A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by GBD Architects to discuss a new mixed use building at NW 23rd & Savier. The four story building would include ground floor retail, with 35 residential units above. The new building would wrap around an existing building that was occupied by Besaw’s restaurant until May of this year. A new covered restaurant seating area is shown in between the existing building and the new structure. 24 mechanical parking spaces are proposed, while 5 existing retail parking spaces will be retained at the north side of the site.
Monthly Archives: October 2015
New Hotel Planned for E Burnside and SE 9th Ave
A new hotel by Works Partnership has been proposed for the corner of E Burnside and SE 9th Ave. The 6 story building would include ground floor retail and restaurant uses, a second floor indoor/outdoor event space and four floors of hotel rooms. With projections of 8′ over the street, the building would be the latest addition to the lower Burnside arcade district, which includes both historic buildings and new buildings such as Works Partnership’s own office.
Metro Reports: New Market Theater, Block 75 Phase II, 1502 NW 19th and more

1502 NW 19th Ave
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of early assistance applications, land use reviews and building permits. We publish the highlights.
Ankrom Moisan Architects have requested Design Advice for 1430 NW Glisan St:
Type III Design Review for the construction of a 270,000 sq. ft., 15-story residential tower, with approx. 250 units. 5,500 sf of ground floor Retail. A below-grade parking structure will provide 200 spaces. The applicant intends to transfer FAR potential from the 4,300 sq. ft. lot directly north of the site. Bonus FAR for the residential development will also be utilized.
Works Partnership have requested Design Advice for Block 75 Phase II:
Design Advice Request for a 19-story mixed use tower.
Dominek Architecture have requested Early Assistance for a project at 2423 SE 58th Ave:
Proposal is for new six unit apartment development, two buildings, on-site parking, amenity bonus for additional unit, new water and sewer connections.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 12045 N Parker Ave:
Construction of a new commercial retail restaurant with parking lot improvements.
Urban Development Group have requested Early Assistance for a project at 3701 SE Caruthers St:
New 4 story mixed use building, Approximately 2000 sq ft retail & 30 apartments.
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled to discuss a project at NW 13th & Glisan:
Pre-application conference for a new 6-story mixed use building.
SERA Architects have scheduled a Pre-Application discuss an addition to the New Market Theater at 50 SW 2nd Ave:
New 4 story mixed use creative office building addition to the New Market Theater Historic Building.
SERA Architects have submitted 1502 NW 19th Ave for Design Review:
New mixed-use building with 1 ground level retail space and stacked (mechanical) parking (50 spaces). The upper floors will contain 90 residential units. Six stories total.
A building permit is under review for a project at 1841 N Lombard St:
New 3 story – 18 unit apartment building – with associated site utilities and landscaping-attached trash enclosure
Going tall: new projects complete the north Pearl District
There are few neighborhoods in Portland that have seen more changes in recent decades than the Pearl District.
Today the Pearl has evolved from what The Oregonian described in 1994 as “a decaying portion of Northwest Portland once devoted to industry and transportation” into a mixed-use neighborhood with thousands of residents, large offices and numerous shops and restaurants. Despite the huge changes, architects and developers working in the early phases of large development in the neighborhood were often responding to the historic context of one of Portland’s older neighborhoods: Couch’s Addition was platted in 1842; the North Park Blocks were acquired by the City in 1869; and many of the warehouses in the NW 13th Ave Historic District date back to the early 20th Century. Developments such as the Brewery Blocks or the Ecotrust incorporated historic buildings, while new condominiums mimicked their aesthetic. While little of the industry that once defined the area is left today, one of the charms of the neighborhood is the juxtaposition of high rises such as the Casey and historic low rises such as the Bullseye Glass Building.
Further north in the Pearl there was less context to respond to. Much of the developable land was former railway yards, and the warehouses along NW 13th Avenue were more often single-story concrete structures rather than charming brick buildings. As development started to cross Lovejoy—once an elevated ramp leading to the Broadway Bridge—planners and neighborhood activists started to wonder if the North Pearl might develop in a different way. Instead of the bulky full block developments that had been built on some blocks south of Lovejoy, it was proposed that the developers might be allowed to build taller, but narrower.
