Station Place Lot 5, as presented at Design Advice
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of early assistance applications, land use reviews and building permits. We publish the highlights.
Waterleaf Architecture have requested Design Advice for the Seven Corners Community Collaborative at 1949 SE Division St:
Proposed project is a four story commercial building consisting of one story of ground floor retail space and secured parking below three stories of office space.
Ankrom Moisan Architects have requested Design Advice for 930 SW 3rd Ave:
Design Advice Request for joint development of boutique hotel (157,700 GSF, 19-21 stories) and creative office (100,000 GSF, 10 stories). Office building area includes the rehabilitated Temple Building. Below-grade parking lot 43-100 cars, accessed from SW 3rd Ave. Stormwater treatment to be a combination of ecoroof and structured planters on the hotel Level 4 and office roof.
David Rodeback Architect has requested Design Advice and scheduled a Pre-Application Conference for a project at 2125 NE Hancock St:
8 apartment units are proposed in a new 2.5 story wood framed aparement building. 6 parking spaces (including one accessible space and 9 bike spaces are proposed in lower level garage. Density transferred for 3 units from the lot to the east.
Strata Land Use Planning have requested Early Assistance for a project at 8222 SE 6th Ave:
New development of a 5-6 story mixed use development. Retail on first floor. Residential on upper floors, with ground floor parking (approximately 40 spaces). Looking to meet Community Design Standards.
Urban Development Group have requested Early Assistance for a project at 2913 SE Stark St:
New 46 unit apartment building located on the CN1 zoned portion of the lot.
Early Assistance has been requested for a project at 1515 SE 44th Ave:
New 4 story mixed use residential development with ground floor retail, 30 units total.
Urban Development Group have requested Early Assistance for a project at 2023 NE 42nd Ave:
New 4 story mixed use building 1 commercial space, 29 residential units
SERA Architects have requested Early Assistance for a project at 2031 SW 10th Ave:
New 144-unit apartment building
SERA Architects have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at 1502 NW 19th Ave, previously reported to be a 76 unit building:
GBD Architects and THA Architecture have submitted Station Place Lot 5 for Design Review:
Type 3 Design Review with 2 Modifications, 1 Adjustment, 1 Minor Amendment to Master Plan
Soderstrom Architects have submitted a project at 6625 N Portsmouth Ave on the University of Portland campus for building permit review:
104,000 square foot dormitory, type is IIB construction. Four stories above grade(top story in attic) with a basement level beneath 1/3 of the building. Upper 3 stories are light gage steel bearing wall on a post tensioned concrete platform.
The first building permit for the PSU School of Business Administration was issued to SRG Partnership:
Reroute on site utilities, demo on site portion of sky bridge, remove exerior cladding of existing building, interior demolition.***40,000 SF multi-story addition, renovation of 52,000SF existing***
A building permit was issued for a project at 411 SE 14th Ave (previously 1324 SE Oak):
New 4 story wood frame apartment building with underground parking; basement parking to include new bike storage and trash enclosure
A building permit was issued for the RAM Apartments at 5075 SW 56th ave:
3 story, 22 unit multifamily apartment building. Detached trash enclosure, and sitework for parking area, and grading/utilities
Building permits were issued to THA Architecture for the Japanese Garden Expansion:
Japanese Gardens Expansion New Village House and Site Grading and Retaining Walls
New ticketing pavilion for cultural village expansion
New Garden House
New cafe to be built as part of new cultural village expansion
The 20E at NE Everett and 20th has finished construction. The New Seasons in NW is complete and open. The apartment at 27th and Ankeny looks like it will be done in about a week, and I believe the Portland Rock Gym extension is already done.
Thanks for the updates, Chris. Unfortunately there is no centralized list of when projects receive final inspection, so sometimes the map lags reality a bit. I will be doing a big update to the map soon with today’s projects.
No worries, just trying to help. I’ll also be biking past the Jefferson St Flats today when I detour to Trader Joes on my way home. It looked complete when I last looked at it from a distance, but I’ll confirm today 🙂
False alarm, that one isn’t quite done yet.
