Hacker Architects and Williams & Dame Development are planning a 4 story mixed use building at 9101 SE Foster Rd in Lents Town Center. The project would include ground floor commercial space, with residential units above. A public plaza would be created mid-block, facing onto SE Foster Rd. Parking for 28 vehicles is proposed at the rear of the site. The project is currently at the Pre-Application Conference stage, prior to the submission of Design Review drawings.
Williams & Dame were selected by the Portland Development Commission as the developer for Lents Town Center Property #3 (South) in January 2015. The PDC owned land at SE 91st and Foster is currently vacant. Oliver Station, another project in Lents with PDC involvement, also had a Pre-Application Conference earlier this month.
The optional Pre-Application Conference [PDF] was scheduled for October 20th. Before building permits are issued the project will be required to go through a Type II Design Review, where a decision is made by Bureau of Development Services staff.
Plans and Elevations
- Plan – Site
- Elevations – South and North
- Elevations – East and West
The Hacker project is absolutely hideous. I’m a resident of Lents and an architect as well. The Lents Town Center is an Urban site and we are being presented with a suburban Beaverton apartment complex. This is a huge disappointment coming from Thom Hacker’s office.
Gary, feel free to come down to the Lents Activity Center at 6:00 tomorrow night (October 27th) and weigh in.
Personally, I don’t see anything “hideous” about this elevation. I always reserve judgement for the final materials selection for the cladding. But, I think the elevation, overall, is appropriate for the site. And, it’s likely to change. They still have to go through design review.
I’m pretty confident Garrett will come up with a good final product. He’s already done some design and branding work in the neighborhood while working for Siteworks and that final product was excellent.
What makes you say this is a “suburban Beaverton apartment complex”? It’s hard to fully judge it based just on the plan and elevations but I’m very excited about it. In fact, this is the best design I’ve seen east of 82nd Ave in a very long time. Lents is due for some thoughtful design and this looks it responds to the site quite well. A three story mixed-use building with limited parking doesn’t scream “suburban” to me. It’s adding much needed density to a part of the neighborhood that has struggled to find development. Would you prefer another faux-historic cartoon by the likes of Myhre Group, LRS, SERA, etc?