A building permit was issued for the Jupiter Hotel expansion
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.
Early Assistance has been requested by Fosler Portland Architecture for a project at SW 36th Ave & Troy St:
New Mixed Use Building on vacant sloping lot. First 2 stories office and retail top 2 stories will have 4-8 apartments.
Early Assistance has been requested by Michael Green Architecture for a project at 1053-1201 NW Naito Parkway:
New 7-18 story Apartment Building – Timber (CLT) Construction – 2 levels for parking. 3 Development plans, some affordable housing proposed.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 1945 NW Raleigh St:
New 4 story 18 unit apartment building.
Early Assistance has been requested by Encore Architects for a project at 1337 E Burnside St:
The project consists of a six-story approximately 200 unit apartment building with below-grade parking for approx. 118 vehicles.
Early Assistance has been requested by TVA Architects for a project at 2880 SE Division St:
4-story mixed-use multi-family apartment project with ground floor leasable space, lobby, MEP/Utility/Service space, and three elevated apartment floor levels (combo of studio and one-bedroom units for a total of 67 units). Onsite surface parking will be provided. They may need an adjustment to parking stall width.
Early Assistance has been requested by Oh Planning + Design for a project at Kellogg Middle School
Redevelopment of middle school (Kellogg Middle School), either by new addition and renovations – or replacement of 100,000+ sq ft school.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Köz Development for a project at 1111 NW 16th Ave:
New 95 studio unit apartment building, no parking proposed. A eco roof for stormwater management with flow through planters in the courtyard to manage impervious areas outside of the roof.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled for a project at 1500 NE Irving St:
Proposal is new construction of a four story apartment building with 60 units with tuck under grade level parkiing. Existing parking lot to be re-striped to provide parking lots for both existing office and new apartment building.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Work Progress Architecture for a project at 330 SW 10th Ave:
New 23 Story Mixed Use Building – Existing Historic Federal Exchange Building to remain on site.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by TVA Architects for a project at 820 SE Alder St:
New multi-family residential development with ground floor retail and underground parking garage. 6 stories (67′ tall) with a combo of studio, 1 and 2 bedroom living units.
A project at 1650 NW Naito Parkway has been submitted for Type III Design Review by TVA Architects:
new 17 story apartment building. 258 residential units are proposed. The first floor will have both residential and parking. There are 192 underground parking spaces. The access for the parking would be from NW Naito. Two loading spaces are proposed. The property will be divided to create a 79,700 square foot site for this development.
A project at 306 SE 8th Ave has been submitted for Type III Design Review by SERA Architects:
Demo existing building, new development of 7 story 120 unit residential apartment building with ground floor retail and underground parking. 2 modifications , bike parking width &size of parking stalls.
A foundation permit was issued for 1133 SW Market St:
STR – to include Structure, Shoring, Ground Improvements and MEP underground
A building permit was issued to Studio3 Architecture for a project at 4030 N Vancouver Ave:
New mixed use building, 5 stories with ground floor commercial use and 49 apartment units above
A building permit was issued to Works Progress Architecture for the Jupiter Hotel Expansion:
Construct new 6 story mixed use building, includes event space and restaurant, floors 3-6 are hotel rooms, no parking. Site work and stormwater management included.
Excellent news regarding 1337 E Burnside St. Those two vacant blocks are such a waste of close-in urban real estate, although I think that’s because the city retained its right-of-way for awhile after redoing Sandy.