The Raleigh 22 apartments by SERA Architects have been submitted for building permit review
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers January 22nd to January 28th, 2018.
Early Assistance has been requested by Quilici Architecture & Design for a project at 2940 SE Division St:
Current code info: New 32-unit apartment without parking. Main entrance and lobby on 30th Ave. Trash and recycle room located on south side of building and accessed off of 30th. Existing commercial structure and all trees on-site to be removed.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 205 N Bridgeton Rd:
Current code: Develop site with a new building for approximately 4 units of residential living. The dock/walkway will need to be relocated; possibly reconfigure parking.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by SERA Architects to discuss a project at 1715 SW Salmon St:
This project/site is not affected by the comp plan/zone map change. New 7-story residential apartment building (concept to-date is 175 units – mix of studios, 1 and 2-bedroom units), with ground floor retail, resident support and parking.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Works Progress Architecture to discuss a project at 320 NE Lloyd Blvd:
Current code: Two options are being evaluated for the proposed development. Option 1 is the construction of a music venue, approx 76,000 gsf with 4 levels of commercial workspace and retail to the north of the site, and a 14-story residential tower above. Option 2 is the construction of a 14-story residential tower with 4 levels of commercial workspace and retail to the north of the site.Three levels of below-grade parking are proposed with both options.
The Raleigh 22 apartments have been submitted for building permit review:
New, 6-story housing project with 173 dwelling units, below grade parking garage with 140 parking spaces and 7 EV ready parking spaces, retail space and residential amenity spaces.
A project at 15225 SE Powell Blvd has been submitted for building permit review by BAMA Architecture and Design:
New two story 25 bed, 9987sf wood framed adult care home. 50 sq ft trash enclosure, landscaping
A project at 5735 N Greeley Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Duhon Consulting and Design:
New 5 unit 3 story apartment buiding.
A building permit was issued to David Rodeback Architect for the renovation for the Portland Sanitarium Nurses’ Quarters at 6012 SE Yamhill St:
Existing 4-story building – change of occupancy and use from R1, B, A3 to R2 & A3 with 62 new apartment units and 14 sleeping units added, and complete seismic retro fit for entire building
A building permit was issued for the Alberta.13 apartments at 4950 NE 13th Ave:
New 4 story mixed use multi-family apartment building (30 units), assembly on first floor (no occupancy), apartments on 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floors, and associated sitework
A building permit was issued to William Wilson Architects for a project at 2510 SE 29th Ave:
New 4-story, 50 unit, apartment building with basement garage and ground floor retail. Stormwater is proposed to be disposed of through stormwater planters at the south property line. Ground floor retail/coffee shop space is shell and restroom only, future tenant improvements under separate permit at a later date.
The February 4 2018 Land Use Review Intakes include a submission from the Tokyo Inn budget business hotel chain. The proposal is for a 19-story business hotel with 486 rooms, to be built at SW Third and Oak.
(It is designated “inactive” on the Development Map.) I stayed at one of these hotels in China. Many of them have very similar designs, featuring fenestration with regularly spaced small square windows with deeply inset white casings. (See for example the 18-story Tokyo Inn in Busan Seo-myeon in Korea.) It will be interesting to see whether the Design Commission will accept this approach or try to impose a more expensive design since it will conflict with the company’s need to be economical in order to provide inexpensive hotel rooms.