The Geode at 2512 SE 25th Ave
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits. We publish the highlights.
GBD Architects have requested Design Advice for the redevelopment of the Oregonian publishing buildings at 817 SW 17th Ave:
Demolition of two Oregonian publishing buildings with new construction on both parcels.
Ankrom Moisan Architects have requested Early Assistance for the Stark I & II project at 12613 SE Stark St:
PHB project: Affordable housing development consisting of approximately 162 units divided across three 4-story buildings. Limited amenities on site including a community room, laundry, surface parking and a playground. No retail. All storm water addressed on site.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 9316 SE Woodstock Blvd:
2 development projects – in CM zone Mixed use commercial retail development with parking and in the R1a zone six unit residential development with 9 parking spaces proposed. Looking to meet community design standards.
Early Assistance has been requested by Edge Development for a project at 8080 SE 6th Ave:
Demo house. Construct a new 3-story apartment building. Plans to meet community design standards. This EA is really to find out if PBOT will require a ROW dedication, and if so, what size.
A Comprehensive Plan Amendment & Zoning Map Amendment and a Design Review package have been submitted for 2815 SW Barbur Blvd:
Proposal is for Comprehensive Plan Amendment to urban commercial and zone change to CS (storefront commercial). See LU 16-185068 for the design component of this review.
Proposal is for a plan amendment to urban commercial and zone change to CS (storefront commercial); phase 2 Design Review for 3rd floor addition to existing YMCA building. This case folder is for the design phase only. For the plan amendment and zoning change see LU-16-186417 CP ZC.
A project at 1122 SE Ankeny St has been submitted for Design Review by YGH Architecture:
Construction of a new 6-story multi-residential building with 17 units.
A building permit is under review for a project at 4403 SE Johnson Creek Blvd:
Addition to existing single story building for new self storage building, add 2 total stories over existing building, new 3 story additions at east and west elevations of building; includes 2 new parking areas at east and west of property, includes associated site work and landscaping
Building permits are under review for two buildings at 5014 N Maryland Ave:
New 3 story apartment building with 6 units
New 3 story apartment building with 6 units, site improvements, drywell, detached trash enclosure less than 120 sq ft.
A building permit is under review for a project by Mentrum Architecture at 8015 N Oswego Ave:
New 2 story apartment building with 7 units
A building permit was issued for The Geode at 2512 SE 25th Ave:
Partial change of occuancy and 2 story addition of 16,658 sq. ft. to existing single story concrete building. Complete structural upgrade to 2010 OSSC. Shell permit. Separate tenant improvement permits required. Trade permits separate. Appeal for live/work unit.
A building permit was issued to TVA Architects for a project at 1313 SE Lambert St:
New 4 story 19 unit apartment building, main floor to include trash room and electrical room; with associated site work
The project at 1313 SE Lambert St seems surprising; it goes against the step-down-from-the-main-street philosophy. There aren’t any 4-story buildings anywhere near this site. I’m all for good density, but that site isn’t even on the main drag – it will really tower compared to its surroundings, especially being on the side street.
1313 SE Lambert will, I believe, face on SE 13th, which is a Neighborhood Collector Street. Not a major arterial, but a minor commercial street. It could be considered a Neighborhood “main street”.
You’re right. The 1313 building is facing Lambert, not 13th. This only makes sense when you look at the zoning map, and see that the commercial zone extends back to include this lot. This makes the commercial zoning boundary a consistent distance from the Neighborhood Collector of 13th Ave. If the building west of it were also 4 stories, it would be more consistent. And maybe one day it will be.
But for now, this odd pattern will emerge. A similar thing is happening at 2515 SE 41st, a 50 x 100 lot south of Division, that is also the last commercial lot before the R-2.5/R-5 zoning starts.