A builing permit was issued for the Hoyt20 Apartments
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits processed in the previous week. We publish the highlights.
Design Advice has been requested and a Pre-Application Conference scheduled by Works Partnership for a project at 404 NW 23rd Ave:
Proposal is for a new four story development with basement and surface parking. The roof will have a deck and be used for mechanical storage.
Proposal is for a new four story multi-unit development with basement parking and a provision for additional at grade surface parking. The roof will include a deck and mechanical storage.
Design Advice has been requested by ZGF Architects for a project at 419 SW Washington St:
30-story mixed use (housing/hotel) with five stories of underground parking. Existing building has a two stories of below grade parking.
Early Assistance has been requested by William Wilson Architects for a project at 2502 SE 29th Ave:
New four story, 50 unit apartment building with basement garage and ground floor retail.
Early Assistance has been requested by TVA Architects for a project at 5009 N Interstate Ave:
Proposed project is a 5-story apartment building with 70+ residential apartments. Ground level surface parking will be provided, as well as secure bike room. Will go through design review instead of meeting community design standards. Adjustment to drive through aisle will be requested.
Early Assistance has been requested by Mackenzie for a project at 627 SE Division Pl:
Demo existing structures and construct a new 4 story self-storage facility.
Early Assistance has been requested by Hennebery Eddy Architects for a project at 341 SW 10th Ave:
Early Assistance w/meeting to discuss an addition of up to 2 floors on top of the existing building, which houses a “walk-in” theatre. Those floors would include add’l theatres, food service, common space, and potentially offices.
Early Assistance has been requested by Urban Development Group for a project at 1725 SE Tenino St:
Proposal is for a new apartment building with 78 units. Existing structures will be demolished.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by LRS Architects for a project at 51 NE Weidler St:
Proposal for a mixed use full block development. Ground floor auto dealership facing Broadway and commercial tenant spaces facing Weidler. Below grade parking and behicle service bay for dealership operations. One level of residential parking above the dealership with five floors of residential units. Outdoor terrace and green roof over residential parking structure.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Holst Architecture regarding 1510 NE Multnomah St:
New mixed use development of 2, 6 story 1st floor retail/live work apartment buildings. Approximately 520 market rate units with below grade parking.
A project at 1825 NW 23rd Ave has been submitted for Type III Design Review by Works Partnership:
Type III Design Review for a 5-story mixed use building with ground-level retail. Project includes basement parking.
A project at 6805 SE 52nd Ave has been submitted for building permit review by Allusa Architecture:
New 3 story mixed use building with (15) apartments and (2) retail spaces, site improvements, detached trash enclosure and gazebo each less than 120 sq ft.
New 3 story apartment building with (12) units
A project at 9525 N Lombard St has been submitted for building permit review:
Construct new 2 story (7 unit) apartment building with associated site work
A building permit was issued to MCA Architects for The Woodlark hotel at 813 SW Alder St:
Combine Woodlark Building (B occupancy) and Cornelius Hotel (R-2 occupancy) into a single Hotel (R-1 occupancy,) with 150 rooms, restaurant, bar and retail amenity area. (see 15-173142 CO for interior demolition permit)
A building permit was issued for a project at 7711 SW Capitol Highway (previously 7707 SW Capitol Highway):
New four story apartment building, 72 units, approximately 40 parking stalls, 2 retail spaces, ***demo permit for existing structure to be obtained separately***
A building permit was issued for the Hoyt20 Apartments at 620 NE 20th Ave:
New construction of a 6-story 59unit apartment building including parking and retail on level 1. Levels 3-6 contain a mix of apartment including studios, 1 bedroom, and 2 bedrooms. Level 6 also has an amenity deck along the west property line. Retail space on level 1 is to be built out under a separate permit with no occupancy this permit. Demo of existing building to be under separate permit. Demo plans included for reference only.
A building permit was issued for a project at 6400 N Montana Ave (previously 6404 N Montana):
New 6 unit, 3 story apartment with associated site work and landscaping
Exciting news to see that there might be something happening to Broadway Toyota lot.
So 1725 SE Tenino St means that it’s the house currently at that address, plus the Mike’s Drive In site at 17th and Tenino? They’re owned by the same company and it’s the only way they’re fitting 78 units on that property, so why would they put the side street’s address instead of the one facing the major street?