After three Design Advice hearings and two Design Review hearings, the Historic Landmarks Commission has approved designs for a new Restoration Hardware building on NW 23rd Ave. The building by Ankrom Moisan Architects will be modeled on the store’s ‘Gallery’ concept, where furniture is display in a series of linked rooms as they might be in a house. A grand staircase will rise through the three story building, up to an open air pavilion and roof terrace where outdoor furniture will be displayed. Below-grade parking for 18 vehicles will be provided.
Monthly Archives: January 2016
Design Approved for First Tall Cross-laminated Timber Building in America (images)
Designs have been approved for Carbon12, an 8 story building planned for N Williams Avenue. The designers of the project, PATH Architecture, expect that the 85′ tall structure will be the first tall building in the USA built using Cross-laminated Timber (CLT) as its structural system. The building will include 14 residential condominium units, as well as two ground floor retail units. With floorplates much skinnier than is typical in multifamily buildings Carbon12 will include only two residential units per floor. 22 parking spaces will be provided in a below grade mechanized parking system.
Metro Reports: 1685 SE Umatilla, NW 13th and Glisan, 710 E Burnside and more

1685 SE Umatilla by Myhre Group Architects
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits. We publish the highlights.
Mackenzie have requested Design Advice for a project at NW 13th and Glisan:
Design Advice Request for a new 6-story mixed use building.
Polyphon Architecture and Design have requested Design Advice for a project at 710 E Burnside:
Proposed 11-story mixed use building.
Baysinger Partners have requested Early Assistance to discuss the conversion of a building at 8000 NE Tillamook:
Project will remodel the existing building with 33,100 sf grocery user, 51,000 sf office use and 50 residential units. Two new retail pad buildings will be constructed totaling 23,000 sf.
WDC Properties have requested Early Assistance to discuss a project at 233 NW 16th Ave:
Remove existing building. Construct a new multi-story mixed-use building with on site parking. Onsite storm water disposal. Intending to meet the community design standards.
Brett Schulz Architect has requested Early Assistance to discuss a project at 8307 N Ivanhoe St:
Proposed 3 story apartment building with 14 units and retail space. Wants to meet community design standards.
Robert Freeman Architecture have requested Early Assistance to discuss a project at 8150 N Lombard St:
Proposed two story apartment complex with 16 units, no onsite parking. Would like to meet community design standards.
A building permit was issued to Urban Development Group for a project at 1685 SE Umatilla:
New 4 story wood frame apartment building with underground parking ; basement parking to include new bike storage, trash enclosure, dog wash room, and 3 apartment units;
Building at NW 19th & Quimby goes before Design Commission (images)
SERA Architects have gone before the Design Commission with plans for a new mixed use building at NW 19th & Quimby. The project by Urban Asset Advisors would include 90 residential units, 2 live/work units at the ground floor and a 1,200 sq ft retail space. Parking for 50 cars would be provided, 34 of them in a mechanized system. Parking for 120 bicycles will be provided, primarily via racks located in the units. A common room and exterior roof terrace for the use of the residents will be provided at the 6th floor.
Weekly Roundup: Centennial Mills, 3rd & Taylor, Veritable Quandary and more

A sculpture park adjacent to the renovated Feed and Flour Mills was one of the options being explored for Centennial Mills by Harsch Investment Properties
With the fate of Centennial Mills uncertain, the Pearl District Neighborhood Association held a meeting to discuss the future of the site. Presenters included Jordan Schnitzer of Harsch Investment Properties, who had previously been selected as the developer for the property. The PDC allowed the memorandum of understanding between them and Harsch to expire in November, leaving open the possibility that all the buildings on site will be demolished. More information about the future of the property can be found at
Residents have started moving into the Union Apartments by GBD Architects, according to a story in The Oregonian.
Two historic buildings set to be demolished to make way for the 3rd and Taylor development have gained a temporary reprieve, according to the Portland Business Journal. The developers have agreed not to demolish the Ancient Order of United Workmen Temple or the Hotel Albion until at least April 30. The developers made the agreement with advocacy group Restore Oregon, who in return withdrew their appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals. A blog post at the Restore Oregon site states that “while the development team continues to assert that saving the buildings is not financially feasible, they have been engaging with Restore Oregon and others about options that could retain the Workmen Temple.”
A topping out ceremony was held for the 21-story Yard building, with 30 people in attendance including Congressman Earl Blumenauer. The Skylab designed project has been gaining a lot of attention lately due to the changes made between the design review process and the issuance of the project’s building permit. The Daily Journal of Commerce reported that the situation could lead to changes to the City’s design review process in response.
The Oregonian reported that the restaurant Veritable Quandary will close this summer in order to make way for the new Multnomah County Courthouse. The County will demolish the restaurant building. The adjacent Jefferson Station building, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, will remain.
The Willamette Week noted that Commissioner Steve Novick has called out environmental activists for failing to make the case that bigger and more dense housing can reduce car use.
The Portland Chronicle wrote that an apartment project proposed at 2915 SE Division St would likely see the demolition of a 106-year-old home.
Metro Reports: Home2 Suites , 1133 SW Market, 4455 SE 52nd and more

