building permit review:
New 12 story, 197 unit hotel w/ associated sitework (no onsite parking) *** mechanical permit to be separate ***
A building permit was issued to CIDA Architects for a project at 4975 NE 14th Pl:
New 3 story, 15 unit apartment building, includes associated sitework
A structural permit was issued to SERA Architects for the hotel at 619 SW 11th Ave:
STR – New, 15 story hotel – STRUCTURAL AND BELOW GRADE WORK ONLY, Below grade electrical and plumbing work, mat slab foundation system, concrete shear walls and columns and PT concrete decks.
A buiding permit was issued to Skylab Architecture for Block 76 West (previously known as Sideyard) 365 NE Couch St:
New 23,569 sf 5 story mixed use bldg. Primary bldg. Occupancy is mercantile (M) with storage (S) and business (B). Bldg. Will be fully sprinkled and iii-a type of construction. Core and shell construction.
Lovejoy Square Approved by Design Commission (images)
The Design Commission has approved Lovejoy Square, a proposed mixed use building in the Pearl designed by Bora Architects for developer Killian Pacific. The 10 story building would reach a height of 148′-6″ at top of parapet. The building will include approximately 7,000 sq ft of ground floor retail, 33,000 sq ft of office space on levels 2 to 4 and 78 residential units at levels 5-10. Two levels of underground parking will provide 70 parking spaces. Long term parking for 165 bicycles is proposed.
Weekly Roundup: Jupiter NEXT hotel, Allan Building, Multnomah County Central Courthouse, and more

The Allan Building would rise to to a height of seven stories and include over 70,000 sq ft of occupied space.
The Daily Journal of Commerce wrote about two Central Eastside industrial office buildings* proposed by Intrinsic Ventures: the Allan Building at 2455 SE 11th Ave and SE 8th & Division building at 2445 SE 8th Ave.
The Willamette Week reported that the new Multnomah County Central Courthouse comes with a solar-energy system that will take more than a century to pay for itself.
The Portland Business Journal took a first look at the Jupiter NEXT hotel, which is scheduled to open next month.
Affordable housing developers face rising costs. The Willamette Week reports that Mayor Ted Wheeler isn’t plugging the hole.
*This article will be unlocked for the rest of this week. After this week it will only be viewable by DJC subscribers.
Under Construction: Central City Concern Blackburn Building (images)
Construction is underway on the Central City Concern (CCC) Blackburn Building at 122nd & Burnside. The project, designed by Ankrom Moisan Architects, was originally known as the Eastside Health Center, and is part of the “Housing is Health” initiative. The initiative is a partnership between CCC and six local hospitals and health organizations to provide supportive, affordable housing.
The Blackburn Building, named after former CCC President Ed Blackburn, will include affordable housing, health care facilities, a pharmacy and commercial retail space. The 6 story building will include 52 units of respite care transitional housing, 10 units of palliative care housing, 90 units of low-income single room occupancy housing and 34 studios of permanent housing. The integrated housing and clinical services will focus on recovery and mental health services, with some targeted primary care services. The clinic will serve about 3,000 patients annually. Support services at the building will include employment services, housing placement and coordination with other systems.
Under Construction: TwentyTwenty Condominiums (images)
Construction is underway on TwentyTwenty, a 162 condominium development at NE 21st Ave and Multnomah St desgined by Hacker architects for PHK Development. 172 parking spaces will be provided in two levels of below-grade parking. The building will also include 179 bicycle parking spaces. TwentyTwenty is one of only two large condominium buildings currently under construction in Portland, the other being the Vista Pearl.
Metro Reports: Oregon Harbor of Hope, 5134 N Interstate, 1111 NW 23rd, and more

Early Assistance has been requested for the Oregon Harbor of Hope project, which intends to locate a homeless shelter on land underneath the Broadway Bridge
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers April 30th to April May 6th, 2018.
Design Advice has been requested by Holst Architecture for a renovation to a building at 1969 NW Johnson St:
Project regarding existing six story 90 unit apartment building with a rental office and community room on the ground floor. Project scope includes a new exterior skin, HVAC upgrades, site upgrades and non-confirming upgrades. Project subject to Type III historic design review.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 1111 NW 23rd Ave:
Future code: Proposal is for new construction of mixed use building with retail below and residential apartments above. Structures will be either 3-4 or 4-5 stories with underground parking. Existing structures will be demolished. Zoning is changing to CM2. Do not know if affordable housing will be a part of this development.
Early Assistance has been requested by Siteworks Design | Build for a project at 3318 SE 16th Ave:
Future code: Proposal is for multi-family apartments. 4 stories, 45′ max height, 47,000 sf. 75 units (with inclusionary housing). Common amenity spaces
including shared lounge, laundry and outdoor area. Ground floor support, bike storage, trash/electrical, etc. No parking on site. 15% site landscaped. Stormwater flow through planter proposed in L3 landscape zone.
Early Assistance has been requested for the Oregon Harbor of Hope at the Broadway Bridge:
Future code: construction of a temporary shelter.
Early Assistance has been requested by BAMA Architecture & Design for a project at 7212 NE Glisan St:
Future code: 19 unit mixed use residential w/ assembly space for restaurant tenant. Proposal for a green roof.
Early Assistance has been requested by Waechter Architecture for a project at 5134 N Interstate Ave:
Future code: Proposal is for 60 apartments, including affordable units. Retail space on ground level. They would like to meet community design standards.
A project at 3336 SW 11th Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
Construct new 4 story 18 unit apartment building (one lease office to be separate permit); site improvements; trash enclosure bottom floor; mechanical separate (17-288638 mt)
A project at 2054 N Killingsworth St has been submitted for building permit review:
New construction of 12-unit apartment building, and site improvements, no onsite parking
A building permit was issued to ZGF Architects for the Great Notion Brewing at 2450 NW 28th Ave:
In west brewery tenant space, addition of new tap room and patio entrance with ADA compliant ramp; remodel on west side of bldg existing entry, new walls to create bathrooms, kitchen; in east tenant space establish occupancy for new private car garage tenant from former shell occupancy, new ADA entry ramp at north entry, new walls to create secure storage/ compressor room, car lifts work/storage area, bathroom, add new 2nd floor with 2 offices, conference room, bathroom, and balcony.
A building permit was issued to Stewart Gordon Straus Architect for a project at 2993 SW 11th Ave:
Construct a new five unit three story apt building attached to a new three story 4 unit apt building with ground floor garage parking for each. Portions of site greater than 20% slope.-see comment
Weekly Roundup: Fremont Place, Block 76 West, ODOT Blocks, and more

