A proposed hotel at SW 10th & Alder has gone before the Design Commission to receive Design Advice. The 11 story hotel, designed by DLR Group for Graves Hospitality, will be operated as a Moxy Hotel, a new brand by Marriott International. The building will rise to a maximum height of 136′, and will include 179 guest rooms. No vehicular parking is proposed.
Monthly Archives: October 2017
Weekly Roundup: N Williams and Knott, OMSI Masterplan, Fair-Haired Dumbbell, and more

The OMSI Masterplan by Snøhetta and Mayer/Reed recently went in front of the Design Commission
The DJC reported that development at N Williams and Knott will wait a little longer* as a Prosper Portland oversight committee scrutinizes plans for the property.
Portland Architecture reported on the winners at the 2017 AIA Portland Architecture Awards. Projects in Portland that received prizes included the Japanese Garden Expansion and Pearl West.
The OMSI Masterplan could involve re-aligning SE Water Avenue and adding a two-way cycle track, according to BikePortland.
City Observatory noted that “‘For Rent’ signs are popping up all over Portland, signaling an easing of the housing crunch and foretelling falling rents.”
“With its wildly colorful artist-painted exterior, the Fair-Haired Dumbbell gives Portland a reason to smile,” according to an article in the Business Tribune.
*This article will be unlocked for the rest of this week. After this week it will only be viewable by DJC subscribers.
Metro Reports: MLK.Mason West, 2580 NW Upshur, 9298 NE Cascades Parkway, and more

A building permit was issued for the MLK.Mason West Apartments by TVA Architects
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers October 16th to October 22nd, 2017.
Early Assistance has been requested by William Wilson Architects for a project at 6541 N Denver Ave:
Proposed development of a split zoning site, CG and R5. four story apartment building (20 units or more) on the GC portion of the site and 2 new single family homes on the R5 portion of the site. All existing structures on site to be demoed.
Early Assistance has been requested by Urban Development Group for a project at 2580 NW Upshur St:
Current code – New apartment building with 146 units including 22 affordable units.
Early Assistance has been requested by William Kaven Architecture for a project at 2245 SE Powell Blvd:
Current code – Proposed project is 15,329 SF new four story mixed use building.
Early Assistance has been requested by WDC Properties for a project at 506 NE 53rd Ave:
Current code: New 4-story, 18 unit multi-family housing building.
Early Assistance has been requested by Mortenson for a project at 9298 NE Cascades Parkway:
Current Code: Propose a 200-room lifestyle hotel, located on the eastern portion of Parcel G Cascade Station. The hotel will have a straight orientation and primary frontage along NE Cascades Pkwy. To include (approx.) 180 parking spaces, a curbside drop-off on NE Cascades Pkwy, ground-level amenities, and an off-road trail along the southern portion of the property.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 7246 N Mohawk Ave:
Current code: New 14 unit apartment building – follow up questions from EA 15-189166 Appt.
A project at 5320 SE Woodstock Blvd has been submitted for building permit review by Studio 3 Architecture:
New 3-story, 19 unit apartment building with associated site work. Multistory dwelling units at floors 2 and 3.
A project at 1805 N Rosa Parks Way has been submitted for building permit review by DEZ Development:
New 3 story 18 unit apartment building
A project at 1522 N Sumner St has been submitted for building permit review by Fosler Portland Architecture:
New construction of 3-story 19 unit apartment building and site improvements
A project at 1520 N Emerson St has been submitted for building permit review by DEZ Development:
New 3 story 19 unit apartment building with enclosed bicycle parking.
A building permit was issued for the MLK.Mason West apartments at 4111 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd:
New 6 story apartment building with 112 units and tuck under parking.
A building permit was issued for a project at 255 SE 146th Ave (formerly 223 SE 146th Ave):
Construct 3 story, 18 unit apartment building, includes parking and associated site work, detached trash enclosure is less than 120ft in area
South Waterfront Blocks 41 and 44 Approved (images)
The Design Commission has approved two seven story mixed use buildings proposed by developer Cairn Pacific on South Waterfront Blocks 41 and 44. The buildings, designed in partnership by Jones Architecture and GBD Architects, will together include 524 residential units. Landscape design for the development is being done by PLACE.
Metro Reports: MLK.Failing, 3612 SE 82nd, Modera Buckman, and more

