The Historic Landmarks Commission has approved designs for a proposed WorldMark on SW Naito Parkway. The 6 story project by SERA Architects would include a mixture of studio, one and two bedroom units, available to members of the WorldMark by Wyndham vacation ownership program. The project will include a retail space fronting on Naito Parkway. No vehicular parking is proposed.
Monthly Archives: April 2016
Affordable housing at 14th & Raleigh goes before Design Commission (images)
Salazar Architects and LRS Architects have gone before the Design Commission to receive advice on a new affordable housing development at NW 14th and Raleigh. The 12 story building, being developed by Innovative Housing, would include 93 units. 40 of the units will be reserved for formerly homeless individuals and families, while the remaining 53 units will be available to those earning between 30 and 60% of Portland’s Median Family Income. 16 vehicular parking spaces are proposed at the ground level. 161 short term bicycle spaces will be provided.
Metro Reports: Grove Hotel, 9101 SE Foster, 5166 SE Division and more

A partial demolition permit was issued for the Grove Hotel. The annex on SW 4th Ave will be demolished. The main building facing W Burnside will be rehabilitated.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits. We publish the highlights.
BAMA Architecture and Design have requested Early Assistance for a project at 15847 SE Powell Blvd:
Proposal is for construction of new 19 bed residential care facility for persons with physical or mental disability. Odot owns frontage and must attend ea meeting. Existing residence will be demolished.
Mackenzie have submitted a project at 2800 NW Front Ave for Conditional Use Review:
Conditional use review for acessory office over 25,000, SF as required for Guilds Lake Industrial Sanctuary Plan District. Adjustment for reduction of parking lot interior trees.
A partial demolition permit was issued for the Grove Hotel:
partial – interior non-structural demolition of south SRO portion of the building and demolition to grade of the north one-story portion of the building.
Hacker Architects have submitted 9101 SE Foster Rd for building permit review:
4 story mixed use development with ground floor retail and 3 floors of apartments
Architecture Building Culture have submitted a project at N Interstate and Jarrett St for building permit review:
Build a new three story 12 unit apartment/condo building constructed of fifteen prefabricated modules set and finished on site. *electrical, mechanical, and plumbing permits to be obtained separately*
A building permit was issued for a project at 5166 SE Division St:
Construct 3 story 14 unit apartment building; with underground parking and associated site work
A building permit was issued to YBA Architects for a project at 1208 SE Ankeny St:
Construct new 4 story with basement, 27 unit apartment building; with associated site work
A building permit was issued for a project at 4304 SW Hillsdale Ct:
Construct new 3 story building with basement; new landscaping and associated site work;
Modera Davis receives Design Advice (images)
SERA Architects have gone before the Design Commission to receive Design Advice on the Modera Davis, a 12 story mixed use building in the Pearl. The 130′-4″ tall building for developer Mill Creek Residential Trust would include 150 residential units and approximately 4,000 sq ft of retail. Parking for 94 vehicles is proposed in two levels of below grade parking.
Weekly Roundup: Pine Street Market, Fair Haired Dumbbell and 4335 SE Belmont

The Fair Haired Dumbbell
The first vendors at the Pine Street Market opened yesterday, including Pollo Bravo and Trifecta Annex. Early in the week The Oregonian published photos of the nearly completed food hall.
The Portland Business Journal reported that Guerrilla Development has received authorization from the Securities and Exchange Commission to raise $1.5 million in funding for the Fair Haired Dumbbell through a crowd sourced offering. Construction of the building is expected to begin in May.
The Portland Chronicle wrote about a 63 unit apartment development at 4335 SE Belmont, which will involve the demolition of three existing houses.
Tower at 7th & Burnside goes before Design Commission (images)
Polyphon Architecture & Design have gone before the Design Commission to receive advice on a proposed 11-story mixed use building at SE 7th & E Burnside. The 121’-10” tall building would include a 10,628 sq ft of office space and 49 residential units. Two retail units would front onto E Burnside. Parking for 55 vehicles and 78 bicycles is proposed.
Pearl East goes before Landmarks Commission (images)
Mackenzie have gone before the Historic Landmarks Commission with designs for a new 7 story quarter block office building, with the working name Pearl East. The 94′-4″ building would have approximately 60,000 sq ft of commercial office space and ground floor retail. The project includes three level of below grade parking, some of which is provided to replace existing parking.
Metro Reports: 2815 SW Barbur, Yard, Iron Fireman and more

