The Design Commission has offered Design Advice for two new office buildings proposed for the Zidell Yards in South Waterfront. Zidell Blocks 4 and 6 are being designed by Lever Architecture, in collaboration with GBD Architects and landscape architects Place Studio. The buildings will be among the first to go ahead under a development agreement between the Zidell family and the City of Portland, which could see the public invest $23.8 million towards parks, roads and other improvements. Together with Zidell Block 1, expected to go before the Design Commission in the coming year, the buildings will by 2018 fulfill Phase I of the development agreement.
Monthly Archives: September 2015
Metro Reports: Broadstone Pearl, Faubion Elementary, Hallock & McMillen Building and more

Broadstone Pearl, as presented during Design Advice
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of early assistance applications, land use reviews and building permits. We publish the highlights.
TVA Architects have requested Early Assistance for a project at 442 NE Jessup St:
New 4-story V-A Multi family apartment w/13 units (studio and 1&2 bedroom mix). Landscape ROW improvements are included, including sidewalk improvement, where required. No parking provided.
TVA Architects have requested Early Assistance for a project at 4119 NE M L King Blvd:
New 4-story V-A Multi family apartment w/13 units (studio and 1&2 bedroom mix). Landscape ROW improvements are included, including sidewalk improvement, where required. No parking provided.
Studio 3 Architecture have requested Early Assistance for a project at 7924 SE Milwaukie Ave:
Add one building with four apartments behind existing house.
Iselin Architects have requested Early Assistance for a project at 8705 SE 13th Ave:
Demo existing industrial building and construct a new 4 story building with approx 6k sq of retail space at main level and 3 stories of apartments (24 units) above.
Holst Architecture have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss 1510 NE Multnomah:
Proposal is for multiple building mixed used development w/underground parking, private streets and pedestrian access corridors.
Ankrom Moisan Architects have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss Riverplace Parcel 3:
Proposal is for two towers on single site with a single level of parking below grade (173 spaces). One tower will be 6 stories with retail and grocery space at ground level and 5 levels of apartments (162 units.) second tower will be 12 stories with retail, residential amenities and parking for grocery (65 spaces) and ten stories of affordable apartments above for 204 units.
Encore Architects and Merryman Barnes Architects have submitted the Broadstone Pearl at 1400 NW Raleigh for Design Review:
6-story, 146-unit residential project with a small ground-level retail space, 73 parking spaces and 231 bike parking spaces. Also an Adjustment to loading and driveway locations.
LRS Architects have submitted a project at 1139 SW Morrison St for Design Review:
Type III Design Review for a new 6-story office building – 58,862 square feet. The project will include ground-floor retail and approx. 12-18 below-grade parking spaces.
Emerick Architects have submitted the renovation of the Hallock & McMillen Building for Historic Resource Review:
Full restoration & renovation or Historic 1857 Halloc & McMillen Building.
Boora Architects have submitted the Faubion Elementary School Rebuild for building permit review:
New three story, 133,000 sf pre kindergarten through 8th grade school with spaces for Concordia University college of education classrooms, offices, and community service partner organizations
A building permit is under review for the Holiday Inn Express at Cascade Station:
New 4 story, 107 room holiday inn express to include breakfast area, laundry room, fitness room, check-in/lifestyle lounge, covered patio, pool with patio and bike parking w/associated parking, utilities and landscaping. 189 sq foot detached trash enclosure
A building permit has been issued to EPR Design for a project at 12221 SE Kelly St:
Construct new 2 story, 41 room care facility (42 total beds) with elevator; main floor includes lobby, laundry room, kitchen, dining hall, activity room, offices and resident rooms; 2nd floor includes laundry room, acitivies room, salon and resident rooms, parking, bike parking and stormwater facilities included, detached covered trash enclosure is 120sf (exempt)
Weekly Roundup: Block 75 phase II, Hayashi Rowhomes, Chamberlain Hotel and more

The Hayashi Rowhomes by Hacker
Beam Development announced that they have bought the Chamberlain Hotel building, home to Shleifer Furniture for the last 80 years. They intend to return the building to its original use as a hotel.
The SE Portland gay bar and restaurant Starky’s has closed due to the retirement of its owners, reported the Portland Mercury. The building at 2913 SE Stark is due to be demolished and replaced with a 46 unit multifamily building.
The DJC published photos of the Hayashi Rowhomes, currently under construction on N Vancouver Avenue. The homes were designed by Hacker for developer Project^.
A buddhist center is rising on an old landfill, reported KGW. The Dharma Rain Center will be a “community of mixed housing, meditation hall and public green space”.
