The new Regal Cinema proposed at the east end of the Lloyd Center has been submitted for building permit review.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers March 12th to March 18th, 2018.
Early Assistance has been requested by Evident Architecture Office for a project at 3240 N Williams Ave:
Current code: Proposal is for a new four story commercial building with ground floor retail and parking and three floor residential or commercial work/live units. On site stormwater management will be planters and drywells. Applicants will explore a minor height adjustment of approx. 6ft over the allowed 45 ft.
Early Assistance has been requested by MFA Architecture & Planning for a project at 8308 SE 13th Ave:
Proposed project includes removing an existing two-story building and developing a new 28,000 SF four-story 19 unit apartment building with retail and office space on ground floor. The building will provide setbacks from the south and east
property lines with a required buffer on the east property line.
The Lloyd East Anchor Remodel has been submitted for building permit review by LDA Design Group:
Renovate former Sears building. The lower levels will be for retail and office use while the upper level is being expanded by 76,000 sf for a 14 screen movie theater. A new mall entry will be added to the Eastern side of the mall to provide a connection to the exterior and a new theater lobby entry will be located at the corner of the existing parking structure to provide vertical circulation to the mall and theater.
A project at 9833 N Portsmouth Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
Construct new two story office building to include main level; rec room, restroom, with covered concrete porch on NE area of building, second floor to include two offices and restroom with covered porch on NE area of building
A project at 6125 SE Division St has been submitted for building permit review by Ankrom Moisan Architects:
Construct new care facility with underground parking and living care facility on main floor; associated site work
A building permit was issued to Steelhead Architecture for a project at 6112 SE Foster Rd:
TI for new brewery; change of occupancy from ‘M’ to ‘A-2’ for restaurant and ‘B’ to ‘F-2’ for brewery; new partition walls for kitchen, restrooms, office, brewery and storage room; new counter for bar, relocate entry. With 108 sf trash enclosure and parking lot improvements. Walk-in cooler under separate permit.
It used to be that movie (or legit) theaters didn’t present multi-story blank walls to the street. Only the lobby fronted the street. The auditorium was recessed behind, for instance, several stories of residential units or offices. A thin liner, perhaps, but took advantage of the light available on the street facade. Maybe one day we’ll need housing enough to make that worthwhile.
What kind of siding is that…this thing will be even more dated the movie theater that preceeded it!
And I agree with Doug’s point! We need to encourage more vibrant streetscapes!
The movie theater design is crazy awful. I know they have to cram in multiple theaters in there that need to be dark, but isn’t there some other option than a flat wall with some siding pop-outs? It will look awful and will be around years to come.
Well, think about it for a moment. One of the ugliest things about theaters is a ground floor of concrete. this has GLASS. A big improvement over most theaters. There really isn’t much you can do to make a theater attractive on the outside that they haven’t done. It’s about two blocks from where I live, and I can certainly appreciate the improvement over other theater designs. I’m just saying…
Why do we have to do something “that hasn’t been done?” Look at the Detroit Opera House in it’s glory days. Or the Brooklyn Theater, before and after renovations. We don’t need to do something entirely different. What does placing a new element like glass have anything to do with a building being better? You’ve got a lot more issues you’ve just created by adding that curtain wall, which in hindsight looks like the only thing they could fit into the budget instead of placing glass cohesively throughout the exterior. This current design just sucks.
Too bad, I quite like the existing Regal Cinema there. The glazed entry and skylit atrium are really nice, and something I’m sure won’t be present in the new one, though on the other hand I’m sure it will have stadium seating.