A building permit is under review for the affordable housing development at NW 14th & Raleigh
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.
Design Advice has been requested by LDA Design Group for a remodel at the Lloyd East Anchor:
Conference to discuss renovation and expansion of an existing four story building. The building is currently occupied by Sears. The first and second floors will be multi-tenant uses. The fourth floor will be demolished and the third floor expanded from 37,000 square feet to 75,000 square feet.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Köz Development to discuss a project at 4708 NE Sandy Blvd:
New 6 story,114 unit studio apartment building with ground floor retail. 9 parking spaces proposed. Existing building to be Demoed.
A project at 527 SE Spokane St has been submitted for Type II Design Review:
Design review for a new 4-plex (four housing units) that is unable to meet Community Design Standards. Adjustments requested to parking and setbacks. Unable to provide 4 parking spaces; seeking to provide 2 (see CO 16-287526)
NW 14th & Raleigh has been submitted for building permit review by LRS Architects:
12 story, multi-family affordable housing, 93 units, parking for 15 cars
A project at 9316 SE Woodstock Blvd has been submitted for building permit review:
Construct 2-story mixed use 3 unit apartment building, ground floor to include storage, 1-residential unit, 2 bathrooms, gaming and dining area, and service bar; second floor to include 2-residential units, roof top bar. Covered trash enclosure under permit 17-130103.***sprinklers under separate permit.***
A project at 4806 N Maryland Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
New Construction Of 10500sf, 6unit Apartment Building With New 45sf Trash Enclosure.
A project at 1331 NW 17th Ave has been submitted for a structural permit review by GBD Architects:
STR – to include structural, shoring, and ground improvements and MEP underground
Building permits for five buildings at 34-58 SE 146th Ave (previously 26 SE 146th Ave) were issued to Doug Circosta Architect:
Construct new 3 story (12) unit apartment building; with associated site work; building 1 of 5 (bldg 100)
Construct new 3 story (24) unit apartment building; building 2 of 5
Construct new 3 story (7) unit apartment building; building 3 of 5 (bld 300)
Construct new 3 story (18) unit apartment building; building 4 of 5 (bld 400)
Construct new 2 story (1) unit apartment building with laundry on main floor; building 5 of 5. (bld 500)
A building permit was issued to Scott Edwards Architecture for the clinic at the Garlington Center:
Construct new 2 story building for new clinic with associated site work.
A building permit was issued for a project at 2211 NW York St:
New 113,479 gsf, six story self storage facility, demo permit to be applied separately
I’m always in awe of metropolitan cities, the way innovation is very fast-paced and everyone’s always creating new buildings. Admittedly, I’m a fan of architecture and well-designed buildings so I’m looking forward to how these properties would actually turn out!