An expansion of the Portland Rock Gym makes it the city’s second largest climbing, according to the Portland Business Journal. Work on the expansion began in January and was recently completed.
At Portland Architecture Jeff Kovel of Skylab Architecture discussed Yard, currently rising at the Burnside Bridgehead.
Also at the Burnside Bridgehead, Beam Development revealed to the Portland Business Journal that Block 75 Phase II could be a 20 story wood tower.
The Portland Chronicle reported on three building in Beaumont-Wilshire that will be demolished to make way for a mixed use building at 4525 NE Fremont St.
Hollywood residents are concerned about the parking situation in the neighborhood as the Footprint Hollywood micro apartment building near completion, reported KATU.
Former Oregonian building at 1320 Broadway undergoing major renovation (images)
A major renovation of the former home of the Oregonian building at 1320 SW Broadway is about to get underway. Designs for the remodel have been prepared by architects Allied Works for Seattle based developer Urban Renaissance Group, who bought the building earlier this year. When complete the building will offer 165,000 sq ft of rentable office space, as well as up to 5 new ground floor retail spaces. Parking for 68 cars will be provided, 56 of which will be newly added in the basement. 200 “ride in ride out” bike parking spaces will be provided.
Focus: 20 new hotels proposed for Portland
When construction activity first started to return to Portland around 2012 it seemed like all that was being built was apartments. While residential still dominates the construction industry, other sectors of the market have started to return. In the last year there has been been a noticeable increase in the number of hotels proposed in Portland. Next Portland counts at least 20 hotels either proposed, going through Design Advice / Design Review, being reviewed for building permits or under construction. Together these represent over 3000 new rooms, a substantial number for a city that had 25,924 rooms in its metro area as of 2014.
It is unlikely that every single hotel on this list will be built; some of the Early Assistance application may represent property owners performing a feasibility study, and there is always the possibility of a downturn in the economy. Even still, it’s clear that Portland is going to have a substantially larger number of hotels in just a couple years. Click through to see the full list, arranged by number of rooms.
1 – Hyatt Regency at the Convention Center
Number of rooms: 600+
Architect: Ankrom Moisan Architects, ESG Architects
Status: Design Advice
Design Advice offered for the Field Office (images)
Design Advice has been offered to Hacker Architects (formerly known as THA Architecture) for the Field Office on NW Front Ave. The scheme for developer Project^ will include two office buildings, designed to sit in a restored landscape where the architects state that “people are connected to nature at all times”. Together the two buildings will offer 270,000 sq ft of office, ground floor retail and amenity space, as well as underground parking for 221 vehicles.
Metro Reports: hotel on Burnside, mixed use in Lents, office on Front Ave and more

1320 Broadway, formerly home to the Oregonian
Every week, the Bureau of Development Services publishes lists of early assistance applications, land use reviews and building permits. We publish the highlights.
Works Partnership have requested Design Advice and scheduled a Pre-Application Conference for a project at 910 E Burnside:
Proposal is to build a 6 story structure with restaurant/retail on ground floor, indoor/outdoor event space on second floor and four floors of hotel units.
Skylab Architecture have requested Design Advice for a structure that would like Yard at the Burnside Bridgehead to Sideyard:
Design Advice Request for a Type I Skywalk spanning between Blocks 67 & 76 off of East Burnside
Scott Edwards Architecture have requested Early Assistance for a project at 1451 NE Alberta:
Redevelopment of a three-story, mixed-use building with a warm-shell commercial space of the ground floor. 2 levels of residential above (10) one-bed/one-bath units, while preserving the existing building facade. Checking that no stormwater improvements are required – since they are redeveloping.
GPA Architects have requested Early Assistance for a project at 3131 N Columbia Blvd:
2-story office building with support spaces for manufacturing facility
GBD Architects have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at 2301 NW Savier St:
Pre-application conference for a Type III DZ review for a new 4-story mixed use building.
Carleton Hart Architecture have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project at 8710 N Dana Ave:
New Group living facility – Supportive Living for youth phasing out of foster care. Proposal is for 15 unit group living structure.
Hacker (previously THA Architecture) have scheduled a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a project on Lents Town Center Property #3 (South) at 9101 SE Foster Rd:
4-story mixed use development with ground floor commercial. Approximately 28 Parking Spaces
Ankrom Moisan Architects have applied for a Conditional Use Review for a project at 1300 NE 16th Ave:
Combine parking lot for hpp 1300 NE 16th Ave. Directly adjacent house to be demolished at 1716 NE Clackamas St. Proposal is for new two story 10-plex independent living apartments to be built over below grd parking. With 4 adjustments
Hacker (previously THA Architecture) have submitted the Field Office at 2030 NW 17th Ave for Design Review:
Type 3 Design Review w/2 modifications for two 5-6 story office buildings above a “park” that creates a central garden/plaza, lobby areas, retail spaces, and building amenitites.
