The Truman Apartments by In Situ Architecture
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of Early Assistance applications, Land Use Reviews and Building Permits. We publish the highlights.
Early Assistance has been requested by J. Karman Architect for a project at 5931 SE 52nd Ave:
Early Assistance to discuss public works requirements for new one story commercial building on a site that used to be an old service station.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 8155 NE Air Cargo Rd:
Develop the site with 2 QSR restaurants, 1 coffee stand w/drive-throughs on all 3, and a 11mdp fuel station w/associated kiosk. Proposal includes 3 new drive accesses to the site.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 4806 SE 16th Ave:
Demolish existing buildings and build a self-storage facility
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 6100 NE Columbia Blvd:
New Plaid Pantry
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Fosler Portland Architecture to discuss a project at 833 SW Naito Parkway:
Renovate night club, add partial 2nd floor and partial roof deck.
SERA Architects have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at 205 NW 10th Ave:
Pre-Application Conference to discuss a Type III Design Review for a proposed new 11-14 story residential building with ground-floor retail and 96 below grade parking spaces.
No exterior elevations were submitted.
SERA Architects have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at 1431 NW 17th Ave:
Proposal is for a six story market rate apartment building with below grade parking in basement.
Delta Studios Architecture & Planning have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at SW College & 13th:
Proposed 5-story apartment building
A demolition permit has been issued for a building at 535 NW 11th Ave, due to be replaced by The Dianne:
Demolition of existing 1-story Jim Stevens Autobody structure
A building permit is under review for The Truman apartments at 1515 SE 44th Ave:
New construction-new 4story mixed use building with 30 residential units
A building permit is under review for a project at SE 18th & Madison:
New (12) unit 3 story apartment building with parking garage and courtyard
A building permit is under review for a project by Urban Development Group at 2913 SE Stark St, formerly the location of Starky’s Restaurant and Bar:
Construct new 3 story (46 unit) apartment building with associated site work
Just what we need, more shifty windows! In general the image at the top by Situ Architects is a decent design, but I feel like this shifty window trend is going to look terribly dated in a year from now. It seems like every new project has this same concept. Time for something new, or something more timeless.
Lucas I could not agree more. We have too many designers doing shifty facades when they do not posses the talent to execute it well. We need more straightforward designs with quality materials. Too often we are seeing busy/shifty designs to compensate for cheap budgets and lack of design talent.
On another note:
The SERA pre-app for 205 NW 10th is confirmation every low rise building in the Pearl has a target on its back. If we don’t put on the brakes soon the original part of the Pearl will become like the North Pearl–a stale monochromatic collection of buildings all from the same vintage with no character, texture or human scale. Good Urban Design should compel us to protect special districts of quality low rise buildings and allocate other areas for concentration of high rise. Currently our code says tear anything you want down and build to max height/profit regardless of impact. Haven’t we had of enough of this mentality? Go North to Seattle to the see the results of this.
What is encompassed in 205 NW 10th? Pearl Printing, the rug store, Aztec Signs, former Euro Motors? I’m unclear.
Bruce – 205 NW 10th legal parcel is just the Kush Rug store and Printing Shop of 5,000 sq. ft. (1/8th block) I’m guessing they will acquire the 5,000 sq. f.t next door where Aztec Signs is. I can’t see how they can go 11-14 stories on 1/8th block. Jimmy Maks and Euro Motors are each 5,000 sq ft. parcel owned separately. I recently asked a local prominent Pearl developer if he thought our quality low rise buildings are in danger and he said no because there are so many small parcel owners (ironically at his presentation to tear down a low rise building to build a 14 story apartment tower despite confessing his love for many of the small buildings in the Pearl) Clearly this is view is naïve. It is clear every low rise building in the Pearl has a target on its back. Even those with historic designation as we now know the city will allow this designation to be removed by the property owner. Clearly we need to update our codes to counter balance the prevailing winds of market boom and greedy opportunism. This is not anti development. This is pro mixed and balanced development.
The pre-apps don’t normally get published so quickly, but the one for 205 NW 10th is already up at https://www.portlandoregon.gov/bds/article/556130. It looks like the site is the 3/8 of block facing NW 10th Ave.
Thanks for the information. I agree we need to have a mix of old and new buildings vice all of the same vintage. I wish there was a more developed market for air rights. That mechanism seems work in New York to preserve old buildings. NYC also has much more aggressive historical district designations.
This is the second recent 3/8 block proposal. The other recent was Couch9. It leaves a massive awkward blank party wall. and a remaining 1/8 block parcel that will be tough to develop. this is a very bad precedent. Not to mention we may be losing Jimmy Maks… This is not progress for the Pearl…