The Historic Landmarks Commission has offered Design Advice to SERA Architects for a renovation of the Tuck Lung building in Chinatown. The project would involve substantial exterior alterations, designed to make the currently vacant ground floor retail space more attractive to potential tenants. An existing medical clinic, which occupies the second floor and a portion of the ground floor, would remain.
Monthly Archives: February 2018
Metro Reports: UP River Campus, Riverplace Parcel 3, Zidell Block 8, and more

Building permits were issued for Riverplace Parcel 3, which will include 203 units of affordable housing and 177 units units of market rate housing
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers January 8th to January 14th, 2018.
Design Advice has been requested by Allied Works Architecture for a project at 2275 NW Glisan St (510 NW 23rd Ave):
Current Code: Construction of a new 4 story (6,755 square foot) mixed-use building. Five dwelling units on levels 2,3 and 4 are proposed with retail space on the ground floor. This is a contributing site in Alphabet Historic District.
Early Assistance has been requested by Dominek Architecture for a project at 3003 NE Alberta St [update 3/2/2018: this project is no longer active]:
Future code: The proposed project is a new + 18,559 sf 3-story addition to an existing 7,660 sf 1-story building on NE Alberta and 30th Ave. Both frontages appear to be improved. The proposed primary use is mixed use retail and restaurant on the ground flor and household living on the 2nd-4th floors (19 units). The existing ground floor building will be reuised as-is (with appropriate seismic and other upgrades).
Early Assistance has been requested by Works Progress Architecture for a project at 1935 N Killingsworth St:
Current code: Construction of new three story wood framed construction over 1 story mass timber mixed use building with the ground floor having 2 retail spaces and 9 tuck under parking stalls. There are 36 residential units with varying sizes. 8 of the residences will be affordable housing units. Two stairs access each floor, with one extending to the roof via roof hatch. Site will have below grade drywell connected to storm and 1 flow through planter to north.
Early Assistance has been requested by LRS Architects for a project at 11468 NE Holman St:
Current Code: Construct two new auto service facilities and one new car wash/detailing facility
Early Assistance has been requested for the University of Portland River Campus:
Current code – The University of Portland will be submitting an application for Greenway Review for proposed development on the University’s River Campus.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by CIDA Architects to discuss a project at 3220 SE 19th Ave:
New code doesn’t affect this site: Tenant improvement for new boulering gym. No proposed changes to the exterior of the shell, no proposed changes to impervious areas. This would be for a change of use – Type III Conditional Use land use review.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by GBD Architects to discuss Zidell Block 8:
Current Code: Proposed project will be a phased mixed use development containing two high rise residential towers and two levels of below-grade parking for a total area of approx. 798,000 SF. Each of the towers will include 250-300 units of multi-family housing subject to inclusionary housing requirements.
A project at 1475 SE 100th Ave has been submitted for Type II Conditional Use Master Plan amendment by CB|Two Architects:
Planned expansion to existing skilled nursing facility as part of the CUMP in 2011 (11-139546 CUMS AD) for the site. The proposed expansion will increase the existing 38,342 square foot skilled nursing facility with an approximate 8,500 square foot building addition, providiing 18 more beds to the facility.
The Providence Park Retail and Ticket Booth Addition has been submitted for Type II Design Review by John Weil Architecture:
Proposal is for Providence Park retail and Ticket Booth Addition. An addition of 1,300 SF of retail store in existing plaza area at corner of SW 20th and SW Morrison Streets and reconstruction of existing ticket windows to combine three locations into one 160 SF location.
Building permits were issued to Ankrom Moisan Architects for the Riverplace Parcel 3 development:
New 6 story 5 over 1 TYpe IIIA and Type I wood apartment over concrete podium structure with ground floor commercial and daylight basement parking – 2nd 6 story tower permitted under 17-156297-CO, includes all site utility pipingv
New 13 story Type I concrete high rise apartment building over concrete podium structure with daylight basement parking – 2nd 6 story tower permitted under 17-156305-CO
Weekly Roundup: Inclusionary Housing, FAR Transfers, Cross-Laminated Timber, and more