Allied Works Architecture have submitted 1320 Broadway for building permit review:
Core and shell renovation of existing full block Oregonian building. Partial change of occupancy, convert basement offices to parking. New entrances and windows, new ramp to parking. Reinforce mezzanine for live loads, new opening in elevator shaft for new stop. Relocate existing generator. New restrooms, locker rooms, and showers.
A building permit has been issued for a project at 6518 SE Division St:
New 3-story apartment building with 9 units, detached 71 sq ft fenced trash enclosure, parking lot and associated site work. No truss package provided
A building permit has been issued to Dustrud Architecture for a project at 2605 NE 7th Ave:
6-story, 68 unit multifamily apartment (5 over 1) with 1 story 43 cars/75 bikes underground parking.
A grading permit has been issued to Opsis Architecture for the Oregon Zoo Education Center:
Site work for new Oregon Zoo Education Center. Demo 3 buildings (see separate permits),demo existing below grade utilities and site prep for future buildings related to new education center.
Weekly Roundup: 12 story wood building, Towne Storage, Zidell Blocks 4 & 6, and more

The proposed 12 story wood building by Beneficial State Bank at 430 NW 10th
The Oregonian reported that a planned 12 story tall wood building at 430 NW 10th in the Pearl has been awarded a $1.5 million grant by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The building by Lever Architecture for Beneficial State Bank will utilize Cross Laminated Timber, a structural system that has been proven elsewhere but has been little used in the USA. The USDA grant will help in covering the cost of getting the system approved under the building codes in place in Oregon.
Eater PDX reported that Northwest Portland institution Besaw’s will reopen in time for the holidays, at the LL Hawkins apartment building on Conway Block 296.
At Portland Architecture Brian Libby looked into the fate of Centennial Mills, and asked whether it will be the next historic landmark in Portland to be demolished.
The Portland Business Journal published the first renderings of Zidell Blocks 4 and 6. The two office buildings by Lever Architecture / GBD Architects are scheduled to go before the Design Commission for Design Advice this coming Thursday.
A major renovation and seismic upgrade is planned for the Towne Storage Building. The Portland Business Journal reported that the project will create over 100,000 sq ft of creative office space. A story in the Portland Mercury noted that 52 existing business and 180 renters with mini storage units will be evicted from the building.
A redevelopment of the former Premier Press building at 1440 Hoyt will add 4 new floors to the building, reported the Portland Business Journal. When complete the project will include 75,000 sq ft of Class A office space. A Design Review hearing for the project is scheduled for October 1st.
Mayor Hales is “bullish” on plans to buy the Post Office site in the Pearl, reported KOIN. Conceptual ideas for how the site might be developed were recently released as part of the Broadway Corridor Framework Plan.
Construction is underway on the remodel of the building formerly home to The Oregonian, originally designed by noted architect Pietro Belluschi. When reopened 1320 Broadway will include areas with ceilings up to 28′ high, reported The Portland Business Journal.
The Daily Journal of Commerce published construction photos of Riverscape Lot 8.
The Portland Habilitation Center recently completed work on an apartment complex at 17199 SE Division St, reports the Portland Tribune. By keeping costs low, the buildings were built for $65,000 a unit; far below the $200,000 a unit cost typically associated with publicly funded affordable housing. In the article Rob Justus of the PHC asks why the Portland Housing Bureau hasn’t gotten behind their alternative method for delivering affordable housing.
Pre-Application Conference scheduled for SW 3rd & Taylor (images)
A Pre-Application Conference has been scheduled by Ankrom Moisan Architects to discuss a nearly full block development at SW 3rd & Taylor. The project would include a new 19-21 story hotel, as well as 100,000 sq ft of office space. The project would incorporate the Ancient Order Of United Workmen Temple building at SW 2nd & Taylor. Between 43 and 100 parking spaces are proposed, to be accessed from SW 3rd Ave.
Historic Landmarks Commission reviews Grove Hotel (images)
The Historic Landmarks Commission has reviewed designs for the renovation and expansion of the Grove Hotel. The project will include the renovation and seismic upgrade of the existing building fronting onto W Burnside, as well as the construction of a new 99′ tall tower to replace the existing theater addition. The addition would have the lobby and main entrance to the hotel at the ground level, and a rooftop restaurant at the 9th floor. New retail spaces would be created on the ground level of the original building, and a basement level “speakeasy” will be accessed from NW 5th Ave. The architectural design is by Portland based Surround Architecture with New York based Studio Tack acting as design consultants.