The Garlington Center by Scott Edwards Architecture will include 52 units, reserved for veterans, people with mental illness and families on low incomes.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.
Early Assistance has been requested by Koble Creative Architecture for a project at 4619 SE 40th Ave:
Demo existing 1 story home and develope a 2 & 3 story apartment building, 13 units proposed, no parking.
A project at 4946 NE 13th Ave has been submitted for building permit review:
New 4 story mixed use multi-family apartment building (30 units), assembly on first floor (no occupancy), apartments on 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floors, and associated sitework
A building permit was issued to Mackenzie for renovations to the Ballou & Wright Building at 1010 NW Flanders St:
Core and shell renovation, no TI work, change construction typ IIIA, remove existing elevator, add new stair, toilet core, bike storage, locker rooms, roof deck and new building entry
A building permit was issued to Scott Edwards Architecture for one of the two buildings at the Garlington Center at 3080 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd:
Construct new 4 story (52 unit) apartment building with associated parking and landscaping
4 STORIES ON ALBERTA? (13th Ave Project) That thing is going to frickin tower over the street. That’s too much!
Thats 13th NW Jo
Slow week. I wonder if the bubble is about to pop. I’m hearing of high vacancy rates in some of the completed larger projects.
Oregon Square was cut in half and even that looks iffy right now. Yes, we need new housing, but how many $3,000 a month apartments and $300 a night hotel rooms can we absorb?