In 2008 the Zoning Code was amended to incorporate a provision that exists nowhere else in the City: in the North Pearl Height Opportunity Area there are no maximum building heights for buildings with narrow floor plates.
…continue reading our guest post at Portland Architecture.
Pre-Application Conference scheduled for Oliver Station in Lents (images)
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled to discuss Oliver Station, a mixed use development in Lents by Ankrom Moisan Architects for developer Palindrome Communities. The project would include 130 residential units, with a mix of one and two bedroom apartments. Ground floor commercial space is proposed, facing both SE Foster Rd and 92nd Ave.
Weekly Roundup: PDX Concourse E Extension, Grant High Modernization, Redd on Salmon Street and more

Portland International Airport Concourse E Extension
The Oregonian published images of the Portland International Airport Concourse E Extension, which will be used by Horizon Air. As part of a large project, Alaska Airlines will move from the south side of the airport to the north, while United will relocate from the north to the south.
Portland Architecture made the case for the preservation of Veteran’s Memorial Coliseum, as new study has come out with multiple options for the building.
The Portland Business Journal reported that the office space in Park Avenue West is now entirely leased, with Morgan Stanley taking the final two available floors. Leasing has also begun on the apartment units.
Mahlum have been selected as the architects for the Grant High School Modernization, according to the Hollywood Star News. Construction on the project is scheduled to begin in 2017.
The latest retail tenant at the LL Hawkins and Slabtown Marketplace is the Consolidated Community Credit Union, reported the Portland Business Journal.
A four story, 30 unit mixed use building is proposed for 1515 SE 44th Ave. The Portland Chronicle looked at the existing house on the site, which may or may not be demolished as part of the project.
Thomas Robinson of Lever Architecture was interviewed on OPB’s ‘Think Out Loud’ about Framework, the planned 12 story wood building set to go up in the Pearl.
The Redd on Salmon Street has won a design award for resilience, according to the Portland Business Journal.
The Portland Chronicle covered the history of an industrial building in Sellwood at 8222 SE 6th Ave, set to be replaced by a mixed use development.
Construction on The Ella in South Waterfront is moving into its final phases, according to the Portland Business Journal. The 6 story building utilized a pre-fabricated wood framing system, which minimized construction waste on site.
Design Commission approves The Woods by SolTerra (images)
The Design Commission has approved The Woods, a 6 story mixed use building proposed for the Eliot neighborhood by the sustainably minded design-build company SolTerra. The building will include 50 residential units and over 2,000 sq ft of retail space. Parking for 13 vehicles and 60 bicycles is proposed.
Historic Landmarks Commission discusses Restoration Hardware (images)
The proposed Restoration Hardware store on NW 23rd has returned for a third Design Advice hearing in front of the Historic Landmarks Commission. The proposed store by Ankrom Moisan Architects will be modeled on the furniture store’s ‘Gallery’ concept, as used at the recently opened West Hollywood store. Furniture would be display in a series of linked rooms, as they might be in a house. At the top of the three story building a roof terrace will be used to display outdoor furniture.
Oregon Square returns before Design Commission (images)
Oregon Square has returned before the Design Commission for its second Design Review hearing, with a number of changes made in response a previous hearing held in August. The massive superblock development by American Assets Trust, GBD Architects and Place Studio landscape architects will include 940 residential units and 50,000 sq ft of retail, with a new public plaza at its center. Surrounding the plaza will be four buildings, varying in height from 11 to 30 floors. 908 below grade parking stalls will be provided in a below grade parking structure. Over 1,500 bike parking spaces will be provided for the use of residents, visitors and employees.
Metro Reports: Tesla Showroom, Restoration Hardware, Castlegate Apartments and more

The NW 23rd Ave Restoration Hardware, as shown at its third Design Advice Request hearing
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of early assistance applications, land use reviews and building permits. We publish the highlights.