To piggy-back on the updates: the AC Hotel by Marriott (SW 3rd and Taylor) has begun construction, and the Janey II (NW 11th and Everett) is completed. Thanks for your amazing work on this project! I love reading it every day.
The 46 unit apartment building on SE Stark is another obscenely gross building that is out of character of the area where it is being built. Making Portland less livable one monstrosity at a time
That would have been true a couple of years ago, but now those type of buildings ARE the character of all of inner SE Portland. Muahahahaha.
And the insanity needs to stop before we have nothing left. Tired of Vic Remmer and other developers gutting our city.
I think we need to double the pace of construction. There are still so many vacant lots, surface parking lots and strip malls in inner SE Portland, which are such a waste of space in a high demand city like Portland. They could be used to increase close-in residential capacity rather than sitting vacant or serving as storage space for cars.
As far as livability goes, I recently moved into one of these “monstrosities”, and my livability shot way up. I live in closer biking distance from work, within walking distance of nightlife and amenities, and I have utilities and appliances that work far better than those in older apartment. Plus, the 60+ units in my building are units not being built as single family houses on the edge of suburbs, and the residents can enjoy the advantages of living in close in. If it wasn’t built, the existing residents would simply outcompete those living in an older complex and send them to the suburbs.
If you’ve ever visited a European city like Berlin or Munich, you’ll find these cities consist of little BUT 4-7 story apartments within a five mile radius of the city center. This is a superior way to build a city — far more convenient and efficient — and I’m glad to see American cities are finally moving toward that model. If you want to live around nothing but bungalows, then cities are obviously not to your taste.
Yes, but in European cities those little 4-7 story apartments are quality buildings. The stuff going up here is bad. They’re not built to last and ugly. That’s just like us though, right? We want density and better livability, but we don’t care about the cost.
Wow…did someone put a plastic gun to your head and ask you to write that?
The newer buildings going up in European cities actually look about the same as ours. We have this conception of European cities as hosting nothing but classical looking buildings, but those are merely the ones built in the 1800s that survived the war. Most of the new ones look nothing like that, unless they were purposefully built to look “old”. At any rate, I personally like the modern look, with a couple of exceptions.
Germany does have stricter building requirements than us, but that argument would apply to almost everything ever built in the US, including older historical structures that you probably like. For example, houses in Germany are made out this lime/sandstone concrete with metal rebar and almost never out of wood. Of course, construction costs are 2-3x that of an American house. So by German standards, Portland’s beautiful craftsmen houses are also cheap pieces of crap, not to mention the two-story wooden 60s and 70s era apartments which are far uglier than what’s currently being built, but which nobody seems to mind anymore. At least the new six story structures are built of reinforced concrete.
At any rate, those who oppose density have already lost this battle, and in five years, we will have 2-4x the existing number of 4-6 story apartments in inner SE and NE Portland, and they will regarded as completely normal by the general population. The attitude will be, “Well, we already have several hundred of them. If we still need to expand housing capacity, what’s a few more?” They won’t be regarded as “out of character” with the neighborhood. They’ll be seen as a part of said character.
Chris, I think we have more in common than you think. I’ve been to Europe and studied European housing. I was talking strictly about quality, not style. There are some good buildings going up around Portland, but they are far outnumbered.
My point was that we let developers get away with murder in the name of density. I see too many poorly-detailed, hardy-board clad buildings that are lost somewhere between “old” and “new” aesthetics. I agree that density is a very good thing for a growing city like Portland, and most of the single-family homes in inner SE are not worth saving. I wish the architecture community could band together and say no to the developers who want to take advantage of our housing shortage and put up the cheapest crap possible.
I really like the wood-clad housing project by THA on Division, the Holst office building at One North is really good, and I’m very excited about the Skylab housing project at the Burnside Bridgehead which is under construction. I even like a lot of WPA’s newer housing projects, even though the materials are on the cheaper side the design concept is really clear and elegantly executed.