Yard, as approved by the Design Commission
The Willamette Week reported that burger restaurant Tilt will move into Burnside Bridgehead tower Yard. Meanwhile the Oregonian reported that the City had missed an “unfortunate” change to the design of the under construction building which “should have triggered either revisions to the design or a reset of the land-use review process.”
Green Zebra announced that they will move into a new building planned at 4926 SE Division St in late 2017. The grocery had originally planned to occupy an existing building at the site, which will now be developed with a 126-unit mixed-use project.
A story in the Southeast Examiner covers a group of Sunnyside residents who are concerned about the loss of sunlight at residential properties adjacent to new commercial developed. The group argues that the City should adopt “light equity” provisions into its codes.
Public hearings are continuing on Portland’s 2035 Comprehensive Plan, as noted by the Portland Business Journal. An interactive map shows land use, transportation and citywide systems changes proposed. Written and oral testimony will be taken until a final hearing scheduled for Wednesday January 13th. Following that members of the City Council will propose amendments to the plan based on testimony received.
BikePortland wrote that “after years of building, Seattle gets a new year’s gift: falling rents“.
Portland Architecture discussed the 10 projects that defined 2015. Included on the list were Hassalo on Eighth, the Hotel Eastlund, Framework, the Society Hotel and One North.
The Portland Chronicle reported that a 1906 duplex at 1208 SE Ankeny St has been demolished. A building permit is currently under review for a 4 story with basement, 27 unit apartment on the site.
Urban Asset Advisors have secured $41.6 million in construction financing for Couch9, according a story in the Portland Business Journal.
The woman poking out of the bridge column on the right is huge. Also, she’s stuck in a concrete column.
Oh, and I see that the basic economic principle of supply and demand is bearing out in Seattle. Kshama Sawant will be mindblown.
Unless I’m missing something, the final council hearing on the comp plan was last Wednesday, Jan 7th.
Due to the number of people who turned up to testify on the 7th they are having one more hearing on the 13th:
Oh, awesome! Thanks for the heads up.