The City Council heard the appeal for the Ankeny Apartments
The Business Tribune reported on the City Council’s deliberations over the appeal for the Ankeny Apartments, which were denied by the Design Commission earlier this year.
The DJC wrote about plans by the Portland Development Commission to rehabilitate* the long vacant Old Fire Station Property in Old Town Chinatown.
According to the Oregonian the 111-year old Chamberlain Hotel building, formerly home to Shleifer Furniture, will house a temporary homeless shelter while plans progress for its renovation into a hotel.
CityLab published an article about the Burnside Bridgehead, titled Portland’s Next Density Spurt, where projects such as Yard, Slate and the Fair-Haired Dumbbell are re-shaping the skyline.
Eater PDX reported that Japanese restaurant Kuu will open in Slate this summer.
The Hollywood Star News reported that the Makers Row development in Cully is nearing completion.
*This article will be unlocked for the rest of this week. After this week it will only be viewable by DJC subscribers.