The revised design for the Fremont Place apartments will include a wider greenway trail and creative art studio spaces facing the river.
The Daily Journal of Commerce wrote about Block 76 West—the project formerly known as Sideyard—which is “being squeezed into hot spot“*.
In a 4-0 vote, the Portland City Council took a tentative vote to approve revised designs for the Fremont Place Apartments. The Pearl District Neighborhood Association had previously voted to drop their opposition to the project.
Longtime Central Eastside developer Beam has been picked to lead the redevelopment of the ODOT Blocks, reports the Oregonian.
According to the Oregonian Blue Star Donuts will open a “massive new downtown Portland flagship” in the 12th & Morrison office building.
The Oregonian published images of what the MLB stadium proposed as part of the Portland Diamond Project could look like.
Foundation work is underway on 250 Taylor, which will be the new home for NW Natural. The Daily Journal of Commerce published photos of the progress to date.
The Portland Tribune reported that ‘World-class’ Portland school rebuilds are still planned despite $100M funding gap.
*This article will be unlocked for the rest of this week. After this week it will only be viewable by DJC subscribers.
Metro Reports: Woody Guthrie Place, Block 216, 2275 NW Glisan, and more

2275 NW Glisan St, as presented to the Historic Landmarks Commission in March. The new building is proposed on the site of the 2016 gas explosion.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers April 23rd to April 29th, 2018.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled and Design Advice requested by GBD Architects for a development on Block 216 at 936 SW Washington St:
DESIGN HEARING – Future code:project is a full block of mixed use; office, hotel and residential in a 33 story tower and podium configuration. Parking will be configured below grade in 4 1/2 levels. Gross floor area is approx. 750,000 SF above grade and 160,000 SF below grade. The project will be entitled in accordance with CC 2035 amendments.
Early Assistance has been requested by Ankrom Moisan Architects to discuss alterations to the Artist Repertory Theatre, necessary for a project at 1515 SW Morrison St to move ahead:
Future code: Proposal includes partial demolition of existing structure, reducing the existing theatre to the south half block and creating a mixed-use apartment tower to the north half. Retail lobby, and amenity area are proposed on the ground floor. Parking will be below grade. Alterations and improvements to the existing Artist Repertory Theatre within the south half of the block will be under a separate design review and permit. Approval by others.
Early Assistance has been requested by Sinan Gumusoglu Architecture for a project at 6532 N Interstate Ave:
Future code: remove single family house to build 3-story mixed-use apartment building. Building will have commercial space, one (1) residential unit on the first floor & three (3) residential units on the second floor, and three (3) residential units on the 3rd floor (7 units total). Flat roof will have AC units. Front elevation will have brick facade with balconies, store front at ground floor. Cement siding will also be used.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Doug Circosta Architect to discuss a project at 3436 SE 43rd Ave:
Future code: 60 new affordable rental living units and new chapel on CG zoned portion of property (changing to CM2).
A project at 2275 NW Glisan St (previously 510 NW 23rd Ave) has been submitted for Type III Historic Resource Review by Allied Works Architecture:
Four story mixed use residential building. Site is location of 2016 gas explosion.
A renovation of a building at 5845 NE Hoyt St has been submitted for building permit review:
Exterior renovation of existing 4 story multi family; demo and replace existing exterior cladding and windows; miscellaneous exterior improvements
A project at 7925 N Jersey St has been submitted for building permit review:
New construction of 3-story 6 unit apartment builiding with associated site work, no off-street parking provided
A building permit was issued for the Portland International Airport Concourse E Extension:
2 level, 800 lineal ft addition to existing concourse E, to include new hold rooms and concession areas.
A building permit was issued for a project at 2719 NE Flanders St:
New construction of 3 story 4-plex and site improvements.
A building permit was issued to Carleton Hart Architects for Woody Guthrie Place at 5800 SE 91st Ave:
New 4-story, 64-unit building septic decommissioning required. Call for inspection 842.