A building permit is under review for the 3rd & Taylor office building
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.
Early Assistance has been requested by Quilici Architecture & Design Inc for a project at 4040 SE Division St:
Proposal is for a new 38 units with affordable housing (20,640 sf total) without parking. Stormwater planter provided along south PL. Main enterance and lobby on Division St. Trash and recycle room located on north side of building and accesed off Difision St. Existing commercial structure and all trees on-site to be removed.
Early Assistance has been requested by Quilici Architecture & Design Inc for a project at 3212 SE Division St:
Proposal is for a 32 unit apartment complex which includes affordable housing (20,640 sf total) without parking. Stormwater planter provided along south PL. Main enterance and lobby on 32nd Avenue. Trash and recycle room located on south side of building and accessed off 32nd. Existing commercial structure and all trees on-site to be removed.
A building permit application has been submitted for review by David Rodeback Architect for alterations to an existing building at 6012 SE Yamhill St:
Existing 4-story building – change of occupancy and use from R1, B, |A3 to R2 & A3 with 62 new apartment units and 14 sleeping units added, and complete seismic retro fit for entire building
A building permit application has been submitted for review by SERA Architects for the Jantzen Apartments at 518 NE 20th Ave:
New 6 story above grade with full basement. 211 apartments, 114 parking stalls, with retail, common space on ground floor
A building permit application has been submitted for review by TVA Architect for a project at 5036 NE Sandy Blvd:
New 6-story, 85 unit apartment building; ground floor shell only; recycle room; with onsite parking, includes associated site work***with 17-169667-MT permit***
A building permit application has been submitted for review for a project at 5419 SE Woodstock Blvd:
New 3 story 38 unit apartment building; interior trash enclosure; associated site work
A building permit application has been submitted for review by Ankrom Moisan Architects for the 3rd & Taylor office building:
New 10 story speculative office building, ground floor retail and comond and support area serving office functions, 2 stories of below grade parking
A building permit was issued for a project at 1211 SE Morrison St (previously 1205 SE Morrison St):
Construct new 4 story (39) unit apartment building with parking and bike storage on main level; associated site work
Looking forward to seeing details on 4040 and 3212 Division. Since these lots are, respectively, 60 x 100 and 50 x 100, in CS zone, these could represent a new typology for Division St.. Also, they may end up being the first for-profit buildings utilizing IZ, pending resolution of the 3 Sellwood building applications by UDG.
Type II design review for 5036 Sandy has been appealed by the neighborhood on the grounds that it doesn’t meet Guidelines D-4 “Locate parking in a manner that minimizes negative impacts…” (the appeal argues that “not providing adequate parking has an enormous impact on the area”, so, the lack of locating enough parking is the issue?), and D-7 “Reduce the impact by..incorporating elements of nearby…buildings such as building details, massing, proportions….” (and they argue that “we do not feel that scale was fully appreciated by the staff”. Perhaps that’s because “scale” is not mentioned in the guideline?)
Clearly the neighborhood just wishes to delay the project, even though they don’t have a case. Presumably they’ll appeal to Council if denied at DC. More reasons to allow use of Community Design Guidelines, even on buildings over 55′, in the DOZA changes.
Actually 5036 Sandy is being appealed by a neighboring homeowner, across the street. Perhaps they won’t appeal to Council.
There’s no appeal to City Council possible from a Type II case. The next step would be LUBA.