The Redfox Commons will be located at the former Freeman Factory site in NW Portland. The existing buildings will be converted into approximately 60,000 sq ft of creative office space.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.
Early Assistance has been requested by Mackenzie for a project at 1039 NE Stafford St:
Current Code- re develop site for self-storage.
Early Assistance has been requested by Security Properties for a project at 2505 NE Pacific St:
Review is for new code. Demolition and redevelopment of Pepsi distribution facilities w/4-5 mixed use buildings. Potential uses include parking, retail, housing, office and senior housing.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 1525 SW Market St:
Review is for the current code. Proposal is for a multi-family apartment development and associated parking. Central City Design District. Central City – Goose Hollow Plan District.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Scott Edwards Architecture for an addition to the Hotel Monaco:
Review is for current code. Proposed 4,500 sf bar/lounge addition with an approx. 5,000 sf outdoor deck and replacement of aging HVAC equipment located on the roof of the 10-story building currently occupied as the Hotel Monaco Portland. Stormwater management system TBD per COP BES requirements. Central City Design District. Central City Downtown Plan District.
A project at 2626 SE 122nd Ave has been submitted for a Type II Adjustment Review by Baysinger Partners:
Proposal for construction of a fast food pad building with two Adjustments. 1) to 33.266.130.C.b, Frontage Limitation for on-site vehicle areas along a transit street. 2) to 33.130.215.C(2d), Maximum setback on a transit street.
The Redfox Commons at 2638 NW Wilson St and 2034 NW 27th Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Lever Architecture:
Addition & change of occupancy from S to B; connet two buildings with breezeway. Replace mezzanines in both with new second floors.
A project at 442 NE Jessup St has been submitted for building permit review:
Construct new 3-story, 15 unit apartment building with attached trash room on 1st floor
A building permit was issued for a project at 485 SE 14th Ave (previously 1335 SE Stark St):
New construction-new 4story multi-family apartment building containing 39 units and an enclosed parking garage on leve 1, structure type VA wood framed. Interior trash room. Mechanical permit to be DFS
A building permit was issued for a project at 2919 SE Division St:
New 4 story, 20 unit apartment building with onsite stormwater planter
Is 485 SE 14th previously the brick apartment at 1335 SE Stark (not Hawthorne)?