The MLK.Failing Apartments by TVA Architects have been submitted for building permit review
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers October 9th to October 15th, 2017.
Design Advice has been requested by MWA Architects for a project at 9747 NE Glisan St:
Project is intended as affordable workforce multi-family residential development. This project includes 3,500 square feet of resident service/community space and 161 apartment units.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Ankrom Moisan Architects to discuss a project at 1515 SW Morrison St:
Current code: Partial demolition of existing structure, reducing it to south half block, and creating a mixed-use apartment project to the north half. Retail, lobby, amenity area proposed on ground floor. Parking will be below grade. Alterations and improvements to the Artists Reperatory Theatre within the south half block will be under a separate review/permit approval.
A new Type III Design Review application has been submitted for a project at 3714 SW Macadam Ave:
Proposal is to construct two new seven story mixed use buildings with ground floor retail, parking at the two lowest levels and housing above in Central City–South Waterfront subdistrict.
The MLK.Failing Apartments at 3802 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd have been submitted for building permit review:
Construct new 5 story (89) unit apartment building with parking, bike room, and equipment room on main floor; associated site work
A project at 3612 SE 82nd Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
New construction of 8500sf single story building with mezzanine. New core and shell building for up to 9 restaurant tenants on property. Site work to include new infrastructure and parking lot repairs to accommodate 16 food carts seating areas, and required parking separate electrical, mechanical, and plumbing permits required.
A building permit was issued to SERA Architects for the 17th & Kearney Apartments:
5 over one Type IIIA over Type IA – New 6 story apartment building with 124 units, 1 level below grade parking, Retail on ground floor.
A foundation permit was issued to Leeb Architects for the Modera Buckman apartments at 909 SE 12th Ave:
STR 01 – Podium work will include the Basement and concrete structure for the first three levels of the building (scope of work terminates at top of level 3 slab). This will include only Type IA (concrete) construction of the structure. The podium permit work includes excavation, underground and under-slab utilities, concrete, masonry and steel elements of the basement and podium structure.
A building permit was issued to City Craft Development for a project at 4620 N Maryland Ave
New 3 story 24 unit apartment building with basement
Weekly Roundup: 250 Taylor, Lloyd West Anchor, Eastside Office, and more

The Eastside Office at 525 SE MLK will be framed with mass timber
The Willamette Week broke the news that Live Nation plans to open a concert venue in the Lloyd West Anchor building, formerly home to Nordstrom.
Portland for Everyone wrote about how “Portland’s anti-McMansion compromise is filling in details and nearing a final vote.”
NW Natural will move from Old Town into the 250 Taylor office building in 2019, reports the Portland Tribune.
The Portland City Council approved a resolution outlining priorities for how the $258 million housing bond should be spent, according to the Oregonian.
According to the Portland Tribune the city council will this week review a map showing any potential conflicts held by members of the West Quadrant Plan Stakeholders Advisory Committee. The plan, adopted by council in 2015, informs the larger Central City 2035 Plan currently before council.
The Business Tribune wrote about two cross-laminated timber buildings being designed by Hacker, including the Eastside Office at 525 SE MLK.
As the Portland area sets itself up as a center for mass timber construction, the Business Tribune asked what is it, and where can we see it?
As Adidas gets ready for a major expansion in Portland, the Oregonian sat down with executive Mark King to discuss the sportswear company’s future plans.
Metro Reports: SW 3rd & Salmon, Chamberlain Hotel, N Williams Center, and more

The SW 3rd & Salmon hotel tower has been submitted for building permit review
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers October 2nd to October 8th, 2017.
Early Assistance has been requested by Novak Architecture for a project at 5665 NE Glisan St:
2018 updated comp plan info for: Construction of a new 3-story mixed-use building, with ground floor retail and restaurant, approximately 18 apartment units, and 7 parking spaces.
Early Assistance has been requested by MFA Architecture & Planning for a project at 1314 SE Cesar E Chavez Blvd:
Future code – Propose to remove existing single story building and developing a new 8,500 sf single story retail building fronting SE Cesar Chavez. Improvements to parking.
N Williams Center at 2156 N Williams Ave has been submitted for Type III Conditional Use Review:
Construction of a five story building with a total of 61 units. Thirty-two parking spaces are proposed with access from NE Tillamook. Two Adjustments requested outside of the Elliot Conservation Area to Maximum Facade and Front and side building setback requirements. There is an exsiting Community Service Use on site which will remain. The Institutional Development Standards of Chapter 33.120 of the Zoning Code will apply to the entire site. A conditional use review is triggered by existence of Community Service Use on the site. The proposal will meet the Community Design Standards (Chapter 33.218 of the Portland Zoning Code)
The renovation of the Chamberlain Hotel at 509 SE Grand Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Works Progress Architecture:
Change of occupancy from M to A-2 on ground floor. Seismic retrofit. Major remodel to entire building, new storefront, entries, canopies, elevator, egress stairs, roof, stormwater facilities, demising walls.
A project with two buildings at 7026 N Montana St has been submitted for building permit review by Architecture Building Culture:
Building A – new 3-story, 6-unit apartment building with covered trash enclosure under 150 sf.***DFS steel stair***separate fire sprinklers***
Building B – new 3-story, 6-unit apartment building.***DFS steel stair***separate fire sprinklers***
A project at 3441 SE Gladstone St has been submitted for building permit review:
Bldg A – 1 of 3 new buildings w/ (E) building to remain, all on same lot – 3 story, 7 unit apartment building w/ onsite parking, includes associated sitework *** w/ detached trash enclosure 17-248414-CO & 17-248408-MT ***
Bldg B – 2 of 3 new buildings w/ (E) building to remain, all on same lot – 2 story, 8 unit apartment building *** w/ 17-248411-MT ***
A project at 5717 N Greeley Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
New 3-story, 6 unit apartment building with 32 sf trash enclosure and F2 screen fence around mechanical equipment.***DFS fire sprinklers.
The 3rd & Salmon hotel has been submitted for building permit review by Ankrom Moisan Architects:
New 20 story hotel, 180,000 gross sq ftl with 250 guest rooms, ground floor retail, conference center, gym, groundfloor restaurant, bar/market, support spaces and rooftop restaurant and bar. Total project consists of 20 stories of Type 1 construction with one basement.
Sideyard at 318 NE Couch St has been submitted for building permit review by Skylab Architecture:
The project is a new 23,569 sf 5 story mixed use bldg. Primary bldg. Occupancy is mercantile (M) with storage S) and business (B). Bldg. Will be fully sprinkled and III-A type of construction. Core and shell construction.
A building permit was issued to Lenity Architecture for a project at 1260 SE Lambert St (formerly 7805 SE 13th Ave):
Construct new 4 story mixed use apartment building; main level to include 3 future tenant spaces- no occupancy this permit, parking garage, trash room area, and lobby area; floors 2-4 to include 30 residential units
A building permit was issued to for a project at 3539 SE Milwaukie Ave:
New 3 story apartment building with 16 units and 1 ground floor retail space; bike storage and trash room on main fl
Rebuild of Portland Building Approved (images)
The proposed rebuild of the Portland Building has been approved by the Landmarks Commission, with the decision upheld by the City Council at appeal. The almost $200 million reconstruction of the Michael Graves designed building is being led by DLR Group, and is intended to address seismic deficiencies and water intrusions issues that have been present since the building was completed.
Weekly Roundup: Riverplace Redevelopment, Cook Security Group HQ, 7 Dees, and more