Tesla Motors have requested Design Advice and scheduled a Pre-Application Conference for a project at 4330 SW Macadam Ave:
Take existing warehouse building and turn it into vehical sales, service and delivery center of Tesla vehicles.
Winterbrook Planning have requested Design Advice and scheduled a Pre-Application Conference for a renovation to One Pacific Square:
Renovation of existing One Pacific Square. Expanding ground floor lobby to include storefront commercial on Street frontages. New Landscaping.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 2645 SE 50th Ave:
New residential apartment building, with underground parking.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 4515 NE Fremont St:
Mixed use development to include 50 residential units over retail space and on-site parking.
Anrkom Moisan Architects have requested Early Assistance for a project at 6049 N Interstate Ave:
New 5 story apartment building. 129,772 sq feet 180 units. Tuck under parking with 60 spaces.
Early Assistance has been requested by Fosler Portland Architecture for a project at 1485 NE Alberta St:
New 4-story apartment building with commercial space, lobby on ground floor, 17 apartments abvoe.
Works Partnership have requested Early Assistance for a project at 4235 SE 17th Ave:
Project is proposal for two story residential with ltd retail on grd floor. Needed is written clarification on setback and landscape requirements to continue development.
Strata Land Use Planning have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at 606 NE 20th Ave:
TYPE 3 DESIGN REVIEW- To develop this site with a 6-story, 54 unit residential building. Ground floor parking and 1 retail space.
Studio 3 Architecture have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at 751 N Cook St:
New mixed use 5 story building with 50 parking spaces in rear. Commercial & residential units on ground floor, residential units above. Designed to meet Community Design Standards
Anrkom Moisan Architects have submitted the NW 23rd Ave Restoration Hardware for Design Review:
Design Review with 5 modifications to build a new 3-story retail development with rooftop terrace and basement parking garage.
A series of building permits are under review for the Castlegate Apartments at 3001 NE 148th Ave:
Construct new 3 story ( 8 unit) apartment building; building 1 of 7
Construct new 3 story ( 8 unit) apartment building; building 2 of 7
Construct new 3 story ( 8 unit) apartment building; building 3 of 7
Construct new 3 story ( 8 unit) apartment building with attached office building; building 4 of 7
Construct new 3 story ( 8 unit) apartment building; building 5 of 7
Construct new 3 story ( 8 unit) apartment building; building 6 of 7
Construct new 3 story ( 8 unit) apartment building; building 7 of 7
A building permit is under review for a project at 1640 SE Tacoma St:
New 4 story apartment building with 44 units and green roof. Ground floor contains (1) retail space and parking garage. No occupancy for retail space on this permit, interior trash area at parking garage level
A building permit is under review for a project by YBA Architects at 1208 SE Ankeny St:
Construct new 4story with basement, 27 unit apartment building; with associated site work
A building permit was issued to LRS Architects for the Cedar Sinai Park Addition at 6125 SW Boundary St:
Renovation of existing 53,000 sf nursing home with a 44,000 sf addition, new parking lot and site improvements
A series of building permits were issued to Jivanjee Circosta Architecture for a project at 14224 E Burnside St:
Building 1: new 3 story (13 unit) apartment buildilng with laundry and common room; with on site parking, site improvements and site amenities (sports court, play area, and court yard)
New 3 story (12 unit) apartment building
New 3 story (9 unit) apartment building
A building permit was issued to CIDA Architects for a project at 5624 SE 22nd Ave:
Construct new 3 story 15 unit apartment building; 5 units on each fl; with associated site work; and trash enclosure; sprinklers to be standard 13
A building permit was issued for a project at 1803 N Lombard St:
Construct new 3 story apartment building, 12 units, main floor single level units, 2nd floor units have upstairs, trash enclosure attached to east side of building, associated site work included
A building permit was issued for a project at 7007 NE Cornfoot Rd:
New 420,791 sf semi-conditioned shell building and associated site work. Tenant improvements will address conditioned spaces (comments)