This is an updated version of a post originally published on January 29th, 2016.
Construction is underway on a 6 story office building at SW 12th Ave & Morrison St. The 58,862 sq ft project will include ground floor retail with 5 floors of office space above. No vehicular parking is proposed. The architects for the building are Design Department, working with LRS Architects. The developers of the project are Menashe Properties and North Rim Development.
The project site is a quarter block at 1127 SW Morrison. A one story commercial building, built in 1923, is currently located on the site. A 15 story, 215 room hotel was recently approved for a site on the same block, at the corner facing SW Alder St and 11th Ave.
Floors two through five are angled to create an acute at the corner of SW 11th & Morrison. This volume will project up to will project up to 4′-0″ over the sidewalk. This move, combined with a slightly recessed ground floor, will create covered areas for pedestrians at the ground level. Exterior terraces for the use of office tenants will be provided at each of the office floors.
The primary material for the building will be an aluminum curtain wall system with clear and fritted glass. The fritted glass will be used on the upper floors to reduce solar gain into the office spaces. Other materials include aluminum composite panels, as well as two coat stucco at the property line walls. Ipe wood will be used at the soffits on the first and sixth floors.
The project first went before the Design Commission on December 17th 2015. Revisions made since the initial hearing included the addition of glass canopies over the retail doors and the elimination of the smaller oriel window along SW Morrison. With conditions of approval relating to the intensity of the lighting in the evenings, the Commission unanimously voted to approve the project. In the conclusion to the Final Findings and Decision by the Design Commission it was noted that the building “celebrates it corner location”:
The proposed building, located on a quarter-block site at the intersection of SW Morrison Street and SW 12th Avenue, is a relatively modest scaled building which celebrates it corner location, enhances the pedestrian environment, responds to its context, and while thoroughly modern in design, gives a nod to its neighboring landmark structures. The proposal incorporates high-quality materials and design details that add texture, interest and a sense of permanence, and activation of the facades through the incorporation of clear views and active uses at the ground floor and terraces at the upper levels.
Construction on the building began in September 2016. A leasing website for the project indicates that delivery of the building is expected in August 2017.
Plans, Elevations and Sections
- Plan – Site
- Plan – Basement
- Plan – Ground
- Plan – Typical
- Plan – Sixth
- Plan – Roof
- Elevation – West
- Elevation – South
- Elevation – East
- Elevation – North
- Section
- Section
- Section