The Under Armour building at 2815 SW Barbur, as approved last year.
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits. We publish the highlights.
Bora Architects have requested Design Advice for an addition to 2815 SW Barbur Blvd, Under Armour’s new Portland base:
Proposed addition to building that is currently undergoing a change in use.
Otak Architects have requested Early Assistance for a project at 5416 NE 14th Pl:
Proposal is to build a four story wood framed multi-family apartment building with 15 dwelling units and five parking spaces.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 11144 NE Sandy Blvd:
Proposed 4-story Motel 6 with surface parking.
Holst Architecture have requested Early Assistance for a project at 3403 N Mississippi Ave:
Proposed mixed-use housing project with approximately 175 units. Will meet community design standards.
Early Assistance has been requested by Brett Schulz Architect for a project at 121 N Beech St:
Development of a new mixed use building 20+ apartments & retail space – no parking proposed
Early Assistance has been requested by Works Partnership for a project at 110 SE Washington St:
Proposed 8-story mixed-use office and retail building.
Early Assistance has been requested by Ankrom Moisan Architects for a project at SW Broadway and 9th:
Multi-family dwelling building with parking below.
A Conditional Use Review has been submitted for a project at 1120 SE Madison St:
Convert existing building from Warehouse and Industrial Service Use to an Office Use in the IG1 zone.
A Design Review has been submitted by Skylab Architecture for alterations to Yard:
alterations to previously approved design review for Block 67 (the Yard)
Mackenzie have submitted alterations to the Iron Fireman building at 4784 SE 17th Ave for building permit review:
Core and shell build out of 78,246 sf of 108,066 sf building, for future tenants; add new interior walls to create 10 tenant spaces, lobby area, restrooms, bike storage area; and new stairs that lead to mezzaninne; voluntary seismic upgrade. No occupancy this permit. Separate tenant improvement permits required.
A building permit is under review for 606 NE 20th Ave:
New construction of a 6-story 59unit apartment building including parking and retail on level 1. Levels 3-6 contain a mix of apartment including studios, 1 bedroom, and 2 bedrooms. Level 6 also has an amenity deck along the west property line. Retail space on level 1 is to be built out under a separate permit with no occupancy this permit. Demo of existing building to be under separate permit. Demo plans included for reference only.
Studio 3 Architecture have submitted at a project at 7220 N Burlington Ave for building permit review:
Construct new 2 story (24 unit) apartment building with associated site work
A building permit is under review for a project at 6404 N Montana Ave:
New 6 unit, 3 story apartment with associated site work and landscaping
A building permit was issued for a project at 3423 SE Hawthorne Blvd:
New five-story, 28-unit multi-family apartment complex; on site bike parking; no on-site parking; drywell, landscaping and utilities, trash enclosure on adjacent lot
Design Commission approves PSU Viking Pavilion (images)
The Design Commission has approved designs for a remodel of the Portland State University Peter Stott center, which will include the creation of the new Viking Pavilion. The project by Woofter Architecture, Sink Combs Dethlefs Architects and Lango Hansen Landscape Architects will create a new multi-purpose arena with seating for 3,400 people in the heart of the PSU Campus. As reported in March of last year, the building will also be used by OHSU, who are contributing part of the funding. Other functions to be located in the building include new classroom space, offices, a cafe and a student lounge. 62 short-term bike parking spaces will be provided. No vehicular parking is proposed.
Weekly Roundup: Broadway Tower, Oliver Station, Touché Restaurant and more

The Broadway Tower, which will include a Radisson RED hotel
A 12 story residential development at 505 NW 14th Ave could involve the demolition of three buildings in the Pearl, including Fire Station #3, reported The Portland Chronicle. The building is currently home to Touché Restaurant & Bar.
The Oregonian reported that Radisson RED will be the hotel tenant for the 19 story Broadway Tower. The new brand doesn’t include front desks, and instead uses technology “to simplify the experience and provide efficiencies including keyless guest room entry.”
The Willamette Week reported that Palindrome Communities have closed on the purchase of the New Copper Penny nightclub in Lents. The purchase will allow Oliver Station to move ahead. The project will include approximately 126 affordable apartment units and 19 market rate units.
BikePortland wrote that average apartment building costs fell sharply during the period in which a large number of apartments without parking were being built. After the City Council added minimum parking requirements in 2013 construction costs rose again.
Following up on a previous article, Portland Architecture wrote about the selection process for the Multnomah County Courthouse and SRG Partnership’s design for the new building.
The Portland Business Journal wrote about how developers are betting more on bikes — and seeing big benefits.