1133 SW Market, as presented to the Design Commission in March 2015
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits. We publish the highlights.
SERA Architects have requested Design Advice for a project at 205 NW 10th Ave:
Type III Design Review for a proposed new 11-14 story residential building with ground-floor retail and 96 below grade parking spaces.
Allusa Architecture have requested Early Assistance for a project at 1428 SE 19th Ave:
New 3-story apartment building w/basement.
Kōz Development have requested Early Assistance for a project at 1015 NW 16th Ave:
New 6-story,153-unit studio apartment building. Demo of 2 existing structures on site.
bkl/a architecture have requested Early Assistance for a project at 3336 SE Belmont St:
New 3-story mixed use building proposed to replace current building.
UrbanLens Planning have requested Early Assistance for a project at 6125 SE Division St:
New memory care facility building (14,000 sq ft) consisting of 18 private and 5 double units for a total of 28 beds/residents. Building to also include a dining area, courtyard, and support facilities. 42 structured parking spaces with at-grade entry.
YGH Architecture have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at 1122 SE Ankeny St:
Proposal is for construction of a new six story multi-residential building.
Mackenzie have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at 2800 NW Front Ave:
Pre-Application Conference to discuss a Type III Conditional Use Review, Type II Nonconforming Situation Review and Greenway Review and possible Type III Greenway Goal Exception Review. The applicant is proposing to construct a new approx. 14,000 square foot headquarters office and make other site improvements on the existing Selzer Pump site. The proposal was discuss in a previous Early Assistance meeting – EA 15-219075. The applicant has submitted questions for staff response.
KMG Designs have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at 3926 SE 11th Ave:
New approximately 7,780 sq ft fellowship center. New trash enclosure and parking spaces at rear of building. Removal of existing curb driveway on SE 11th St
A Conditional Use Review has been submitted by JRA Architecture & Planning for the Home2 Suites by Hilton @ Portland Airport at 7101 NE 82nd Ave:
Construct a 99 guest room four story suites hotel . Remove existing restaurant and meeting room.
SERA Architects have submitted a project at 1133 SW Market St for Design Review:
Construct 14-story apartment building with 146 market rte units. Mechanical parrking for 21 parking stalls is located on the ground floor.
Rainier Pacific Development have submitted a project at 4455 SE 52nd Ave for building permit review:
New mixed use building, ground floor retail, 64 units, on-site parking, landscaping and utilities
TVA Architects have submitted a project at 1313 SE Lambert St for building permit review:
New 4 story 19 unit apartment building, main floor to include trash room and electrical room; with associated site work
Design Commission reviews OHSU Center for Health and Healing South (images)
ZGF Architects have gone in front of the Design Commission with proposals for the OHSU Center for Health and Healing (CHH) South. The two block development will include a 15 story, 378,160 sq ft ambulatory hospital and research building on South Waterfront Block 29. A skybridge will connect the new building to the existing Center for Health and Healing, located directly to the north. On Block 28 an 11 story patient housing and parking garage structure will be built.
Weekly Roundup: Toyoko Inn, Post Office redevelopment, Legacy Central Lab and more

SW 3rd & Oak, the planned location of a Toyoko Inn
The Oregonian reported that the board of the Portland Development Commission approved the terms of a Purchase and Sale Agreement for the United States Post Office site in the Pearl District. The City will pay $88 million to acquire the 13.4 acre site.
At the same meeting, the PDC board also approved the sale of a site at SW 3rd and Oak to Toyoko Inn. The Japanese hotelier plans to build a 300 to 400 room hotel on the site, which would be the company’s first West Coast location.
Demolition crews have begun work at the former home of the Oregon Ballet Theater. The building is demolished to make way for the Modera Belmont apartments.
Places over Time published their analysis of 2015 in Portland architecture and development.
The Portland Business Journal reported that despite an ongoing lawsuit, Metro still expects that the Convention Center Hotel will open in 2018.
Demolition is underway on the former Plaid Pantry and Sammy’s Flowers on NW 23rd and Glisan, according to the Portland Chronicle. The buildings will be replaced by a new Restoration Hardware. Revised designs for the project will be presented to the Historic Landmarks Commission on January 25th.
Legacy Health held a grand opening for its new Legacy Central Lab building in the Lloyd District. The 62,000 sq ft building sits on a site previously used as a surface car park.
The Oregonian reported that builders are weighing lifting their opposition to overturning Oregon’s 17 year old ban on inclusionary zoning.
The Portland Business Journal reported that the Ballou & Wright building in the Pearl is set to undergo a $10 million makeover into creative office space. The historic structure was most recently used as Hanna Andersson’ headquarters. The children’s clothing retailer recently moved to a building in Kerns.
The Iron Fireman building at 4784 SE 17th will be converted into creative office space, according to the Portland Journal. The 115,000 sq ft was most recently home to aircraft parts manufacturer PECO Manufacturing, who have moved to a site in Clackamas County.
Focus: 25 Office Buildings Planned for Portland

Pearl West by Hacker / GBD Architects, the first new office building to break ground in the Central City after the recession
While Portland has long been considered a desirable place to live, it has traditionally lagged its suburbs—Washington County particulary—in income and job growth. Following the recession this appears to have changed. Employers increasingly desire a location in central Portland. As commercial vacancy rates have dropped and rental rates gone up there has been a sudden influx of new office proposals.
The vast majority of these are speculative projects, where the developer starts work on the project without a specific tenant in mind. Only three of the buildings—the Daimler Trucks North America HQ, the Multnomah County Health Department HQ and the Seven Corners Community Collaborative—are planned for a specific end user.
Click through to see our roundup of the major projects going on right now, arranged in no specific order. Where a significant portion of the building will be used for functions other than office, the area of the office floors alone has been given. Note that the area of any building may not be directly comparable to another due to differences in methods for how floor area is calculated.
Design Commission approves 1400 Raleigh (images)
The Design Commission has approved 1400 Raleigh, a 6-story apartment building at the corner of NW 14th Ave. and Raleigh St. at the far north end of the Pearl District. The building by Encore Architects and Alliance Realty Partners will include 136 apartments on the upper floors and 11 live/work units and a retail space on the ground floor.