The Block 45 development at 1010 NE Grand Ave will include 127 affordable units and 77 market rate units
The Portland Housing Bureau has revealed the projects selected as part of the $47 million Super NOFA (Notice of Funding Availability). The award is the largest in the agency’s history, and will help build six new developments with 585 new units of affordable housing, as well as preserve another 255 units through renovation. Included in this will be 120 units reserved for the lowest-income households, earning up to 30% of the Median Family Income ($15,400 a year for an individual and $24,300 for a family of four).
Read on below for information about the six new build projects selected.
The 72 Foster development will include 108 units of affordable housing, as well as 10,000 sq ft of ground-floor commercial space designed to reach and enhance growing neighborhood businesses. The developers, REACH CDC, will partner with Asian Health & Services Center (AHSC) to provide resident services. The project will be located on Portland Development Commission owned land at 7104 – 7130 SE Foster Blvd. The architects for the project are Holst.
N Williams Center
N Williams Center by BRIDGE Housing is intended to serve very low- and low-income families, with priority given to longtime and displaced residents of the North and Northeast Portland. The project will be located on Multnomah County owned land at 2124 N Williams Ave. The architects for the project are Ankrom Moisan.
The Creators Collective
The Creators Collective at 6431 – 6445 NE MLK Blvd by Meta Housing Corporation will give priority to longtime and displaced residents of the N/NE Portland community, specifically serving low- and very low-income families with children, seniors, and veterans. The project will include 76 affordable units, and will be located on a site currently owned by the Portland Housing Bureau. The project will be designed by Carleton Hart Architects.
Stark I & II
Stark I & II will be located on two adjacent parcels in the Hazelwood neighborhood at 12613 SE Stark St. The project by Central City Concern will provide 162 new units of low-barrier housing for very low-income individuals and families. The architects for the project are Ankrom Moisan.
Block 45
Block 45 at 1010 – 1034 NE Grand Ave, which will be a mixed-income, mixed-use development by Home Forward. The project will be located on a Portland Housing Bureau owned site near the Oregon Convention Center. The 204-unit development will include 127 affordable units, some of which will be reserved for vulnerable populations, including chronically homeless persons and survivors of domestic violence. The architects for the project are LRS Architects and Lever Architecture.
Interstate will be developed by Central City Concern, in cooperation with Home First Development. The project will create 51 new units of affordable housing in the Arbor Lodge
neighborhood, serving low-income households earning up to 60% of the median family income, with a portion of units reserved for those experiencing or at risk of homelessness. On-site resident services will include culturally specific recovery and employment support through partnerships with Miracles Club, NARA, and the Imani Program. The architect for the project is Doug Circosta.