The Riverplace Redevelopment would include towers of up to 400′ tall.
The Willamette Week broke the news of the potential Riverplace Redevelopment, which could include 2,500 units, with 500 of them priced to be affordable for people making 80% of area median income. The project is being designed by Japanese architecture firm Kengo Kuma & Associates and Portland-based GBD Architects. To move forward the project will require the support of the Portland City Council for an increase in the allowable heights on the site. Mayor Wheeler has confirmed he supports the development.
The Business Tribune reported on the ground breaking for the Cook Security Group HQ at 9225 NE Cascades Parkway.
The NW Examiner wrote about the Fremont Place apartment development, and how it will affect views of the Fremont Bridge from the Fields Park.
The 7 Dees garden center at 6025 SE Powell is set to be redeveloped as a 3-story self-storage building, reports the Portland Tribune.
Portland Architecture spoke to Hennebery Eddy Architects founder Tim Eddy on the occasion of the firm’s 25th birthday.
In the past 10 years, the City of Portland has collected $390 million in Systems Development Charges paid by developers, writes the Business Tribune.
Metro Reports: 72Foster, SW 3rd & Ash, Powell Blvd Target, and more

The former AMF Bowling Alley on Powell is being converted into a Target
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights. This post covers September 25th to October 1st, 2017.
Early Assistance has been requested by CE John for a project at 1715 NE 33rd Ave:
Current Code – New Multi-Tenant retail building with surface and rooftop parking.
Early Assistance has been requested by Koble Creative Architecture for a project at NE 42nd & Prescott:
Construction of new 4-story apartment building (19 units), with ground floor retail and parking.
A project at 4708 NE Sandy Blvd has been submitted for Type II Design Review by Koz Development:
New construction of mixed use building with 114 residential apartments over commercial space. One modification to bike parking.
A structural permit has been submitted for review by GBD Architects for SW 3rd & Ash:
STR 01 – Partial permit for excavation, shoring, foundation, structural shell and all under slab and perimeter utility for the project. One level below parking with 6 stories above grade
A building permit was issued to MAJ Development for the Powell Blvd Target at 3031 SE Powell Blvd:
Change of use and occupancy at shell from A-3/S-2 to M/S-2; addition of warehouse storage, loading area and trash enclosure; no current interior occupancy without T.I.; return to shell; remove all interior walls and fixtures; replace front storefront; new interior walls to separate space; remodel garage seismic upgrade is only at the garage level, and at the first floor. 10% increase on seismic load. Upper structure and roof is not upgraded . Amit coordinated in the early stage the sismic requirements with babrak amiri and with the applicant
A building permit was issued to Otak Architects for a project at 1823 SE 50th Ave:
New 4 story, 19 unit apartment building, includes associated sitework ***separate mechanical permit required***
A building permit was issued to Holst Architecture for 72Foster at 5005 SE 72nd Ave:
New four-story mixed-use multi-family building with 101 apartment units over ground floor retail and residential services; 35 on-site parking stalls Septic Decommissioning Required. Call for Inspection 842.