A ground breaking ceremony was held for SERA Architects’ ROSE/APANO Affordable Mixed Use Development
The Business Tribune reported on the ground breaking for the ROSE/APANO Affordable Mixed Use Development at SE 82nd & Division. The building will include 48 residential units and commercial space.
Eater Portland reported that Dig A Pony co-owners have announced a new bar inside the Jupiter Hotel Expansion.
The Oregonian looked at Portland’s proposal to Amazon for its second headquarters project. Sites identified as available for development include the Post Office Site and the Ankeny Blocks.
Taller buildings in downtown Portland were called “inevitable” in a KATU report.
The first tenants for the Field Office have been announced, reports The Oregonian. The Children’s Garden and marketing agency Adpearance will move into the development, currently under construction on NW Front Ave.
Won’t the Rose/Apano building destroy the “character” of 82nd Ave? Seriously, it’s a great improvement.