The Pearl District Framework development is set to break ground soon, but some environmental groups have concerns.
One year into Portland’s Inclusionary Housing program the Portland Mercury reported that the program is getting “lackluster results“.
The Daily Journal of Commerce reported on a proposed change to the Inclusionary Housing program, that would affect condominiums*. According to Hoyt Street Properties the new regulations would cause them to “sell [their] remaining land or build office (space) instead”.
The Artists Repertory Theatre has been rescued by a $7 million anonymous donation, according to the Willamette Week. The company still however plans to sell half their block at 1515 SW Morrison St to a developer that intends to build a 218-foot residential tower on the site.
OPB wrote about a proposal by City Commissioner Fritz to amend the Central City 2035 Plan to allow Floor Area Ratio (FAR) transfers from the Open Space zone.
One year after a devastating explosion, the Daily Journal of Commerce published photos of the reconstruction of the Robert and Ann Sacks House at 2281 NW Glisan St.
The Willamette Week reported that a coalition of environmental groups is criticizing the use of cross-laminated timber on the soon-to-break-ground Framework building.
*This article will be unlocked for the rest of this week. After this week it will only be viewable by DJC subscribers.
Event: One City/Many Futures
A panoramic view of the next Portland with an unprecedented line-up of the people and projects defining the city’s future: top city officials, developers, architects, and activists shaping the places that we live, work, and play.
March 12: What are we building?
March 19: How will we move?
March 26: Greening Portland
The Armory
128 Northwest 11th Ave.
$5-20, sliding scale
Metro Reports: Forest Park Entry, 815 W Burnside, 250 Taylor, and more

The Forest Park Entrance and Nature Center by Dangermond Keane Architecture has been submitted for a Type II Environmental Review
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers January 1st to January 7th, 2018.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 12044 SE Division St:
Current code info: Demolition of existing Burger King (3,929SF) and development of 2 new drive thru pads. Project will include new and reconfigured parking and associated landscaping improvements. New trash enclosure will be constructed to serve the two new restaurants. New square footages of the two new restaurants will be 2,866 SF and 2,265 SF. They will also need to adjust the property line.
Early Assistance has been requested by Merrman Barnes Architects for a project at 6144 SE Foster Rd:
Current code – Conversion of existing commercial tenant space into a 24-hour, mass homeless shelter with sleeping areas for approximately 130 people, restrooms and shower rooms, administrative spaces, a multi-purpose room, common space that doubles as a dining area and a pantry. Exterior courtyard will be used as the main entry and control point as well as providing access to the waiting area and recreational uses. This shelter to be operated by Transition Projects.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Ankrom Moisan Architects to discuss a project at 815 W Burnside St:
Current Code: New mixed-use apartment building with approx 150 homes and ground floor retail and amenities.
The Forest Park Entrance and Nature Center at 4315 NW St Helens Rd has been submitted for Type II Environmental Review:
Forest Park Entrance and Nature Center project: Nature Center with restrooms; access drive and parking with ADA spaces and bus parking; trailhead and accessible pathways connect to Forest Park; and street frontage improvements.
A building permit was issued to SERA Architects for the ROSE/APANO Affordable Mixed Use development at 8118 SE Division St:
New construction for a mixed-use, multi-family building with 48 units, residential common space, office for residential manager, common lobby and a shell only commercial space
A building permit was issued for a project at 5959 SW Virginia Ave:
New 3 story, 30 unit apartment building , includes associated sitework and retaining wall. See fire appeal # 14490 for allowing a distance of fdc from a hydrant up to 345 feet.
A building permit was issued to Ankrom Moisan Architects for the 250 Taylor office building:
New 11 story speculative office building, ground floor retail and common and support area serving office functions, 2 stories of below grade parking
A building permit was issued to Hacker for the Gilkey International Middle School at 677 NW Miller Rd:
New 3-story middle school building, to include new classrooms, offices, restrooms, and associated site work *** separate mechanical permit 17-180066mt ***