21 Astor, designed by FFA Architecture for Robert Ball Companies
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled and Design Advice requested by GBD Architects for a project at SW Park and Columbia:
8-story multi family 100-110 unit residential project with 33% affordable housing.
A demolition permit was issued for the existing structure at 710 E Burnside St:
Demolish/deconstruct existing restaurant building, cap sewer, remove all debris *** non-residential comprehensive plan designation. Not subject to 35-day demolition delay. ***
A project at 5454 NE 14th Pl has been submitted for building permit review:
New 4-story apartment building to include 15 dwelling units. Main floor to include parking garage and bike parking and associated site work.
A project at 9525 N Lombard St has been submitted for building permit review:
Construct new 2 story (7 unit) apartment building with associated site work
A building permit was issued to FFA Architecture + Interiors for a 21 Astor at 921 NW 21st Ave:
New 4 story mixed use building, (2) ground floor retail spaces and (31) parking spaces, 27 apartment units on floors 2-4.
A building permit was issued for a project at 1526 N Holman St:
Construct new 3 story (6) unit apartment building; with associated site work; detached trash enlosure less than 120 sq ft
I keep (mistakenly) thinking that 21 Astor is the Chevron site, which I would LOVE to see redeveloped (seriously, it’s astounding to me that NW still has two gas stations within three blocks) but it will be nice to see the fenced off lot south of Ling Garden replaced, and I’m very happy that they’re re-opening the restaurant in the building. Definitely a positive addition to the neighborhood.
Good thing they’re breaking ground on 21 Astor before such development gets banned within that zone. Just in the nick of time.
Pssst…you haven’t updated the map in awhile! 😉
The map was last updated on Monday night. If there pins that are out of date, feel free to let me know. Tracking when projects are completed is the trickiest part.
Ah, ok – I keep looking at the ones closest to me.
Slate at 111 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd is completed.
Hoyt20 at 620 NE 20th Ave is under construction.
411 SE 14th Ave is completed.
1313 SE Lambert St certainly appears to be under construction. I walked by it a few nights ago, and portlandmaps.com has a commercial building permit listed with an issue date of 6/10/2016.